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WoW WotLK...

Baseball vs. Golf (nu sunt prea dezvoltate in Romania, dar...)
golf am vazut cum jucau baietii golf cu o pisica saracaSad

pisica vs sobolan batran

Yahoo! Messenger vs MSN Grin
Yahoo! Messenger

Suc acidulat vs Apa minerala
Suc acidulat

mafiot vs gangster (stiu ca au intelesul aproape identic, dar...)
gangsteroid lawl
gothic fg vs gothic 3 Grin
gothic 3

si acuma una fara raspuns(cel putin asa cred eu)=))

Rambo vs Chuck Norris(orice personaj din orice filmGrin)
Aaaaaaa ...Chuck Norris

Gothic 4 vs. Risen

Phiranhia bittes vs Spellbound
Piranha-Bytes, deocamdata...

vals vs balet Haha