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Libertate internetului! - Printable Version +- World of Gothic - Forum (https://worldofgothic.ro/forum) +-- Forum: The tavern (https://worldofgothic.ro/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: By the Campfire (https://worldofgothic.ro/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=2) +--- Thread: Libertate internetului! (/showthread.php?tid=1989) |
Libertate internetului! - Zamolxis1 - 01-19-2012 am ales mud's area deoarece nu avea rost sa incarc by campfire cu o alta porcarie. Ce spuneti despre masurilor care vor sa le ia Sopa? Eu zic ca sunt niste porcarii pentru ca nu numai ca ne vor lua libertatea internetului, dar pirateria nu o vor distruge niciodata orice ar fi...pentru ca piratii exista oriunde in lume, pot sa zic ca 99% dintre cei care au calculator au descarcat software fara licenta. Si in plus daca masurile vor fi luate, minecraft cica va trebui sa ramana la ultimul update, niciunul in plus. Citizens of the United States. We are ANONYMOUS. There is a new bill that the United States government has successfully passed. It is called the Stop Online Piracy Act, or (SOPA) for short. Also known as The Protect IP Act of 2011. The US Congressional Budget Office estimates that implementation of the bill would cost the federal government 47 million dollars through 2016. Translated into plain english, It will cost tax payers 47 million dollars over the next 4 years. The SOPA act will censor you from accessing certain websites and block all access to other areas of the internet that the United States government does not want you to access. The SOPA act essentually means, that even if you make a video of your child playing or singing and you have music playing in the background, or video on TV, you are breaking the law, and the government will order the websites that host your content to censor your content because of their new bill. Or if you visit websites that are on servers not in the United States you will be blocked so that you cannot access them. Ask yourselves, Who really owns the internet? The answer is simple: no one actually owns the Internet, and no single person, organization or government controls the Internet in its entirety. It is more of a concept than an actual tangible entity, and the Internet relies on a physical infrastructure that connects networks to other networks. There are many organizations, corporations, governments, schools, private citizens and service providers that all own pieces of the infrastructure that make up the internet, but there is no one entity that owns it all. How can the US government decide to block access to parts of the internet that the US government does not even own? The SOPA act is a direct violation to people's right to freedom of knowlege and information, And for that violation the United States government is a disgrace to the land of the free, The free that every United States soldier has fought or died for. The United States government is essentually telling the people of the United States that they are free to do as the government tells them. If people do not follow their rules they will arrest them for making an attempt to learn. But the government will tell the media that these people are getting arrested for acts of treason, domestic terrorism, or internet piracy. As for the United States government. Who gave you the right to regulate the people's right to think outside the box and use the internet as they see fit? If we cut off global internet, shouldn't we also cut off all foreign affairs? Should we hinder globalization completely? Perhaps all other World Trade Centers are acts of terrorism by existing, as they use the Internet for commerce. The ambiguity of this bill should terrify you. This video likely will not last long on Youtube. As long as you can, download Youtube Downloader, and help us share this message. If you speak, they have to listen. If they do not listen, Their blatant disregard for the people will not go un-noticed, and is not acceptible. Doing nothing is the worst thing you can do. We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us Parerea celor de la Anonymous...si ce inseamna aceasta nenorocita de lege...care ne va lua singurul loc in care mai putem fi liberi si cat de cat inafara acestor mediocrii care vor sa detina si sa manipuleze totul...chiar si pe soacra lor din mormant. nu e destul ca detin tot globul, vor mai mult! RE: Libertate internetului! - Szekemri - 01-19-2012 Pai o multime de site-uri mari protesteaza... RE: Libertate internetului! - Warhell - 01-20-2012 Nu o sa se intample nimic... RE: Libertate internetului! - Zamolxis1 - 01-23-2012 Oricum pe noi europenii s-ar putea sa nu ne afecteze, asta depinde de UE. RE: Libertate internetului! - Warhell - 01-23-2012 Eram sigur. SOPA si PIPA au pierdut batalia, va pierde si razboiul curand. RE: Libertate internetului! - Bv0595 - 01-23-2012 Huuooo jos SOPA jos PIPA jos cretinismul American Sper ca nu am fost rasist. Oricum mi se pare o porcarie SOPA pentru ca internetul a fost creat pentru a ne putea exprima liber nu pentru ca o gasca de mosi corupti care nici nu stiu ce e ala internet sa cenzureze internetul. Pe scurt JOS SOPA!!!!!!!! RE: Libertate internetului! - Warhell - 02-01-2012 Romania a semnat ACTA. In iunie aflam ce se va intampla. Parlamentul Europei va decide soarta internetului. RE: Libertate internetului! - Carnage - 02-01-2012 Let`s download like hell. RE: Libertate internetului! - Kristi - 02-01-2012 (02-01-2012, 09:17 PM)Carnage Wrote: Let`s download like hell. I'm with you bro ![]() RE: Libertate internetului! - Szekemri - 02-01-2012 Eu unul recunosc că sunt ciudat rău de tot când e vorba de piraterie. Verbal şi psihic nu sunt de acord cu ea, însă o folosesc fără a avea resentimente. |