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Faze comice - Printable Version

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RE: Faze comice - Warhell - 08-23-2011

Ce mi-a placut sfarsitul ultimului episod Haha

BTW: Deoarece a facut reclama forumului, este SIGUR ca e un membru al forumului, dar care?Haha

RE: Faze comice - g3orge13 - 09-03-2011


RE: Faze comice - Hegan - 02-02-2012

Mie mi-a placut atunci cand eroul se intalneste cu Diego:

- Eu sunt Diego.

-Eu sunt...

-Nu-mi pasa!Haha

RE: Faze comice - soul of darkness - 02-03-2012

sau in gothic 2 cand i duci lu bospor un skin de trol cica la el

-What the Hell is this skin Haha)))

RE: Faze comice - Szekemri - 02-05-2012

Ironia lui Nameless e cea mai tare dupa mine. Smile Inca imi aduc aminte de ea.

RE: Faze comice - Szekemri - 02-05-2012

L-am mai pus odata, dar nu pot sa ma stapanesc. E prea tare.

"Once upon a time there was this Rhobar dude he was a like king or something and he was like "These orcs are pissin' me off, they have to die" so anywayz i was like " ooh no you can't kill them they're nice and they're green and funneh. Omg they, they are good drinking buddies"

"Mine is the biggest. Mine is easy to find. It's just a few meters."

"What title do I earn by defeating them (bestiile din drumul catre old camp)?"
- "The most powerful man in the colony..."
- "That's not the same as 'pirate' though!"

"We'll meet in the 'Old Camp'. At the gay castle there's a man called Thorus..."

Guybrush Trepwood Haha

RE: Faze comice - Faby - 02-05-2012

Un pic de promovare D:

RE: Faze comice - Szekemri - 02-05-2012

Il stiu, il vazusem pe canalul tau mai demult. Finalul e genial. Haha

RE: Faze comice - Robi - 07-25-2012

Intr-o discutie cu topitoru de aur din tabara banditilor:
-Topesti aurul?
La care raspnde:
-Nu, fierb legume. Normal ca topesc aurul.

RE: Faze comice - soul of darkness - 07-25-2012

Penal.Pe mine in Montera ma pus un Rebel sa omor Vacile de la ferma =))