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Personaj vs. Personaj - Printable Version

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RE: Personaj vs. Personaj - alexbaros - 10-03-2010

frate,asta e veche Haha
Last friday night vs california girls

RE: Personaj vs. Personaj - Carnage - 10-03-2010

california girl

cry me a river vs summer love

RE: Personaj vs. Personaj - alexbaros - 10-03-2010

cred ca cry me a river ca paia no stiu singura mel care o stiu cu summer e summer song a lu joe satriani
Carnage vs Batman

RE: Personaj vs. Personaj - Carnage - 10-03-2010

Carnage evident Grin

justin timberlake vs joe satriani

RE: Personaj vs. Personaj - alexbaros - 10-03-2010

joe satriani evident :X:X:X
mircea badea vs basescu Haha

RE: Personaj vs. Personaj - Carnage - 10-03-2010

mircea badea rulzzzz

yo vs mircea badea Haha (in gura)

RE: Personaj vs. Personaj - alexbaros - 10-03-2010

pai asta e cam greu de spus ca nu te stiu chiar asa de bine incat sa spun asta deci zic pass Haha
moderator vs member(member :X:X: )

RE: Personaj vs. Personaj - Carnage - 10-03-2010

hai moderator Grin

justin vs timberlake

RE: Personaj vs. Personaj - Z3R0 C00L - 10-04-2010


rromi vs francezi

RE: Personaj vs. Personaj - alexbaros - 10-04-2010

rromi ofc
jackie chan cand era mic vs chuck norris (asta e grea :O )