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Server rules
Server rules:
1.The server will only be roleplay!
2.You can choose your guild on forum, but you can choose on whose side you will be in game.
3.Superiors in rank can kick your mug if you don't listen to them. (Just in the barracks, if u have an order)
4.Foul language is forbidden. - Kick/Ban 1 day.
5.You must not kill anyone unless he's doing something bad while roleplaying, attacking, stealing. Murder rank/kic/ban 1 day.
6.You can get in the upper quarter just as a citizen. Just a little beating, but if you insist you can get kicked/banned.
7.You are not allowed run away from the barracks as a criminal, you will be punished.
8.Do not ask for rank upgrade. Ban.
9.The rebels' faces are unknown and they can sit in the city as normal people, you can't know who is rebel unless you find out in roleplay.
10.If someone dies in roleplay he cannot play for a day. Ban if he logs in.
11.If you kill someone for personal reasons and we investigate and find out you are the murder you will become a wanted criminal and the murdered player will have to wait a day to play again.
12.Minor crimes are rewarded with 2h-6h game time jail, normal crimes with 1day-3 days game time jail, serious crime to 1 week game time jail, if you escape somehow(bug or someone frees you) you can be killed, and will start from beggining, the one who freed you will start from begginnig too, if dies. Ban if you won't wait the jailtime ONLINE/start from begginning
13.You can only report an admin by overpower only with proof, only words won't be enough.
14.Every rank has his own duties, do your own. Downgrade if not doing yours.
1.Server-ul va fi doar roleplay!
2.Puteti alege guild-ul pe forum, dar pe cine sustineti doar in joc.
3.Trebuie sa ascultati de superiori(doar militia/mercenarii, cetatenii nu au de ce sa asculte de militieni, pot reclama), au dreptul sa va loveasca.
4.Limbajul vulgar e intrezis. Kick/Ban 1 day
5.Nu omorati pe nimeni decat daca incalca roleplay/fura/ataca(face ceva rau). Murder rank/Kick/Ban
6.Nu aveti acces in partea de sus a orasului decat ca cetatean. Doar o mica bataita, dar daca insistati puteti lua kick/ban
7.Criminalii nu au voie sa paraseasca baracile fara escorta, vor fi pedepsiti.
8.Nu cereti grad! Ban
9.Fetele rebelilor sunt necunoscute de garzi, asadar nimeni nu-i cunoaste si pot sta nestingheriti in oras.
10.Daca cineva moare in roleplay, nu poate juca o zi. Ban daca se logheaza in acest timp.
11.Daca omorati pe cineva din motive personale si investigand aflam ca dvs. l-ati omorat, veti deveni un criminal, iar acel jucator va trebui sa astepte o zi pentru a juca din nou.
12.Crimele minore sunt sanctionate cu 3h-6h timp in joc, cele medii cu 1zile-3zile, iar cele majore cu 1 saptamana, iar daca scapi cumva(bug sau te elibereaza cineva)militienii au dreptul sa te omoare si vei incepe de la 0, deasemenea si cel ce te-a eliberat, daca muriti bineinteles. Ban/incepi de la 0 daca nu iti petreci timpul in inchisoare ONLINE.
13.Adminii pot fi raportati doar cu dovezi, cuvintele nu ajung.
14.Toate gradele au treburi de facut, faceti-le pe ale voastre. Downgrade daca nu va faceti treaba.

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