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[JOC] Ce alegi?
cu bani nu faci nimic cu reputatia faci totusi cevaGrin

Avatar sau semnaturaGrin
Winnetou avea un VolksWagen, asa il chema pe cal

Trecut sau Viitor?
Viitor Grin

Gothic the beginnings sau Gothic Warsong ?care idee va incanta mai mult?
[Image: 242idki.png]
Gothic 2 Warsong. No offence...

Google Chrome sau Mozilla Firefox?
pana acum am folosit firefox, si m-am ofticat cand a adus fratemio chrome-ul, dar mi-am dat seama ca e mult mai bun, consuma mai putine resurse si se incarca mai repede.

google chrome

vara sau iarna
.Chorus Romance says Good Night.
vara, clar

stan sau bran?
Don't hate the player, hate the game
bran b-)

crawler sau andrey
.Chorus Romance says Good Night.
Ambii Haha

Close thread sau Stick Thread?
close thread

ufy sau woofy?
Don't hate the player, hate the game
ufy ca mie lene sa scriu woofy Haha

Gothic 1 sau Gothic 3
[Image: 242idki.png]

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