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Lista Coduri Gothic 3
Pentru a activa modul cheat urmati pasii:

- deschideti fisierul ge3.ini din folderul GothicIII/Ini
- schimbati TestMode=false in TestMode=true
- salvati, intrati in joc si apasati pe butonul ~ pentru a deschide consola.

Cod Rezultat

god invincibilitate
fullhealth viata plina
idkfa 100 bucati din fiecare item
defeat sa dai KO la NPC-ul selectat
kill sa omori NPC-ul selectat
spawn... insereaza un caracter in joc
version versiunea engine-ului
quit inchide jocul
history istoricul parolelor folosite
help arata informatie despre fiecare comanda
clear "curata" fereastra consolei
teach all invata toate skill-urile
teach STR/DEX/INT/HP/MP/SP/SMT/THF/ALC (si un numar)
audio.fAmbientVolume seteaza volumul ambientului
audio.fEffectVolume seteaza volumul efectelor
audio.fMasterVolume seteaza volumul master
audio.fMusicVolume seteaza volumul muzicii
audio.fVoiceVolume seteaza volumul vocilor

Cod Rezultat

F6 accelereaza/opreste timpul
F7 activeaza Slow Motion
NUM 7 OnIncEnclaveTheftCount
NUM 8 OnIncEnclaveMurderCount
NUM 9 OnIncPoliticalCrimeCount
F12 Quit Application
LEFT CTRL+S Toggle Global Stats
LEFT CTRL+M Toggle Memory Statistics
RIGHT CTRL+M Memory Statistics Snapshot
F1 Make Snapshot
F2 Toggle Fullscreen
F3 Toggle RenderMode
LEFT CTRL+NUM 1 Toggle AvS Solid
LEFT CTRL+NUM 2 Toggle AvS Object Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+NUM 3 Toggle AvS Pixel Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+NUM 4 Toggle Performance Solid
LEFT CTRL+NUM 5 Toggle Performance Object Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+NUM 6 Toggle Performance Pixel Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+O Toggle Object Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+P Toggle Pixel Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+C Toggle Color Mapping
LEFT CTRL+U Toggle Solid Plus Wireframe
LEFT CTRL+G View Gamekeys
LEFT CTRL+R Toggle Rays
LEFT CTRL+F4 Pause Game
LEFT CTRL+Q Collision Shapes
LEFT CTRL+F Control Focus
LEFT CTRL+W Watch Focus
F8 Reset Player
LEFT CTRL+V Toggle Vegetation
LEFT CTRL+E Cycle Postprocessing
LEFT CTRL+I Cycle Lightningmodes
Fighting back!...
Imi permit sa mai adaug unele comenzi.

*control - controleaza npc-ul selectat;
*watch - controleaza camera;
Da , dar cu codul b Marvin b ce e?
“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”
Pentru a activa modul cheat urmati pasii:

- deschideti fisierul ge3.ini din folderul GothicIII/Ini
- schimbati TestMode=false in TestMode=true
- salvati, intrati in joc si apasati pe butonul ~ pentru a deschide consola.

gothic 3 nu are asa
citeste la inceputul threadului
Ba merge . Incerca sa vezi si tu apasa tasta b si scrie Marvin si apasa iar b . O sa scrie ca Marvin mode e activatWink.Doar ca nu stiu deschide consolaHaha.
“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”
Pe butonul acesta: ~ (aka `)
Acum merge consolaGrin. Da dar la Gothic 3 atunci cand dau pe tasta F8 si ma ridic in sus si imi regenerez viata de ce nu ma pot misca?
“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”
(01-05-2012, 11:21 AM)Mitrut Wrote: Acum merge consolaGrin. Da dar la Gothic 3 atunci cand dau pe tasta F8 si ma ridic in sus si imi regenerez viata de ce nu ma pot misca?

Pt. ca F8-ul are efectul de a reseta caracterul. Smile
(01-05-2012, 11:21 AM)Mitrut Wrote: Acum merge consolaGrin. Da dar la Gothic 3 atunci cand dau pe tasta F8 si ma ridic in sus si imi regenerez viata de ce nu ma pot misca?

F8 are acelasi efect doar la Gothic 1 si 2.
[Image: 242idki.png]
Dar de ce cand dau sa bag teach all imi reseteaza toate abilitatile?:|

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