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[JOC] Ce alegi?

G1 Addon sau G3 Addon
I bless you in the name of Innos.May the Lord's fire burn is your heart and give you the strengh to act according to justice.
G1 Addon (cred ca asta e dorinta fiecarui fan gothic)

Member sau Dragon Hunter
Dragon Hunter.

Forum sau site?
Asta seara ies pe strada, ca felina dupa prada, ochii vad, inima cere, peste tot numai placere.

Hell King sau Bogdan.
I bless you in the name of Innos.May the Lord's fire burn is your heart and give you the strengh to act according to justice.
Hell King.

Screensaver sau wallpaper?

Lup sau Urs
I bless you in the name of Innos.May the Lord's fire burn is your heart and give you the strengh to act according to justice.


Prost sau Tampit
I bless you in the name of Innos.May the Lord's fire burn is your heart and give you the strengh to act according to justice.

Thread sau post?

Romania sau S.U.A
I bless you in the name of Innos.May the Lord's fire burn is your heart and give you the strengh to act according to justice.

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