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[JOC] General: Mic Joc
Gothic 2 Notr 7 (-1)
Gothic 3 33 (+1)
In this world to be a human it's dangerous, but to be an assassin it's awesome!
Gothic 2 Notr 6 (-1)
Gothic 3 34 (+1)
Gothic 2 Notr 5 (-1)
Gothic 3 35 (+1)
In this world to be a human it's dangerous, but to be an assassin it's awesome!
Gothic 2 Notr 4 (-1)
Gothic 3 36 (+1)
Gothic 2 Notr 3 (-1)
Gothic 3 37 (+1)
In this world to be a human it's dangerous, but to be an assassin it's awesome!
Gothic 2 Notr 2 (-1)
Gothic 3 38 (+1)
Gothic 2 Notr 1 (-1)
Gothic 3 39 (+1)
In this world to be a human it's dangerous, but to be an assassin it's awesome!
Gothic 2 Notr 0 (-1) (Eliminare.)
Gothic 3 40 (+1)

Si iata, dragi prieteni, ca acest concurs s-a incheiat. A tinut destul de mult, opt pagini, dar acum se pare ca Gothic 3 a castigat, cu un scor de 40 de puncte. Multumim ca ati participat la acest concurs!

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