12-13-2012, 06:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2012, 06:57 PM by Patrunjelu'.)
Ars Ignis
![[Image: 2re34et.png]](http://i45.tinypic.com/2re34et.png)
![[Image: 2re34et.png]](http://i45.tinypic.com/2re34et.png)
Quote:In short, Ars Ignis is:Jocul se afla si pe Indie DB:
A classic story-driven RPG, focusing on an old school recipe, while not forgetting about the benefits brought by modern RPGs.
It will feature, among other key elements:Ars Ignis also has
- A world built under the ground, with many exciting areas to explore, and many dangers to overcome.
- Memorable characters with strong personalities.
- A complex story line that emphasizes concepts such as morality, psychology, politics and philosophy, while not making the deep knowledge of each concept a requirement to enjoy the game.
- A completely blurred border between good and evil. You'll be playing on the side of, what you would call in other games, the evil guys. But how evil are they really? Go on a great adventure "on the other side of the barricade", and find for yourself, that there is no such thing as a barricade.
- Extra activities to spice up the player's gaming experience. From fishing, cooking and mining, to potion brewing. But that's not where it all ends! There are also crafting-unrelated activities, with a variety of unique rewards: exploring randomly generated areas, participating in treasure trails and many more!
- What makes (almost) every RPG a pleasure to play: enemies, quests, weapons, armors, and all about items.
- For the combat fans out there, Ars Ignis attempts to come with a fast paced and dynamic combat experience, by not imposing extreme limitations on what pieces of equipment can be used at any given time. Feeling like slicing your way through some enemies, then quickly launching a volley of arrows at their fellow mages, and finally burning them all to death with your powerful spells? It's completely possible.
- For the bibliophiles out there, Ars Ignis attempts to become THE role playing game with the most written content. That means, it will feature tons of books and notes, each discussing various subjects, all of them for your reading pleasure.
... and much, much more!
...what we call "an open development process", i.e. several development news streams are open at all times, for anyone interested in the technical aspects of the game, and how the game progresses on the inside.
Si desigur, Facebook:
Ars Ignis va avea 2 development streams pentru moment. Cel in engleza, pe indie db, si cel in romana aici:
Vanilla Click
Va fi singurul development stream in romana si va primi in general multe update-uri, pentru cei interesati de ce se intampla in culise. Update-urile in engleza vor fi o colectie de update-uri mai mici, postate la intervale regulate.
Update-urile ce tin de orice altceva, vor aparea aici pe thread.
That would be all I believe. Sau, ca sa pastram traditia, screenshots noi!
Ars Ignis este numele real al Vanilla Eclair, deci aici o sa se intample actiunea de-acum