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Ştiri gothice generale
Se pare că Alex Brueggemann, fondatorul Piranha Bytes, a murit noaptea trecută..

Am să mai caut detalii.
Dumnezeu să-l odihnească.
Legat de moartea lui Alex Bruggemann, am gasit asta pe WoP:

[email protected] Wrote:As reported on our website, Piranha Bytes co-founder Alex Brüggemann died of cancer in the night from Saturday to Sunday. He was with his wife and his mother when it happened.

Alex, together with Mike Hoge, Tom Putzki and Stefan Nyul, founded the developer studio Piranha Bytes to create Gothic. In the beginning, it was just them and the three programmers with the original idea (Bert Speckels, Dieter Hildebrandt and Ulf Wohlers). They got some reinforcements, found a publisher and even survived the big dot-com crisis. In the beginning of Gothic 2, there were different opinions on how to continue the series and the company. Furthermore, the parent company (Phenomedia) had financial and legal problems (allegations of accounting fraud, crashing market rates, etc.). So Alex left the team. He stayed in the business however and worked for Ubisoft on “Settlers 6” and as a freelance game designer. He produced many casual titles, many of which he made together with Ralf Marczinczik who also is no stranger to Gothic and Risen fans.

Over two years ago, when Gothic had its tenth anniversary, the World of Gothic made an interview with him in which he stated that he was fighting a nasty disease and was unable to work. That was probably a reference to the cancer he had been battling for more than a year at that time.

It is sad to learn that he now lost this last battle. We hope that he will rest in peace and his family and friends will be able to brave these difficult times.

Rest in peace.
Vesti proaste din nou, se pare ca World of se va inchide. Asta e anuntul oficial de pe forum:
WorldofGothic Staff Wrote:Dear users,

For quite some time already, activity on has been minimal, and the English WoG-forums have also seen a steady decrease in activity. As much as it saddens us, the moderator team does not see this trend changing, especially with the uncertain future of the Gothic franchise. The administrators of World Of Players have been going through sites with little or no activity with the intent to archive some of those sites, and close their forums. It did not come as a surprise to us moderators that the English World of Gothic was on this list. It also did not take us a long time to reach a consensus on the fact that when the only way to "save" WoG-eng would be increased activity not only on the forums, but especially on the website, there really is no realistic way to do this.

I know many members of the English community have foreseen this coming, and that it as such won't come as a surprise to you. Others might have hoped for a resurrection or renaissance of the community (and the franchise), but those hopes were in vain. It's certainly with no small amount of sadness that we announce that WoG-eng will very soon come to its end; it is only a matter of days until the site will be archived, and the forum will remain open for a short while longer (until May, or so). After that, the forum will be closed.

Both the website and the forum discussions will still be available for reading, however there will be no new activity on them. The few english users that are active on the English World of Gothic forums can still communicate in Off-Topic English forums around the World of Players network (for example Pirate's Pawned Pegleg Pub in the World of Risen area) and for related Gothic Discussions, the German team has kindly stated that we are more than welcome to open english threads on that side.
E o pierdere mare pentru comunitatea gothica, dar dupa cum se poate observa din mesajul de mai sus era de asteptat. Ar trebui totusi sa luam asta in seama, si sa ne gandim ca pe viitor (a se citi: "odata cu anuntarea noului joc") sa incepem sa punem jocurile Risen in prim-plan.
Trebuie sa facem ceva.....vreo idee?
PB ar putea anunta urmatorul Gothic mai repede, iar astfel adminii WoP vor reconsidera decizia. Grin (@joke)

Serios vorbind, consider aceasta decizie una foarte neinspirata, cum ziceau si alti membri, World of Risen (EN) este la fel de inactiv, chiar mai mult.

Oricum ma indoiesc ca PB va anunta un nou Gothic prea curand, poate in 2014.
Alta idee?
Nu cred ca sta in puterea noastra sa facem ceva in privinta asta. s-a inchis dintr-un motiv clar: nu era activitate. Cauza pentru lipsa activitatii: epuizarea subiectelor de discutie pe baza jocurilor din seria Gothic.

Oricum World of Players nu e o comunitate asemanatoare cu a noastra. In primul rand ca e un site urias prin comparatie. Toate site-urile de gaming de la noi puse la un loc nu cred ca fac cat jumatate din WoP (nu vorbesc ca numar de posturi, cele mai mari forumuri de la noi, de exemplu Computer Games sau Softpedia, sunt niste vagauni pline de porcarii). Cuvantul nostru, sau al oricui altcuiva de pe, nu inseamna nimic. Nici nu am avea argumentele pentru asta (vezi ce ziceam mai sus).

E o faza naturala in dezvolatarea site-ului/forumului Cum ziceai si tu in coltul lui Terente: oamenii se nasc si mor. E la fel si aici. Oricum, frumusetea WoP e faptul ca e un amestec de forumuri si siteuri diferite, astfel ca membrii soon-to-be-defunctului forum vor avea in continuarea acces la alte forumuri asemanatoare: forumul german, World of Risen, etc.
Atunci,macar sa avem grija de al nostru(
Un interviu care vă poate ajută să descoperiţi unele secrete ale seriei puteţi să citiţi în linkul de mai jos. Gothic 1 contains many mysteries and mysterious places and things. For example the light in swamp, orc "temple", houses at the bottom of the New camp's dam, and so on. Can you tell us anything about these mysteries in Gothic? Are they only some "random" ideas without any deep meaning, or there is a background story hidden behind each and every mystery?

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