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Deoarece suntem o comunitate romaneasca, se vor produce niste schimbari in aceast concurs. Modurile vor fi in limba romana si din pacate nu putem sa il mentinem pe Aeternitas in a doua echipa. Astfel ca un membru al echipei 1 va trece in echipa 2 si schimbarile spuse mai sus se vor aplica.
Toti membrii trebuie sa invete ceva, nimeni nu trebuie grabit pentru a pastra frumusetea concursului. Sper ca Aeternitas sa inteleaga asta.
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(03-03-2013, 03:21 PM)Terente Wrote: Deoarece suntem o comunitate romaneasca, se vor produce niste schimbari in aceast concurs. Modurile vor fi in limba romana si din pacate nu putem sa il mentinem pe Aeternitas in a doua echipa. Astfel ca un membru al echipei 1 va trece in echipa 2 si schimbarile spuse mai sus se vor aplica.
Toti membrii trebuie sa invete ceva, nimeni nu trebuie grabit pentru a pastra frumusetea concursului. Sper ca Aeternitas sa inteleaga asta.
Cred ca era bine pentru toata lumea daca Aeternitas ramanea in echipa pentru ca aveam de la cine sa invatam. Nu se grabeste nimeni, am vrut doar sa modelez cat mai curand mesa primara pentru a incepe partea de scripting care ii va include pe toti membrii echipei, oricare ar fi aceia.
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Nu ma refeream la tine ca te grabesti. Dupa cum stiti n-am acces la zona voastra asa ca nu stiu ce se intampla acolo. Dar se stie faptul ca am incredere in Bogdan si daca el vede ceva neinregula ce poate sa influeteze placerea de a face acest mod, eu zic sa dam la o parte acel rau.
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(03-03-2013, 04:39 PM)Terente Wrote: Nu ma refeream la tine ca te grabesti. Dupa cum stiti n-am acces la zona voastra asa ca nu stiu ce se intampla acolo. Dar se stie faptul ca am incredere in Bogdan si daca el vede ceva neinregula ce poate sa influeteze placerea de a face acest mod, eu zic sa dam la o parte acel rau.
So, Terente, I'm the bad and should be excommunicated from here? Thank you guys, Terente and Bogdan, for your hospitality. I wanta help you to teach you how to mod, but I became a devil and must me erase out of this area. Maybe you should stop and think about you and your racism - no Romanian should dare his step here!
I feel sick from you!!!
Officially I ask admin of this forum that he uncovers the evil I made in the secret area so Bodgan feels so bad!
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Urâtă treabă. Dar ştiţi cum se spune..."Nu poţi ajuta pe cineva cu forţa."
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03-03-2013, 07:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2013, 07:23 PM by Warhell.)
(03-03-2013, 05:45 PM)Aeternitas Wrote: So, Terente, I'm the bad and should be excommunicated from here?
No. And don't accuse me of racism. Never. No, but i don't agree with the fact you said these things:
Quote:I understand that Bogdan feels a bit perplexed because I started fast so to keep on schedule, but so it's the competition and I'm convinced that in competition one learns much faster than in standard mod creation. It helps people struggle forward towards the goal.
It's kind of: if you can't learn in my rhythm, it's your problem. You're a pro in this modding thing... and the idea of the contest it was that anyone learn something. If you couldn't understand what Bogdan was trying to tell you, i explained it again.
And again, don't make me a racist, because that's the last thing i am.
(03-03-2013, 06:49 PM)Warhell Wrote: Urâtă treabă. Dar ştiţi cum se spune..."Nu poţi ajuta pe cineva cu forţa."
Oficial esti prost rau.. din orice varietate de puncte de vedere si din orice perspectiva. Cateodata e bine sa taci pentru a ascunde lucruri de genul.
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Nu inteleg ce anume a creat conflictul asta. Nu a impus nimeni nimic. Am vrut doar sa finalizez mesa cat mai curand ca sa putem trece la scripting. Eu am facut mesa cat am putut de repede pentru ca ceilalti sa nu se plictiseasca asteptand. Nu a facut nimeni nimic altceva decat sa-si dea cu parerea, asa cum era normal, inainte sa incepem dezvoltarea propriu-zisa a modului. Nu stiu exact ce anume l-a nemultumit pe Bogdan pentru ca si lui i-am cerut parerea. Zamo n-a zis nimic, Bogdan a zis ca deocamdata sa mergem pe ideea mea si Aeternitas a fost singurul care a a spus o parere, deci am inceput sa lucrez la mesa normal, dupa ideea mea si cea a lui, intrucat astea au fost singurele exprimate. In timp ce eu modelam postam in topicul echipei ce-am facut, cerandu-le parerea. Aeternitas n-a facut altceva decat sa ma incurajeze si sa astepte finisarea mesei. Am asteptat ca toti membrii echipei sa posteze idei despre poveste, ca sa putem intra direct in paine. N-a postat nimeni nimic, nu s-a discutat nimic, nu s-a intamplat nimic. Bogdan si Aeternitas au postat topicuri de ajutor in timp ce eu mesteream la mesa. Nu inteleg de ce s-a suparat Bogdan, am discutat cu el si i-am spus ca vreau sa fac mesa repede pentru ca abia apoi incepe greul pentru toti. Asadar singurul care s-a grabit am fost eu si am facut-o ca sa nu astepte prea mult restul echipei finisarea mesei. De ce a trebuit sa fie Aeternitas scos din echipa, nu inteleg, dar ii inteleg reactia desi e exagerata si nu o aprob. Ieri se discuta despre venirea lui ca despre o chestie de bun augur si azi e scos pe usa din spate. Nu inteleg de ce. Si pana la urma cine a luat warn aici?
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03-03-2013, 08:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2013, 08:58 PM by Aeternitas.)
Quote:It's kind of: if you can't learn in my rhythm, it's your problem. You're a pro in this modding thing... and the idea of the contest it was that anyone learn something. If you couldn't understand what Bogdan was trying to tell you, i explained it again.
That is your interpretation, not mine. You're just making up things in your fancy. Just take a look in the secret section of my team.
Quote:And again, don't make me a racist, because that's the last thing i am.
So, and why am I cut off the contest? You wrote that is only for Romanians. Maybe I don't understand good if you write in Romanian, but I understand a lot, enough.
I asked to be a part of contest and was approved. I came to help people, to teach them. Nothing I have from it. I was about spend a lot of time to provide my knowledge to people here. Instead of it I'm accused of doing some bad things to Bogdan and spoiling all the thing. So I ask you and Bogdan to show the proves of your accusations. But I warn you, false accusation is criminal act against international law.
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03-03-2013, 09:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2013, 09:59 PM by Szekemri.)
(03-03-2013, 08:57 PM)Aeternitas Wrote: So, and why am I cut off the contest? You wrote that is only for Romanians. Maybe I don't understand good if you write in Romanian, but I understand a lot, enough.
No no no. I will rewrite what i said.
Quote:Deoarece suntem o comunitate romaneasca, se vor produce niste schimbari in aceast concurs. Modurile vor fi in limba romana si din pacate nu putem sa il mentinem pe Aeternitas in a doua echipa.
That does not mean that the mod is for the romanians. I said because of the romanian language which i proposed to be the language of the mod, you can't understand it. Google translate made you call me a racist. That's not good.
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(03-03-2013, 08:57 PM)Aeternitas Wrote: That is your interpretation, not mine. You're just making up things in your fancy. Just take a look in the secret section of my team.
That's exactly what Bogdan said in your group's private section.
From what I understand the main issue is the fact that Bogdan and probably others from your group feel that you're tying to do a lot of things in this mod, and that leaves them with nothing to do, and most importantly with nothing new to learn (which is the reason of this game). There's absolutely nothing personal. I hope you can understand that.
Do you think you can just argue you're way back in the contest? I believe you're smart enough to realize that's not possible.
(03-03-2013, 08:57 PM)Aeternitas Wrote: But I warn you, false accusation is criminal act against international law.
Come on, don't say stuff like that. We're on a public forum, not in court. Which means that we can lie pathologically here without any consequences to ourselves.
Again, nobody accused you of anything. Your great skills in modding makes the rest of your group feel like they won't do much in this project, and as a consequence, they won't learn as much about modding as they'd like. <- the reason. I hope everything's clear now.