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Gothic 2 + NotR in limba romana: Need a Team
noi am decis sa refacem proiectul gothic 2 in limba romana, dar avem nevoie de un team care sa lucreze la dialoguri, itemuri, si toate astea.
deci cine vrea sa intre in proiect, sa scrie pe acest thread. puteti fi si amatori si sa nu stiti ce-i cu voi Haha ne adunam, formam o echipa, ni se explica ce trebuie sa facem si facem g2 in limba romana Smile
.Chorus Romance says Good Night.
Pff... nu va fi asa simplu, trebuie macar sa ai ceva experienta in modding, sau cel putin in Gothic. Daca se strang mai multi ma bag si eu. Dar sa vedem cati raman pe urma... va fi muuult de munca
La partea de moding va pot ajuta eu 100% la tradus cand am timp ....(daca nu as avea de invatat vas ajuta mereu Sad)
La tradus nu cred ca ar fi o problema, sunt multi care stiu bine engleza. Cred ca am sa caut un ghid de modding pt Gothic, am vazut unul undeva... Il pun aici daca dau de el
Cum am mai zis la modding intrebati-va si va ajut ma pricep intr-o oarecare masura!

Uitati cum arata un script acesta este scriptul lui Onar....

instance DIA_Onar_EXIT(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 999;
    condition = DIA_Onar_EXIT_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_EXIT_Info;
    permanent = TRUE;
    description = Dialog_Ende;

func int DIA_Onar_EXIT_Condition()
    return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_EXIT_Info()

instance DIA_Onar_Hallo(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 1;
    condition = DIA_Onar_Hallo_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_Hallo_Info;
    permanent = FALSE;
    important = TRUE;

func int DIA_Onar_Hallo_Condition()
    if((self.aivar[AIV_TalkedToPlayer] == FALSE) && Npc_IsInState(self,ZS_Talk))
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_Hallo_Info()
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Hallo_14_00");    //Who let you in here?!
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Hallo_14_01");    //What are you doing here on my farm?!

instance DIA_Onar_PERM(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 1;
    condition = DIA_Onar_PERM_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_PERM_Info;
    permanent = TRUE;
    description = "Everything all right here on the farm?";

func int DIA_Onar_PERM_Condition()
    return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_PERM_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_PERM_15_00");    //Everything all right here on the farm?
    if(other.guild == GIL_NONE)
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_01");    //I don't see how that's any of your business. You don't belong on the farm!
    if(other.guild == GIL_SLD)
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_02");    //I certainly hope so! That's what I'm paying you for after all!
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_03");    //You had better go to Torlof and ask him if he has work for you.
    if(other.guild == GIL_DJG)
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_04");    //Yeah, sure. You just go and hunt your dragons.
    if((other.guild == GIL_NOV) || (other.guild == GIL_KDF))
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_05");    //You sanctimonious bastards from the monastery aren't welcome here!
    if((other.guild == GIL_MIL) || (other.guild == GIL_PAL))
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_06");    //Our hospitality does not extend to the troops of the king.

instance DIA_Onar_Work(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 2;
    condition = DIA_Onar_Work_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_Work_Info;
    permanent = FALSE;
    description = "I want to work for you!";

func int DIA_Onar_Work_Condition()
    if(Lee_SendToOnar == FALSE)
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_Work_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_Work_15_00");    //I want to work for you!
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Work_14_01");    //I don't need a farmhand right now.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Work_14_02");    //My people see to everything else.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Work_14_03");    //You have no business here in the house, so get out!

instance DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 2;
    condition = DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_Info;
    permanent = FALSE;
    description = "I want to work here as a mercenary!";

func int DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_Condition()
    if((Lee_SendToOnar == FALSE) && (Onar_WegenSldWerden == FALSE) && Npc_KnowsInfo(other,DIA_Onar_Work))
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_15_00");    //I want to work here as a mercenary!
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_14_01");    //You? A mercenary? Don't make me laugh! If you were any good as a mercenary, Lee would have told me about you.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_14_02");    //Now get yourself out of here, pronto!
    Onar_WegenSldWerden = TRUE;

instance DIA_Onar_Aufstand(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 3;
    condition = DIA_Onar_Aufstand_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_Aufstand_Info;
    permanent = FALSE;
    description = "You're revolting against the city, or so I've heard?";

func int DIA_Onar_Aufstand_Condition()
    return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_Aufstand_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_15_00");    //You're revolting against the city, or so I've heard?
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_14_01");    //Now listen up. I inherited this farm and this land from my father.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_14_02");    //And he inherited it from HIS father.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_14_03");    //I'm not going to allow that greedy imbecile of a king to make off with all that just in order to feed his useless armies.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_14_04");    //The war with the orcs has been going on forever. And where do we stand? On the edge of defeat.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_14_05");    //No - I prefer to defend my farm myself! The money that I save this way can pay for my own army.

instance DIA_Onar_WegenPepe(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 4;
    condition = DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_Info;
    permanent = FALSE;
    description = "Thanks to Bullco, you now have a few sheep less.";

func int DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_Condition()
    if(MIS_Pepe_KillWolves == LOG_SUCCESS)
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_15_00");    //Thanks to Bullco, you now have a few sheep less.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_14_01");    //What are you talking about? Who is Bullco?
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_15_02");    //One of the mercenaries.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_14_03");    //How would that interest me? If he's been after my sheep, he'll have to answer to Lee.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_14_04");    //So why are you bugging me with such trivial details?
    Onar_WegenPepe = TRUE;

instance DIA_Onar_WegenSekob(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 5;
    condition = DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_Info;
    permanent = FALSE;
    description = "I've come about Sekob's rent ...";

func int DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_Condition()
    if(MIS_Sekob_RedeMitOnar == LOG_Running)
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_15_00");    //I've come about Sekob's rent ...
    if((other.guild == GIL_SLD) || (other.guild == GIL_DJG))
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_14_01");    //What the hell do you want here? Take the money to Torlof.
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_14_02");    //How the devil would that be YOUR business?
        AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_15_03");    //I want to become a mercenary. Collecting the rent is my test.
        Onar_WegenSldWerden = TRUE;
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_15_04");    //But Sekob has no money. I even beat him up.
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_15_05");    //He said it was because of the poor harvest ...
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_14_06");    //(yelling) You nitwit! Did you think he just carries that money around? He's hidden it somewhere!
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_14_07");    //Do you know how much rain we have here? Bad harvest my ass.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_14_08");    //Go and beat that money out of him somehow.
    Onar_WegenSekob = TRUE;

instance DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 6;
    condition = DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_Info;
    permanent = FALSE;
    description = "Lee sent me. I want to work here as a mercenary!";

func int DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_Condition()
    if((Lee_SendToOnar == TRUE) && (other.guild == GIL_NONE))
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_15_00");    //Lee sent me. I want to work here as a mercenary!
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_01");    //He has already talked to me.
    if(Onar_WegenSldWerden == TRUE)
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_02");    //I already didn't think much of you the first time you asked me.
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_03");    //But if Lee thinks you'll do, then I'm willing to give you a chance.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_04");    //He's the one responsible for you. So, suit yourself.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_05");    //But no fooling around here! Leave the farmers and the maids alone and, above all, don't nab anything, capisce?
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_06");    //For everything else, talk to Lee.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_07");    //All WE need to discuss now is your pay.
    Onar_Approved = TRUE;
    B_LogEntry(TOPIC_BecomeSLD,"Onar has given me his approval. Now nothing can stop me joining the mercenaries.");

var int Onar_SOLD_Day;
var int Onar_SOLD_XP;

instance DIA_Onar_HowMuch(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 7;
    condition = DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Info;
    permanent = FALSE;
    description = "So how about my pay?";

func int DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Condition()
    if(Onar_Approved == TRUE)
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_15_00");    //So how about my pay?
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_01");    //Well, let's see ...
    SOLD = 50;
    if(Onar_WegenSldWerden == TRUE)
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_02");    //I don't think too much of you.
    if(Onar_WegenSekob == TRUE)
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_03");    //You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. That's obvious from that thing with Sekob.
        SOLD = SOLD - 10;
    if((ABSOLUTIONLEVEL_Farm > 1) || ((B_GetGreatestPetzCrime(self) > CRIME_NONE) && (ABSOLUTIONLEVEL_Farm > 0)))
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_04");    //You've already caused trouble here on the farm more than once.
        SOLD = SOLD - 10;
    if((Onar_WegenPepe == TRUE) && ((Onar_WegenSekob == TRUE) || (Onar_WegenSldWerden == TRUE)))
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_05");    //And you're constantly after me with all kinds of bullshit.
        SOLD = SOLD - 10;
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_06");    //Let me think ...
    Onar_SOLD_Day = Wld_GetDay();
    Onar_SOLD_XP = other.exp;
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_07");    //What do you say?
    Info_AddChoice(DIA_Onar_HowMuch,"Sounds all right!",DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Ok);
    Info_AddChoice(DIA_Onar_HowMuch,"That's not a whole lot ...",DIA_Onar_HowMuch_More);
    Info_AddChoice(DIA_Onar_HowMuch,"Per day?",DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay);

func void DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay_15_00");    //Per day?
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay_14_01");    //What did you think? Per week? You're really none too bright.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay_14_02");    //So move your butt over here and come get your money.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay_14_03");    //I'm not going to carry it after you.

func void DIA_Onar_HowMuch_More()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_More_15_00");    //That's not a whole lot ...
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_More_14_01");    //Of course, you're welcome to work for me for free instead.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_More_14_02");    //Anyway, this is all you'll get!
    B_LogEntry(Topic_Bonus,"I can collect my pay from Onar every day.");

func void DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Ok()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Ok_15_00");    //Sounds all right!
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Ok_14_01");    //I think so too. Now go see Lee.
    B_LogEntry(Topic_Bonus,"I can collect my pay from Onar every day.");

instance DIA_Onar_CollectGold(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 8;
    condition = DIA_Onar_CollectGold_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_CollectGold_Info;
    permanent = TRUE;
    description = "Pay me my wages!";

func int DIA_Onar_CollectGold_Condition()
    if(Npc_KnowsInfo(other,DIA_Onar_HowMuch) && ((other.guild == GIL_SLD) || (other.guild == GIL_DJG)))
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_CollectGold_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_15_00");    //Pay me my wages!
    if(other.guild == GIL_DJG)
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_01");    //I pay for mercenaries, not dragon hunters.
    else if(Torlof_TheOtherMission_TooLate == TRUE)
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_02");    //You don't take care of the assignments given to you!
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_03");    //I have asked Torlof how you're doing. And he says that it takes you forever to complete a job.
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_04");    //I don't waste money on layabouts.
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_05");    //You'll go a few weeks without pay for now! Maybe you'll learn your lesson then.
    else if(B_GetGreatestPetzCrime(self) > CRIME_NONE)
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_06");    //I've heard that you messed up. First go to Lee and settle the matter.
    else if(Wld_GetDay() <= Onar_SOLD_Day)
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_07");    //Are you out of your mind?
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_08");    //First work for me for a day. You'll get your next pay tomorrow then.
    else if((Wld_GetDay() - 2) >= Onar_SOLD_Day)
        if((Wld_GetDay() - 2) == Onar_SOLD_Day)
            AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_09");    //Where were you yesterday?
            AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_10");    //Where have you been for the last couple of days?
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_11");    //You never showed up here.
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_12");    //Who knows where you've been hanging out.
        Onar_SOLD_Day = Wld_GetDay();
        Onar_SOLD_XP = other.exp;
        if(other.exp > (Onar_SOLD_XP + 200))
            AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_13");    //(contritely) Oh well. Here's your pay.
            AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_14");    //What? You've done nothing but hang around all day when you didn't sleep!
            AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_15");    //I'm not paying you for that!
        Onar_SOLD_Day = Wld_GetDay();
        Onar_SOLD_XP = other.exp;

instance DIA_Onar_MariaGold(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 9;
    condition = DIA_Onar_MariaGold_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_MariaGold_Info;
    permanent = FALSE;
    description = "Maria thinks that I'm not getting enough.";

func int DIA_Onar_MariaGold_Condition()
    if(Maria_MehrGold == TRUE)
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_MariaGold_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_15_00");    //Maria thinks that I'm not getting enough.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_14_01");    //What?
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_15_02");    //She said you should pay me better.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_14_03");    //(griping) That woman has to stick her nose into everything.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_14_04");    //Did she say how much?
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_15_05");    //No.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_14_06");    //All right, beginning with your next pay you'll get an extra 10 gold pieces.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_14_07");    //But not a coin more, understood?
    SOLD = SOLD + 10;

var int Onar_SellSheep;

instance DIA_Onar_WannaSheep(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 10;
    condition = DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_Info;
    permanent = TRUE;
    description = "I want to buy a sheep!";

func int DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_Condition()
    if(Onar_SellSheep == FALSE)
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_15_00");    //I want to buy a sheep!
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_14_01");    //What are you doing here then? See a sheep anywhere?
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_15_02");    //I ...
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_14_03");    //If you want to buy a sheep, go out the pasture. It's to the right of my house.
    AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_14_04");    //Have Pepe sell you one.
        AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_15_05");    //Pepe is dead, I'm afraid.
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_14_06");    //Oh! In that case... leave 200 gold pieces here with me, and go get yourself a sheep from the pasture.
        Onar_SellSheep = TRUE;

instance DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel(C_Info)
    npc = Bau_900_Onar;
    nr = 10;
    condition = DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_Condition;
    information = DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_Info;
    permanent = TRUE;
    description = "Here you are, 200 gold pieces. Give me a sheep.";

func int DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_Condition()
    if(Onar_SellSheep == TRUE)
        return TRUE;

func void DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_Info()
    AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_15_00");    //Here you are, 200 gold pieces. Give me a sheep.
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_14_01");    //You can get yourself one from the pasture.
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_14_02");    //One or the other of those sheep is bound to follow you. Most of them answer to the name of Betsy.
        AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_14_03");    //You don't even have that much gold. Don't waste my precious time.

Se traduce doar ce e dupa '//' (fara ghilimele) si ce e intre ghilimele la description... se inlocuiesc cuvintele fara sa se stearga nici macar o litera din cod nici macar o virgula pentru ca apoi va da erori!
bai. nu mi se pare asa de greu.
si dupa cum am zis. in general trebuie sa stii sa lucrezi in html si sa fii foarte atent
.Chorus Romance says Good Night.
Seamana destul de mult cu un script din jocul STALKER, daca il stie cineva. Acolo mai modificam uneori oamenii, armele si dialogul... trebuie doar rabdareSmile
io ma bag...da sa va spun pana acuma sa mai incercat sa se traduca inca de 2 ori=)) speram ca a 3-a oara sa fie cu noroc
Winnetou avea un VolksWagen, asa il chema pe cal
ati inceput sa lucrati la proiect?
io zic ca iar o sa se aleaga prafu da el :|
Raarrrrrrr!ME smash@!You die!!

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