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Ars Ignis
(01-11-2013, 11:22 PM)Patrunjelu Wrote: Daca-ti face placere, o pot redenumi in Adolf Mirinda Grin

Nu-i nevoie. Haha
Ne apropiem de un gameplay video special Grin A very puzzle-ish and quest-ish one.
[Image: 313844_430728320339104_926414184_n.png]
[Image: 24yzf2d.jpg]
Naufragiul unuia, comoara altuia Grin Fara water effects though. Scuzati si texturile de pe podea. Habar n-am ce s-a intamplat acolo, nu eu am facut modelul. Cred ca daca il faceam eu, nu aveam nici atat habar, hah.
[Image: 2m3ihrc.png]
[Image: 15n3xw4.png]
Vanilla loves trees! In a non-funny way.
Reached a sidegoal of mine: am reusit cu o tableta sa elimin orice nevoie de a folosi hartia pentru development; previously, foloseam hartie cand eram departe de PC (si nu puteam cara 3 kile de laptop dupa mine).
[Image: 34ifdyo.jpg]
[Image: 21odi13.png]
[Image: 2ypi1hs.png]
As incerca sa fac rost si de un stylus pentru Penultimate, dar e freaking accurate si cu degetul. Avantajul ar fi ca as economisi mai mult spatiu pe hartia virtuala.
There's something both magical and creepy going on here Grin
[Image: nuw7b.png]
[Image: 2dlud8p.png]
Dead as fuck.
(02-19-2016, 02:01 AM)soul of darkness Wrote: Dead as fuck.

It seems that way.
Official Announcement

It's dead as fuck.

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