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Lista Coduri Gothic 1
Pentru a activa cheat modul, in joc apasati B sau S (butonul pentru statusul eroului), si tastati MARVIN dupa care apasati din nou B sau S.Acum cheat modul este activat. Pentru a deschide consola apasati [F2]. Pentru a insera obiectele tastati insert si codul obiectului dorit. (exemplu: insert ItMw_1H_Sword_01 )

Obiect Cod
Sign of the Brotherhood ItMi_Amulet_Psi_01
Amulet of Flames Schutzamulett_Feuer
Armor Amulet Schutzamulett_Waffen
Amulet of Oak Skin Schutzamulett_Geschosse
Amulet of Spiritual Power Schutzamulett_Magie
Amulet of Purification Schutzamulett_Magie_Feuer
Amulet of Stone Skin Schutzamulett_Waffen_Geschosse
Amulet of Ore Skin Schutzamulett_Total
Amulet of Agility Gewandtheitsamulett
Amulet of Dexterity Gewandtheitsamulett2
Amulet of Power Staerkeamulett
Amulet of strength staerkeamulett2
Amulet of Life Force Lebensamulett
Amulet of Magic Amulett_der_Magie
Amulet of Might Amulett_der_Macht
Amulet of Enlightenment Amulett_der_Erleuchtung

Obiect Cod
Ring of Flame Protection Schutzring_Feuer1
Protection of Fire Schutzring_Feuer2
Ring of Wooden Skin Schutzring_Geschosse1
Ring of Stone Skin Schutzring_Geschosse2
Ring of Iron Skin Schutzring_Waffen1
Ring of Ore Skin Schutzring_Waffen2
Ring of Spiritual Power Schutzring_Magie1
Ring of Defense Schutzring_Magie2
Ring of Purification Schutzring_Magie1_Fire1
Ring of Invincibility Schutzring_Magie2_Fire2
Ring of Steadfastness Schutzring_Geschosse1_Waffen1
Ring of Impeachability Schutzring_Geschosse2_Waffen2
Ring of Lesser Invincibility Schutzring_Total1
Ring of Greater Invincibility Schutzring_Total2
Ring of Lesser Dexterity Ring_des_Geschicks
Ring of Greater Dexterity Ring_des_Geschicks2
Ring of Life Ring_des_Lebens
Ring of Greater Life Ring_des_Lebens2
Ring of Power Staerkering
Ring of Strength Staerkering2
Ring of Magic Ring_der_Magie
Ring of Enlightenment Ring_der_Erleuchtung
Warrior's Ring of Power Machtring

Obiect Cod
Light Digger's Trousers VLK_ARMOR_L
Digger's Trousers VLK_ARMOR_M
Shadow's Dress STT_ARMOR_M
Shadow's Armor STT_ARMOR_H
Light Guard's Armor GRD_ARMOR_L
Guard's Armor GRD_ARMOR_M
Heavy Guard's Armor GRD_ARMOR_H
Robe of State EBR_ARMOR_M
Gomez' Armor EBR_ARMOR_H
Heavy Ore Baron's Armor EBR_ARMOR_H2
Digger's Dress SFB_ARMOR_L
Light Rogue's Dress ORG_ARMOR_L
Rogue's Dress ORG_ARMOR_M
Heavy Rogue's Dress ORG_ARMOR_H
Light Mercenary's Armor SLD_ARMOR_L
Mercenary's Armor SLD_ARMOR_M
Heavy Mercenary's Armor SLD_ARMOR_H
Novice's Loincloth NOV_ARMOR_L
Light Novice's Armor NOV_ARMOR_M
Novice's Armor NOV_ARMOR_H
Light Templar's Armor TPL_ARMOR_L
Templar's Armor TPL_ARMOR_M
Heavy Templar's Armor TPL_ARMOR_H
Guru's Robe GUR_ARMOR_M
High Robe of the Gurus GUR_ARMOR_H
High Robe of Fire KDF_ARMOR_H
Water Robe KDW_ARMOR_L
High Robe of Water KDW_ARMOR_H
Robe of the Dark Arts DMB_ARMOR_M
Crawler Plate Armor CRW_ARMOR_H
Ancient Ore Armor ORE_ARMOR_M
Improved ore Armor ORE_ARMOR_H
Judge's Robe LAW_ARMOR
Royal Guard Armor GRD_ARMOR_I

Obiect Cod
Club ItMw_1H_Club_01
Poker ItMw_1H_Poker_01
Sickle ItMw_1H_Sickle_01
Pickaxe ItMwPickaxe
Smith's Hammer ItMw_1H_Sledgehammer_01
Club ItMw_1H_Mace_Light_01
Hand Ax ItMw_1H_Hatchet_01
Rusty Sword ItMw_1H_Sword_Old_01
Nail Club ItMw_1H_Nailmace_01
Short Sword ItMw_1H_Sword_Short_01
Farmer's Defense ItMw_1H_Sword_Short_02
Lurker's Bite ItMw_1H_Sword_Short_03
Thorn of Wounds ItMw_1H_Sword_Short_04
Digger's Discipline ItMw_1H_Sword_Short_05
Withered Axe ItMw_1H_Axe_Old_01
Cutter ItMw_1H_Scythe_01
Battle Staff ItMw_2H_Staff_01
Judgment Staff ItMw_2H_Staff_02
Priest's Staff ItMw_2H_Staff_03
Light Guard's Sword ItMw_1H_LightGuardsSword_03
Mace ItMw_1H_Mace_01
Sting Mace ItMw_1H_Mace_02
Bloodfly Sting ItMw_1H_Mace_03
Steel Tongue ItMw_1H_Mace_04
Crude Sword ItMw_1H_Sword_01
Judgment Sword ItMw_1H_Sword_02
Guard's Sword ItMw_1H_Sword_03
Battle Sword ItMw_1H_Sword_04
War Sword ItMw_1H_Sword_05
Morning Star ItMw_1H_Mace_War_01
Steel Mace ItMw_1H_Mace_War_02
Stone Crusher ItMw_1H_Mace_War_03
Heartbreaker ItMw_1H_Mace_War_04
Longsword ItMw_1H_Sword_Long_01
Sword of Fear ItMw_1H_Sword_Long_02
Sword of Hate ItMw_1H_Sword_Long_03
Sword of Victory ItMw_1H_Sword_Long_04
Sword of Death ItMw_1H_Sword_Long_05
Orc Hammer ItMw_1H_Warhammer_01
War Hammer ItMw_1H_Warhammer_02
God's Hammer ItMw_1H_Warhammer_03
Axe ItMw_1H_Axe_01
Scullclefter ItMw_1H_Axe_02
Bonebreaker ItMw_1H_Axe_03
Broadsword ItMw_1H_Sword_Broad_01
Warrior's Verdict ItMw_1H_Sword_Broad_02
Storm Whisper ItMw_1H_Sword_Broad_03
Guard's Hand ItMw_1H_Sword_Broad_04
Rusty Two-hander ItMw_2H_Sword_Old_01
Rusty Bastard Sword ItMw_1H_Sword_Bastard_01
Butcher ItMw_1H_Sword_Bastard_02
Executor ItMw_1H_Sword_Bastard_03
Berserker's Word ItMw_1H_Sword_Bastard_04
Old Battle Axe ItMw_2H_Axe_Old_01
Blood Harvester ItMw_2H_Axe_Old_02
Old Judge ItMw_2H_Axe_Old_03
Light Two-hander ItMw_2H_Sword_Light_01
Custodian's Blade ItMw_2H_Sword_Light_02
Mercenary's Blade ItMw_2H_Sword_Light_03
King's Blade ItMw_2H_Sword_Light_04
Demonic Blade ItMw_2H_Sword_Light_05
Light Battle Axe ItMw_2H_Axe_light_01
Thunderstrike ItMw_2H_Axe_light_02
Smash ItMw_2H_Axe_light_03
Two-hander ItMw_2H_Sword_01
Hero's Blade ItMw_2H_Sword_02
Blood Blade ItMw_2H_Sword_03
Heavy Two-hander ItMw_2H_Sword_Heavy_01
Rage Steel ItMw_2H_Sword_Heavy_02
Wrath Steel ItMw_2H_Sword_Heavy_03
Revenge Steel ItMw_2H_Sword_Heavy_04
War Axe ItMw_2H_Axe_Heavy_01
Warrior's Voice ItMw_2H_Axe_Heavy_02
Barbarian's Fist ItMw_2H_Axe_Heavy_03
Troll Fist ItMw_2H_Axe_Heavy_04
Krush Varrok ItMw2hOrcSword01
Krush Pach ItMw2hOrcAxe01
Krush UrRok ItMw2hOrcAxe02
Krush Agash ItMw2hOrcAxe03
Krush BrokDar ItMw2hOrcAxe04
Krush Karrok ItMw2hOrcMace01
Grachtnakk ItRwOrcstaff
ShaBaNakk ItRwUdOrcstaff

Obiect Cod
Thorus' Sword Thorus_Schwert
Innos' Rage Innos_Zorn
Scar's Sword Scars_Schwert
Arto's Sword Artos_Schwert
Raven's Right Rabenrecht
Paw's Punch Prankenhieb
Diego's Bow Diegos_Bogen
Whistler's Sword Whistlers_Schwert
Staff of Light Stab_des_Lichts
Kalom's Sword Kaloms_Schwert
Lester's Mediator Streitschlichter
Red Wind Roter_Wind
Namib's Club Namibs_Keule
Orun's Club Oruns_Keule
Fortuno's Club Fortunos_Keule
Lee's Axe Lees_Axt
Orik's Axe Oriks_Axt
Torlof's Axe Torlofs_Axt
Cord's Clefter Cords_Spalter
Gorn's Revenge Gorns_Rache
Lares' Axe Lares_Axt
Wolf's Bow Wolfs_Bogen
Silas' Axe Silas_Axt
Scepter Heerscherstab

Obiect Cod
Short Bow ItRw_Bow_Small_01
Rider's Bow ItRw_Bow_Small_02
Field bow ItRw_Bow_Small_03
Hunting Bow ItRw_Bow_Small_04
Bone Bow ItRw_Bow_Small_05
Longbow ItRw_Bow_Long_01
Hedge Bow ItRw_Bow_Long_02
Willow Bow ItRw_Bow_Long_03
Oak Bow ItRw_Bow_Long_04
Wolfshredder ItRw_Bow_Long_05
Wind Breaker ItRw_Bow_Long_06
Army Bow ItRw_Bow_Long_07
Horn Bow ItRw_Bow_Long_08
Nimrod Bow ItRw_Bow_Long_09
War Bow ItRw_Bow_War_01
Orc Chaser ItRw_Bow_War_02
Storm Bow ItRw_Bow_War_03
Demon Bow ItRw_Bow_War_04
Bow of Death ItRw_Bow_War_05
Light Crossbow ItRw_Crossbow_01
Crossbow ItRw_Crossbow_02
Heavy Crossbow ItRw_Crossbow_03
Crossbow of War ItRw_Crossbow_04
Arrow ItAmArrow
Bolt ItAmBolt
Obiect Cod
Light ItArRuneLight
Fire Bolt ItArRuneFirebolt
Fireball ItArRuneFireball
Storm of Fire ItArRuneFirestorm
Rain of Fire ItArRuneFireRain
Teleport to the Magicians of Fire ItArRuneTeleport1
Teleport to the Magicians of Water ItArRuneTeleport2
Teleport to the Necromancer ItArRuneTeleport3
Teleport to the Swamp Camp ItArRuneTeleport5
Healing ItArRuneHeal
Chain Lightning ItArRuneChainLightning
Ice Bolt ItArRuneThunderbolt
Ball Lightning ItArRuneThunderball
Ice Block ItArRuneIceCube
Wave of Ice ItArRuneIceWave
Death to the Undead ItArRuneDestroyUndead
Fist of Wind ItArRuneWindfist
Storm Fist ItArRuneStormfist
Telekinesis ItArRuneTelekinesis
Charm ItArRuneCharm
Sleep ItArRuneSleep
Pyrokinesis ItArRunePyrokinesis
Control ItArRuneControl
Breath of Death ItArRuneBreathOfDeath

Obiect Cod
Light ItArScrollLight
Fire Bolt ItArScrollFirebolt
Fireball ItArScrollFireball
Storm of Fire ItArScrollFirestorm
Rain of Fire ItArScrollFirerain
Teleport to the Magicians of Fire ItArScrollTeleport1
Teleport to the Magicians of Water ItArScrollTeleport2
Teleport to the Necromancer ItArScrollTeleport3
Orc teleport spell ItArScrollTeleport4
Teleport to the Swamp Camp ItArScrollTeleport5
Healing ItArScrollHeal
Transform into Bloodfly ItArScrollTrfBloodfly
Transform into Minecrawler ItArScrollTrfCrawler
Transform into Lurker ItArScrollTrfLurker
Transform into Meatbug ItArScrollTrfMeatbug
Transform into Molerat ItArScrollTrfMolerat
Transform into Orc Dog ItArScrollTrfOrcdog
Transform into Scavenger ItArScrollTrfScavenger
Transform into Shadowbeast ItArScrollTrfShadowbeast
Transform into Snapper ItArScrollTrfSnapper
Transform into Lizard ItArScrollTrfWaran
Transform into Wolf ItArScrollTrfWolf
Chain Lightning ItArScrollChainLightning
Ice Bolt ItArScrollThunderbolt
Ball Lightning ItArScrollThunderball
Ice Block ItArScrollIcecube
Wave of Ice ItArScrollIceWave
Summon Demon ItArScrollSummonDemon
Summon Skeletons ItArScrollSummonSkeletons
Summon Golem ItArScrollSummonGolem
Army of Darkness ItArScrollArmyOfDarkness
Death to the Undead ItArScrollDestroyUndead
Fist of Wind ItArScrollWindfist
Storm Fist ItArScrollStormfist
Telekinesis ItArScrollTelekinesis
Charm ItArScrollCharm
Sleep ItArScrollSleep
Pyrokinesis ItArScrollPyrokinesis
Control ItArScrollControl
Fear ItArScrollFear
Rage ItArScrollBerzerk
Shrink Monster ItArScrollShrink

Obiect Cod
Bugmeat ItAt_Meatbug_01
Apple ItFoApple
Grapes ItFo_wineberrys_01
Bread ItFoLoaf
Grilled meat ItFoMutton
Raw Meat ItFoMuttonRaw
Ham ItFo_mutton_01
Cheese ItFoCheese
Rice ItFoRice
Root Soup ItFoSoup
Meatbug Ragout ItFoMeatbugragout
Minecrawler Soup ItFoCrawlersoup
Water ItFo_Potion_Water_01
Beer ItFoBeer
Wine ItFoWine
Rice Schnapps ItFoBooze
Blueberries ItFo_Plants_Berrys_01
Flame Thorn ItFo_Plants_Flameberry_01
Seraphis ItFo_Plants_Seraphis_01
Velayis ItFo_Plants_Velayis_01
Mountain Moss ItFo_Plants_mountainmoos_01
Grave Moss ItFo_Plants_mountainmoos_02
Solanaceae ItFo_Plants_Nightshadow_01
Lunanaceae ItFo_Plants_Nightshadow_02
Orc Leaf ItFo_Plants_OrcHerb_01
Oak Leaf ItFo_Plants_OrcHerb_02
Hell Mushrooms ItFo_Plants_mushroom_01
Slave's Bread ItFo_Plants_mushroom_02
Healing Herbs ItFo_Plants_Herb_01
Healing Herbs ItFo_Plants_Herb_02
Healing Herbs ItFo_Plants_Herb_03
Copper Beech Seed ItFo_Plants_Bloodwood_01
Tower Oak Seed ItFo_Plants_Towerwood_01
Raven Herbs ItFo_Plants_RavenHerb_01
Dark Herbs ItFo_Plants_RavenHerb_02
Stoneroot ItFo_Plants_Stoneroot_01
Dragonroot ItFo_Plants_Stoneroot_02
Troll Nightshade ItFo_Plants_Trollberrys_01

Obiect Cod
Essence of Magic Energy ItFo_Potion_Mana_01
Extract of Magic Energy ItFo_Potion_Mana_02
Elixir of Magic Energy ItFo_Potion_Mana_03
Elixir ItFo_Potion_Elixier
Essence of Healing ItFo_Potion_Health_01
Extract of Healing ItFo_Potion_Health_02
Elixir of Healing ItFo_Potion_Health_03
Crawler Potion ItFo_Potion_Elixier_Egg
Essence of Strength ItFo_Potion_Strength_01
Extract of Strength ItFo_Potion_Strength_02
Elixir of Strength ItFo_Potion_Strength_03
Essence of Dexterity ItFo_Potion_Dex_01
Extract of Dexterity ItFo_Potion_Dex_02
Elixir of Dexterity ItFo_Potion_Dex_03
Potion of Power ItFo_Potion_Master_01
Potion of Supremacy ItFo_Potion_Master_02
Essence of Life ItFo_Potion_Health_Perma_01
Extract of Life ItFo_Potion_Health_Perma_02
Elixir of Life ItFo_Potion_Health_Perma_03
Essence of the Spirit ItFo_Potion_Mana_Perma_01
Extract of the Spirit ItFo_Potion_Mana_Perma_02
Elixir of the Spirit ItFo_Potion_Mana_Perma_03
Potion of Swiftness ItFo_Potion_Haste_01
Potion of Velocity ItFo_Potion_Haste_02
Potion of Haste ItFo_Potion_Haste_03

Obiect Cod
Picklock ItKeLockpick
Weed Masher ItMiStomper
Hammer ItMiHammer
Wooden Spoon ItMiScoop
Lab Flask ItMiFlask
Raw Steel ItMiSwordraw
Glowing Steel ItMiSwordrawhot
Glowing Blade ItMiSwordbladehot
Blade ItMiSwordblade
Torch ItLsTorchFirespit
Lute ItMiLute
Palm Frond ItMiWedel
Brush ItMiBrush
Green Novice ItMiJoint_1
Northern Dark ItMiJoint_2
Dreamcall ItMiJoint_3
Ore Nugget ItMiNugget
Torch ItLsTorch
Burning Torch ItLsTorchburning
Torch 2 ItLsTorchburned
Swampweed ItMi_Plants_Swampherb_01
Pipe ItMi_Stuff_Pipe_01
Razor ItMi_Stuff_Barbknife_01
Coin ItMi_Stuff_OldCoin_01
Coin ItMi_Stuff_OldCoin_02
Plate ItMi_Stuff_Plate_01
Candlestick ItMi_Stuff_Candel_01
Tumbler ItMi_Stuff_Cup_01
Goblet ItMi_Stuff_Cup_02
Cutlery ItMi_Stuff_Silverware_01
Pan ItMi_Stuff_Pan_01
Jug ItMi_Stuff_Mug_01
Amphora ItMi_Stuff_Amphore_01
Statue ItMi_Stuff_Idol_Ogront_01
Sulfur ItMi_Alchemy_Sulphur_01
Mercury ItMi_Alchemy_Quicksilver_01
Salt ItMi_Alchemy_Salt_01
Syrianic Oil ItMi_Alchemy_Syrianoil_01
Molerat Grease ItMi_Alchemy_Moleratlubric_01
Pure Alcohol ItMi_Alchemy_Alcohol_01
Prepared Dreamcall SpecialJoint
Dam Lurker's Claws ItAt_DamLurker_01
Old Sword AltesSchwertVM
Old Sword AltesSchwert
Jackal's Sword JackalsSword
Amulet of the Mag of Water KdW_Amulett
Cronos letter to the Mag of Fire Cronos_Brief
Swampweed for Diggers RecruitJoint
Healing Potion for Y'Berion HealthWater
Potion of Quick Healing Heiltrank
Magic Water SpecialWater

Obiect Cod
Gomez' Bowl ItKe_Gomez_01
Rice Lord's Bowl ItKey_RB_01
Iron Key ItKe_OB_Smith_01
Key to the Store ItKe_Storage_01
Key to a Chest Old Mine ItKe_OM_01
Key to a Chest Old Mine ItKe_OM_02
Key to a Chest Old Mine ItKe_OM_03
Key to a Chest Old Mine ItKe_OM_04
Key to a Chest ItKe_BERG_01
Key - focus 4 ItKe_Focus4
Key - focus 5 ItKe_Focus5
Key to the Free Mine ItKe_Freemine
Key ItKeKey1
Key ItKeKey2
Key ItKeKey3
Key ItKeKey4
Cavalorn's Key ItKeCavalorn01
Key to Sunken Tower ItKe_SunkenTower
Dungeon Key DungeonKey

Obiect Cod
Teeth ItAt_Teeth_01
Wolfskin ItAt_Wolf_01
Skin of an Orc Dog ItAt_Wolf_02
Tongue of Fire ItAt_Waran_01
Claws ItAt_Claws_01
Armor Plate ItAt_Crawler_02
Mandibles of a Crawler ItAt_Crawler_01
Skin of a Shadowbeast ItAt_Shadow_01
Horn of a Shadowbeast ItAt_Shadow_02
Lurker's Claws ItAt_Lurker_01
Lurker's Skin ItAt_Lurker_02
Troll Tusk ItAt_Troll_02
Troll Skin ItAt_Troll_01
Skin of a Swampshark ItAt_Swampshark_01
Teeth of a Swampshark ItAt_Swampshark_02
Bloodfly Wings ItAt_Bloodfly_01
Bloodfly Sting ItAt_Bloodfly_02
Heart of a Stone Golem ItAt_StoneGolem_01
Heart of a Fire Golem ItAt_FireGolem_01
Heart of an Ice Golem ItAt_IceGolem_01
Piece of an Ice Golem ItAt_IceGolem_02
Obiect Cod
Kalom's Recipe KalomsRecipe
Map of the Colony ItWrWorldmap
Map of the Colony (supplemented) ItWrWorldmap_Orc
Map to the Old Mine ItWrOMMap
Map of Old Camp ItWrOCmap
Map of New Camp ItWrNCmap
Map of Swamp Camp ItWrPSImap
Sketch ItWrPinup
The Convicts ItWrDieVerurteilten
Sealed Letter ItWr_Fire_Letter_01
Opened Letter ItWr_Fire_Letter_02
Chromanin 1 theriddle1
Chromanin 2 theriddle2
Chromanin 3 theriddle3
Chromanin 4 theriddle4
Chromanin 5 theriddle5
Chromanin 6 theriddle6
Y'Berion's Focus Map ItWrFocusmapPsi
Saturas' Focus Map ItWrFocimap
Almanac ItWrFokusbuch
Half of a Parchment OrkParchmentOne
Half of a Parchment OrkParchmentTwo
Journal Page ItWr_Troll_01
Title Deed ItWr_Urkunde_01
Letter Fakescroll
Arcanum Golum - Volume I ItWr_GolemBook1
Arcanum Golum - Volume II ItWr_GolemBook2
The First Circle of Magic ItWr_Book_Circle_01
The Second Circle of Magic ItWr_Book_Circle_02
The Third Circle of Magic ItWr_Book_Circle_03
The Fourth Circle of Magic ItWr_Book_Circle_04
The Fifth Circle of Magic ItWr_Book_Circle_05
Sixth Circle of Magic ItWr_Book_Circle_06
A Gift from the Gods Goettergabe
The Secrets of Magic Geheimnisse_der_Zauberei
A Powerful Art Machtvolle_Kunst
Elementary Arcanum Elementare_Arcanei
True Power Wahre_Macht
Magic Ore Das_magische_Erz
The Battle of Varant Schlacht_um_Varant1
The Battle of Varant II Schlacht_um_Varant2
Myrtana's Poetry Myrtanas_Lyrik
Words of the Gods Volume 1 Lehren_der_Goetter1
Words of the Gods Volume 2 Lehren_der_Goetter2
Words of the Gods Volume 3 Lehren_der_Goetter3
Hunt and Prey Jagd_und_Beute
The Art of Fighting Kampfkunst
The Crypt Die_Gruft
Astronomy Astronomie
Recipes Rezepturen
Recipes Rezepturen2
Journal TagebuchOT
The Bloodflies ItWr_Bloodfly_01

Obiect Cod
Amulet of Nek Neks_Amulett
Lares' Ring Lares_Ring
Mordrag's Ring MordragsRing
Test of Faith List TheList
Test of Faith List (extended) TheListNC
Gearwheel ItMi_Stuff_Gearwheel_01
Minecrawler's Egg ItAt_Crawlerqueen
Ulu-Mulu UluMulu
Orc Medicine OrcMedicine
Focus from the Ocean Cliff Focus_1
Focus from the Troll Canyon Focus_2
Focus from the Mountain Fort Focus_3
Focus from the Ruined Monastery Focus_4
Focus underneath the Ring of Stone Focus_5
Transfer of Power Scroll4Milten
Orc Talisman ItMi_OrcTalisman
Sketch of the Temple ItWrTemplemap
Horn ItMiAlarmhorn
Statue ItMi_Stuff_Idol_Ogront_01
Figurine ItMi_Stuff_Idol_Sleeper_01
Clefter of Worlds Weltenspalter
Blade of Light Lichtbringer
Blade of Time Zeitenklinge
Demon Strike Daemonenstreich
Blade of Banishment Bannklinge
Strange Sword Mythrilklinge
URIZIEL Mythrilklinge01
URIZIEL 2 Mythrilklinge02
URIZIEL 3 Mythrilklinge03
URIZIEL's Wave of Death UrizielRune

Locatie Cod
Startpoint start
Intrare principala in Old Camp oc1
Intrare laterala in Old Camp oc2
Gomez occ_barons_dance
Corristo occ_chapel_upstairs
Old mine ow_om_entrance01
Intrare in New Camp nc_path50
In centrul New Camp nc_entrance_wp
Lee nc_small_cave_center
Saturas nc_kdw_cave_entrance
Free mine fms_entrance
Ore pit nc_pit_center
Intrare in Sect Camp psi_start
Y'Berion psi_temple_rooms
Cor Kalom psi_labor_in
Intrare in turnul lui Xardas dt_maingate
Xardas dt_library
Castle ruin castle
Lighttower fogtower_out
Valea cu troll-ul location_12_01
Old castle location_19_03
Ruinele Manastirii location_28_01
Grota Black Goblini location_29_02
magics` tower mt_01
Orc bridge ow_orcbridge
Cimitirul Orc ow_path_198_orcgraveyard7
Intrare in Templul lui Sleeper ow_sleeperentrance
Stonehenge stones
Primul focus wp_circle_01
Look-out castle_tower_top
Another Look-out occ_tower_platform

*aceste coduri se insereaza cu comanda "goto waypoint" in loc de "insert"
Fighting back!...
Imi pare rau ca intervin, dar majoritatea lucrurilor de mai sus pot fi luate printr-un singur cod: insert pc_rockfeller , il omori si acolo gasesti tot ce ai nevoie.
Nu are nimic Wink.
Mai exista inca cateva coduri de baza, cum ar fi: edit abilities, edit focus, kill. Comanda insert merge si cu monstrii. In afara consolei, F8 te ajuta sa zbori, iar k te teleporteaza cativa pasi mai in fata. Iar parolele acelea, pentru teleportare, se pot folosi si cu comanda aigoto in loc de goto waypoint, in acest caz, aigoto nu te teleporteaza insa il face pe erou sa mearga pe jos pana la destinatie.
Fighting back!...
Da ma da sa fim seriosi,cu coduri te faci imediat cel mai bun,omori tot si asta-i jocul,eu sincer cred ca-i mult mai tare fara coduri,ca macar asa stii ca trebuie sa ai grija sa nu mori cu coduri decat bagi comanda cheat god si gata esti plus daca folositi coduri se pot pierde si unele quest-uri!!!Asa ca sfatul meu ar fi sa jucati fara coduri!!!
(05-06-2013, 11:39 AM)dorelys Wrote: si plus daca folositi coduri se pot pierde si unele quest-uri!!!Asa ca sfatul meu ar fi sa jucati fara coduri!!!

Big truth !

Sa zicem ca incerci jocul si cu coduri, ok?Dar foloseste-le DUPA ce l-ai terminat FARA amuzament, ca fapt divers..

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