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[TOOL] Diakreion - Scripting
O unealta extrem de utila in vederea realizarii unui mod care ajuta la crearea dialogurilor. Detalii mai jos:

Autor Wrote:This is a tool I initialy created for creation of dialogs for Gothic 2. But the project went further and now it is very advanced tool for scripting supporting 16 programming languages or script languages.

Features: Syntax highlighting of Daedalus (supporting over 1800 functions, variables, constants, keywords!!!); Syntax highlighting of Pascal, FreePascal, Lazarus Form, Java, C++, Visual Basic, HTML, XML, PHP, Perl, Python, SQL, CSS, TeX, Unix Shell (program automatically sets the highlighter according to the file extension); Autocompletion (You need just type first letter or two and the program gives you options of continuation - use with CTRL + SPACE); multitab environment; file association (double click on a file and it might be opened in Diakreion); dragging files on Diakreion (you may drag files instead of using buttons or high menu if you want); you may change the environment on your wish; possibility to reopen last opened tabs on start; supporting projects (you can accumulate files in projects and so work on them); you may use hot keys; simple to use; automatically checking new version in internet; communication with Convlett 1.8 and higher; and more.

Planned features in future versions: Export all texts out of Daedalus files, copy them into txt file - then you may do what ever you want (corrections, Google translations, etc), and then import them back. Also planned translations into other languages - on demand.

Known issues: 1) Program MUST NOT run from folder or path, which contains other than ANSI characters. (Even so it may work with files from such places). 2) Sometimes it takes several seconds to start if you have problem with internet connection, for the program checks newer versions of itself and of Convlett.

Program is so far in English, German and Czech language. Supports 32bit and 64bit environment.


[Image: 3.jpg]
Ma asteptam sa adauge cineva unealta asta in threadul sticky despre modding g1 si g2.
Hi, I'm Aeternitas, creater of Diakreion, the Scripting Tool, Modder, and webmaster of, website about all Gothic mods (over 330), and more. I found this forum and I'm glad you use my program.

I'm sorry but I speak no word of Romanian language. I use Google Translator to understand it.

I want to add some more info my program. I just issued version 2.0. See the whole feature list:

- Syntax highlighting of Daedalus (supporting over 1800 functions, variables, constants, keywords!!!);
- Syntax highlighting of Pascal, FreePascal, Lazarus Form, Java, C++, Visual Basic, HTML, XML, PHP, Perl, Python, SQL, CSS, TeX, Unix Shell (program automatically sets the highlighter according to the file extension);
- Autocompletion (You need just type first letter or two and the program gives you options of continuation - use with CTRL + SPACE);
- Multitab environment;
- File association (double click on a file and it might be opened in Diakreion);
- Dragging files on Diakreion (you may drag files instead of using buttons or high menu if you want);
- You may change the environment on your wish;
- Possibility to reopen last opened tabs on start;
- Supporting projects (you can accumulate files in projects and so work on them);
- You may use hot keys;
- Simple to use;
- Automatically checking new version in internet;
- Communication with Convlett 1.8 and higher;
- Export all texts out of Daedalus files, copy them into txt file - then you may do what ever you want (corrections, Google translations, etc), and then import them back;
- Treeview;
- Simple diary creation;
- Simple syntax checker of Daedalus d-files;
- NPC and bunch of NPCs generation;
- Intelligent NPCs redistribution over WPs and routines;
- Gothic camp support;

Goal of my program is to simplify the modding of Gothic so far it goes. In fact, with Diakreion you may do in minutes what you would do in weeks or months by hand. For example the new feature is the redistribution of NPCs over a camp.

I also plan new versions and new features and I'm open to any suggestions and opinions.

The program is in six languages but if you want it may also be in Romanian. If you want to translate the program, just contact me and I'll tell you how to do it and then I may add the Romanian language in the next version.

See some screens:
[Image: 9.jpg]
[Image: 10.jpg]
[Image: 11.jpg]
[Image: 12.jpg]

You may join discussion about the program on my own forum here.
You may tell about bugs here

Download you find here.

I'm always open to hear new ideas. So don't hesitate and contact me. It is worthy, because I may implement almost anything what suits you.
Web about all Gothic mods (over 330!!!)

Mod [Thanatos], [Infernum]
Aeternitas mi-a trimis azi un pm in care isi exprima disponibilitatea in legatura cu traducerea in romana a diakreionului si a modurilor realizate de el si echipa lui de modding care sunt postate pe situl lor. M-a intrebat si cam cati modderi sunt pe-aici, la care am raspuns ca userii de-aici nu prea se ocupa cu moddingul si cred ca raspunsul a fost corect, dar eu ma gandesc ca situatia s-ar putea schimba. Voi ce credeti?
(02-25-2013, 06:13 PM)old nick Wrote: Voi ce credeti?

Am inteles...
S-ar schimba pe naiba...
De ce nu?

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