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Personaj vs. Personaj
Polul Sud, ca acolo sunt pinguini invincibili.

Soacra Vs Bunica
Always fight against evil, even if it leads to youre death.
We should meet the enemies of god.
He who fears of being conquered is sure of defeat.
mai bine bunica

caine vs. pisica
caine...pare mai tare

Michael Jackson Vs M. Manson
Always fight against evil, even if it leads to youre death.
We should meet the enemies of god.
He who fears of being conquered is sure of defeat.
Michael Jackson (imi place ca-i mai cade nasul din cand in cand=)))

sora vs frate
In this world to be a human it's dangerous, but to be an assassin it's awesome!

Cheloo vs. Ombladon
Don't Smoke. Drink Coke. Or do them both.


Vanilie vs Ciocolata
pff. depinde unde Haha
daca e crema, vreau vanilie
daca e la inghetata sau ceva gen, vreau ciocolata

aceeasi intrebare
.Chorus Romance says Good Night.
Ciocolata Grin

Telefon fix vs. Telefon mobil
Telefon mobil

Scoala vs munca
In this world to be a human it's dangerous, but to be an assassin it's awesome!

Messenger vs Telefon

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Thread Author Replies Views Last Post
  Personaj vs. Personaj Ducipal 685 151,957 05-10-2011, 10:13 PM
Last Post: Cryssalis

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