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Ajutor pentru servere de GMP.
@Meph , ca sa schimbi ceea ce ziceai tu, arunca o privire aici.

Cod pentru clase:
function OnGameModeInit()

AddPlayerClass("PC_HERO",x, z, y, 0,x, z, y, 0);


function OnPlayerChangeClass(playerid, classid)

        if classid == 0 then

function Comandant(playerid)

SetPlayerAcrobatic(playerid, 0);


Cod pentru descriere:

function OnGameModeInit()



Pentru a schimba gamemode-ul uite aici:
port 28961
hostname GMPA R-9
public 1
rcon_password admin
maxplayers 200
maxbots 1000
maxtimers 1000
maxitems 200
maxsounds 1000
maxdraws 10000
maxtextures 50

stream_distance 3500
stream_rate 1000
position_rate 200
key_rate 70
unsynchronised_items 1

gamemode dorelroleplay
filterscript_1 admin
filterscript_2 npc

Tu vroiaia sa stii unde schimbi viata, la functia clasei, laSetPlayerMaxHealth si SetPlayrHealt, pui in loc de 1250 valoarea pe care o vrei tu.

Nu poti spawna obiecte decat folosind worldbuilder.

La clase x,z,y reprezinta coordonate, care le iei din spacer.

dorelroleplay este modul si ca sa il schimbi doar pui numele celui pe care il vrei, asta bineinteles in server.cfg.

Daca ai nelamuriri doar zi ce. Haha

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Nu spacer e world builderul?
Am facut astea,mai trebuie sa pun bolovanii.Ms de ajutor.
Nu, nu este spacer, e un script de pe, dar acum e inchis si nu o sa il mai poti lua. Dar il mai am eu.
wb =
    filename = "Default",
    builders = {},
    vobs =    {
        all = { name = "All"},
        oth = { name = "Other"}, -- unassigned
        cat1 = {name = "Category 1"},
        cat2 = {name = "Category 2"},
        cat3 = {name = "Category 3"},
        cat4 = {name = "Category 4"},
        cat5 = {name = "Category 5"},
        cat6 = {name = "Category 6"},
        cat7 = {name = "Category 7"},
        cat8 = {name = "Category 8"},
        cat9 = {name = "Category 9"}
    set = {}

builder = {} -- players using WB
keypush = {} -- IsKeyPushed

function OnFilterscriptInit()

function OnPlayerDisconnect(id, reason)
    if builder[id] ~= nil then
        builder[id] = nil;
        keypush[id] = nil;

function OnPlayerCommandText(id, cmdtext)
    local cmd,params = GetCommand(cmdtext);

    if cmd == "/wb" then  if builder[id]==nil or builder[id].start == false then WB_Start(id) else WB_End(id) end
    elseif cmd == "/save" then if wb.filename ~= "Default" then WB_SaveAllVobs(id) else SendPlayerMessage(id, 255, 0, 0, "Set name of file to save ") end
    elseif cmd == "/load" then WB_LoadVobs(id,params)
    elseif cmd == "/filename" then WB_SetFileName(id,params)
    elseif cmd == "/catname" then WB_SetCategoryName(id,params)
    elseif cmd == "/n" then WB_SetVobName(id,params)
    elseif cmd == "/catsave" then WB_SaveCategories(id)

function OnPlayerKey(id, keyDown, keyUp)
    PushKey(id, keyDown, keyUp)

    if builder[id].start == true then

        -- Rotate
        if keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD7 or keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD9 or keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD4 or keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD6 or keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD1 or keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD3 then
            if builder[id].t_rot == nil or IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_rot) == 0 then builder[id].t_rot = SetTimerEx("WB_SetVobRot",40,1,id) end
            -- Rotate x
            if keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD7 then builder[id].rot_x = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD9 then builder[id].rot_x = 2
            -- Rotate y
            elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD4 then builder[id].rot_y = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD6 then builder[id].rot_y = 2
            -- Rotate z
            elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD1 then builder[id].rot_z = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD3 then builder[id].rot_z = 2
        elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD7 or keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD9 or keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD4 or keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD6 or keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD1 or keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD3 then
            if keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD7 and builder[id].rot_x == 1        then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD9) == 1 then builder[id].rot_x = 2; else builder[id].rot_x = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD9 and builder[id].rot_x == 2 then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD7) == 1 then builder[id].rot_x = 1; else builder[id].rot_x = 0; end
            -- obrot y
            elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD4 and builder[id].rot_y == 1 then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD6) == 1 then builder[id].rot_y = 2; else builder[id].rot_y = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD6 and builder[id].rot_y == 2 then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD4) == 1 then builder[id].rot_y = 1; else builder[id].rot_y = 0; end
            -- obrot z
            elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD1 and builder[id].rot_z == 1 then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD3) == 1 then builder[id].rot_z = 2; else builder[id].rot_z = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD3 and builder[id].rot_z == 2 then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD1) == 1 then builder[id].rot_z = 1; else builder[id].rot_z = 0; end
            if builder[id].t_rot ~= nil and IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_rot) == 1 and builder[id].rot_z == 0 and builder[id].rot_x == 0 and builder[id].rot_y == 0 then KillTimer(builder[id].t_rot); builder[id].t_rot = nil; end

        -- move
        if keyDown == KEY_W  or  keyDown == KEY_S  or  keyDown == KEY_A  or  keyDown == KEY_D  or  keyDown == KEY_Q  or  keyDown == KEY_E  then
            if  builder[id].t_move == nil or IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_move) == 0 then builder[id].t_move = SetTimerEx("WB_SetVobMove",20,1,id) end
            -- front
            if keyDown == KEY_W then builder[id].dir_f = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_S then builder[id].dir_f = 2
            -- turn
            elseif keyDown == KEY_D then builder[id].dir_t = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_A then builder[id].dir_t = 2
            -- up/down
            elseif keyDown == KEY_E then builder[id].dir_u = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_Q then builder[id].dir_u = 2
        elseif keyUp == KEY_W  or  keyUp == KEY_S  or  keyUp == KEY_A  or  keyUp == KEY_D  or  keyUp == KEY_Q  or  keyUp == KEY_E  then
            -- front
            if keyUp == KEY_W and builder[id].dir_f == 1     then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_S) == 1 then builder[id].dir_f = 2; else builder[id].dir_f = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_S and builder[id].dir_f == 2 then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_W) == 1 then builder[id].dir_f = 1; else builder[id].dir_f = 0; end
            -- side
            elseif keyUp == KEY_D and builder[id].dir_t == 1 then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_A) == 1 then builder[id].dir_t = 2; else builder[id].dir_t = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_A and builder[id].dir_t == 2 then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_D) == 1 then builder[id].dir_t = 1; else builder[id].dir_t = 0; end
            -- up/down
            elseif keyUp == KEY_E and builder[id].dir_u == 1 then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_Q) == 1 then builder[id].dir_u = 2; else builder[id].dir_u = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_Q and builder[id].dir_u == 2 then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_E) == 1 then builder[id].dir_u = 1; else builder[id].dir_u = 0; end
            if builder[id].t_move ~= nil and IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_move) == 1 and builder[id].dir_f == 0 and builder[id].dir_t == 0 and builder[id].dir_u == 0 then KillTimer(builder[id].t_move); builder[id].t_move = nil end

        -- Change Rotation speed
        if keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD8 then WB_SetSpeedRot(id,2);
        elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD2 then WB_SetSpeedRot(id,1);
        -- Centring Vob
        elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD5 then  WB_SetVobCenter(id);
        -- Change Move speed
        elseif keyDown == KEY_LEFT then WB_SetSpeedMove(id,1);
        elseif keyDown == KEY_RIGHT then WB_SetSpeedMove(id,2);
        -- Change vob
        elseif keyDown == KEY_UP then WB_ChangeVob(id,2);
        elseif keyDown == KEY_DOWN then  WB_ChangeVob(id,1);
        -- put vob(only if edit mode is off)
        elseif keyDown == KEY_LCONTROL and builder[id].edit == false then WB_SetNewVob(id);
        -- delete vob (On edit mode)
        elseif keyDown == KEY_DELETE and builder[id].edit == true then WB_DestroyVob(id);
        -- Browse placed vobs
        elseif keyDown == KEY_PRIOR then WB_EditVob(id,1);
        elseif keyDown == KEY_NEXT and builder[id].edit == true then  WB_EditVob(id,2);
        elseif keyDown == KEY_END and builder[id].edit == true then builder[id].edit = false; WB_SetNewVob(id,1)
        -- Teleport Player to vob
        elseif keyDown == KEY_H then WB_TpToVob(id);
        -- Change category "All"
        elseif keyDown == KEY_F11  then  WB_ChangeCategory(id, "all");
        -- assign vob to category
        elseif IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_RCONTROL) == 1 then
            if keyDown == KEY_1 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat1");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_2 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat2");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_3 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat3");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_4 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat4");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_5 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat5");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_6 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat6");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_7 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat7");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_8 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat8");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_9 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat9");
            -- all vobs not assigned
            elseif keyDown == KEY_0 then  WB_SetVobCategory(id, "oth");
        -- change category
        elseif IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_RCONTROL) == 0 or IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_RCONTROL) == nil then
            if keyDown == KEY_1 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat1");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_2 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat2");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_3 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat3");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_4 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat4");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_5 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat5");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_6 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat6");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_7 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat7");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_8 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat8");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_9 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat9");
            -- all vobs not assigned
            elseif keyDown == KEY_0 then  WB_ChangeCategory(id, "oth");

function PushKey(id,keyDown,keyUp)
    if keyDown<255 then
        keypush[id][keyDown] = 1;
    elseif keyUp<255 then
        keypush[id][keyUp] = 0;

function IsKeyPushed(id,key)
    return keypush[id][key]

function LOAD_VOBS_TO_TAB()

    local file_all = ("vobs//all.txt","r+")
    for line in io.lines("vobs//all.txt") do
        vob = file_all:read("*l")
        local result,ins,name = sscanf(vob,"ss")
        if result == 1
            table.insert(wb.vobs.all,{name = name , ins = ins})
            table.insert(wb.vobs.all,{name = vob , ins = vob})

    local file_other = ("vobs//other.txt","r+")
    for line in io.lines("vobs//other.txt") do
        vob = file_other:read("*l")
        local result,ins,name = sscanf(vob,"ss")
        if result == 1
            table.insert(wb.vobs.oth,{name = name , ins = ins})
            table.insert(wb.vobs.oth,{name = vob , ins = vob})

    for i=1 , 9 do
        local cat = string.format("%s%d","cat",i)
        local nameline = false;

        local file = (string.format("%s %s%s","vobs//category",i,".txt"),"r+")

        for line in io.lines(string.format("%s %s%s","vobs//category",i,".txt")) do
            if nameline == true then
                local vob = line
                local result,ins,name = sscanf(vob,"ss")
                if result == 1
                    table.insert(wb.vobs[cat],{name = name , ins = ins})
                    table.insert(wb.vobs[cat],{name = vob , ins = vob})
                nameline = true;
                wb.vobs[cat].name = line;

function WB_Start(id)
    FreezePlayer(id, 1);
    SetPlayerEnable_OnPlayerKey(id, 1)
    if builder[id] == nil then
        -- cat = category, nr = actualy nr, ps = position speed, rs = rotation speed, use = id vob acctually using, dir_ = direction move , rot = rotation
        builder[id] = { start = false, edit = false; cat = "all", nr = 1, rs = 1, ps = 4, use = 0, dir_f = 0, dir_t = 0, dir_u = 0, rot_x = 0, rot_y = 0, rot_z = 0,
            d_x =    CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 2000, "Position x: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_y =    CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 2200, "Position y: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_z =    CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 2400, "Position z: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_rx =   CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 2600, "Angle x: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_ry =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 2800, "Angle y: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_rz =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 3000, "Angle x: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_ps =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 3200, "Speed move: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_rs =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 3400, "Speed rotate ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_n =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 3600, "Name: " , "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_c =       CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 3800, "Category: ","Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_h =       CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 4000, "Number/All: ","Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_w =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 4200, "Who set: ","Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
        keypush[id] = {};

    builder[id].start = true;
    table.insert(, id)
    builder[id].use = Vob.Create(wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].ins,GetPlayerWorld(id), GetPlayerPos(id))
    SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use )

    for i=1,6 do WB_UpdatePlayerDraws(id,i) end

    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_x)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_y)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_z)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rx)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ry)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rz)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ps)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rs)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_c)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_h)

function WB_End(id)

    for i=1, do if id ==[i] then table.remove(,i); end end
    FreezePlayer(id, 0);
    SetPlayerEnable_OnPlayerKey(id, 0)
    if builder[id].t_rot ~= nil then
        if IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_rot) == 1 then KillTimer(builder[id].t_rot); builder[id].t_rot = nil;  end
    if builder[id].t_move ~= nil then
        if IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_move) == 1 then KillTimer(builder[id].t_move); builder[id].t_move = nil;  end
    if builder[id].edit == false then builder[id].use:Destroy()    end

    builder[id].start = false;
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_x)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_y)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_z)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rx)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ry)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rz)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ps)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rs)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_c)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_h)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)


function WB_SetNewVob(id,c)
    c = c or 0;
    if c == 0 then
        {   id = builder[id].use,
            ins   = wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].ins,
            name  = wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].name,
            world = GetPlayerWorld(id),
            who = GetPlayerName(id)
    rx,ry,rz = builder[id].use:GetRotation()
    builder[id].use = Vob.Create(wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].ins,GetPlayerWorld(id), builder[id].use:GetPosition())
    SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)
    if c == 1 then WB_UpdatePlayerDraws(id,6) end


function WB_DestroyVob(id)
    local x;
    for i=1, #wb.set do if wb.set[i].id == builder[id].use then x = i end end
    local des = builder[id].use;
    if #wb.set == 0 then
        builder[id].edit = false;
        HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)
    elseif x>#wb.set then
    elseif x<=#wb.set then

        local b={}
        local c;
        for i=1, do if[i] ~= id then b[i] = builder[[i]].use end end

        local n = -1
            n = n + 1
            c = true;
            for i=1, #b do if wb.set[x - n].id == b[i] then c = false end end
        until c ==  true or n >= #wb.set - x + 1 ;

        if c == true then
            builder[id].use = wb.set[x+n].id;
            SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)
            if des == builder[id].use then
                builder[id].edit = false;
                HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)
-- Change position / rotation

function WB_SetVobMove(id)
    local vob = builder[id].use
    local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()
    local ps = math.pow(2,builder[id].ps)/2;
    if builder[id].dir_f == 1 then
        if builder[id].dir_t == 1 then WB_SetVobPos(id,45)
        elseif builder[id].dir_t == 2 then WB_SetVobPos(id,315)
        else WB_SetVobPos(id,0)
    elseif builder[id].dir_f == 2 then
        if builder[id].dir_t == 1 then WB_SetVobPos(id,135)
        elseif builder[id].dir_t == 2 then WB_SetVobPos(id,225)
        else WB_SetVobPos(id,180)
    elseif builder[id].dir_t == 1 then WB_SetVobPos(id,90)
    elseif builder[id].dir_t == 2 then WB_SetVobPos(id,270)

    if builder[id].dir_u == 1 then
        local vob = builder[id].use
        local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()
    elseif builder[id].dir_u == 2 then
        local vob = builder[id].use
        local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()

function WB_SetVobPos(id,ang)
    local vob = builder[id].use
    local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()
    local rx,ry,rz = vob:GetRotation()
    local dis = math.pow(2,builder[id].ps);
    if ry<0 then ry = ry + ((math.ceil(math.abs(ry)/360))*360) else ry = ry - ((math.floor(ry/360))*360) end
    local rot = ry + ang;
    rot =rot - math.floor(rot/360) * 360

    if rot%90==0 then
        if rot == 0 then vob:SetPosition(x,y,z+dis)
        elseif rot == 90 then  vob:SetPosition(x+dis,y,z)
        elseif rot == 180 then vob:SetPosition(x,y,z-dis)
        elseif rot == 270 then vob:SetPosition(x-dis,y,z)
        local mrot = (math.floor(rot/90))*90
        local a = math.cos(math.rad(rot-mrot)) * dis;
        local b = math.sin(math.rad(rot-mrot)) * dis;
        if rot > 0 and rot < 90 then vob:SetPosition(x+b,y,z+a)
        elseif rot > 90 and rot < 180 then vob:SetPosition(x+a,y,z-b)
        elseif rot > 180 and rot < 270 then vob:SetPosition(x-b,y,z-a)
        elseif rot > 270 then vob:SetPosition(x-a,y,z+b)


function WB_SetVobRot(id)

    local vob = builder[id].use;
    local x,y,z = vob:GetRotation();
    local rs = builder[id].rs;

    if builder[id].rot_x == 1 then
        if builder[id].rot_y == 1 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then  vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y-rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y-rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y-rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 2 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y+rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y+rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y+rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 0 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then   vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y, z);
    elseif builder[id].rot_x == 2 then
        if builder[id].rot_y == 1 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then  vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y-rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y-rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y-rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 2 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y+rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y+rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y+rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 0 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then   vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y, z);
    elseif builder[id].rot_x == 0 then
        if builder[id].rot_y == 1 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then  vob:SetRotation(x,y-rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x,y-rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x,y-rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 2 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then vob:SetRotation(x,y+rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x,y+rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x,y+rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 0 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then   vob:SetRotation(x,y, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x,y, z+rs);


function WB_SetVobCenter(id)

function WB_EditVob(id,x)

    local b={}
    local c;

    for i=1, do if[i] ~= id then b[i] = builder[[i]].use end end

    local vob = builder[id].use;
    local t = -1;
    for i=1,#wb.set do if wb.set[i].id == vob then t = i end end

    if x==1 and #wb.set >0 and ( t>1 or t==-1 ) then
        if t == -1 then
            local n = - 1
                n = n + 1
                c = true;
                for i=1, #b do if wb.set[#wb.set - n].id == b[i] then c = false end end
            until c == true or n >= #wb.set;

            if c == true then
                builder[id].edit = true;
                ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)
                builder[id].use = wb.set[#wb.set - n].id;
                SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)

        elseif t>1 then
            local n = 0
                n = n + 1
                c = true;
                for i=1, #b do if wb.set[t - n].id == b[i] then c = false end end
            until c ==  true or n >= #wb.set - t + 1 ;
            if c == true then
                builder[id].use = wb.set[t-n].id;
                SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)
    elseif x == 2 and t ~= -1 then
        if t == #wb.set then
            builder[id].edit = false;
            HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)
        elseif t<#wb.set then
            local n = 0
                n = n + 1
                c = true;
                for i=1, #b do if wb.set[t + n].id == b[i] then c = false end end
            until c ==  true or wb.set[t] + n > #wb.set ;

            if c == true then
                if #wb.set - t + n > #wb.set then
                    builder[id].edit = false;
                    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)
                    builder[id].use = wb.set[t+n].id;
                    SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)


--Change Speed

function WB_SetSpeedRot(id,c)

    if c == 1 then if  builder[id].rs >= 2 then builder[id].rs =  builder[id].rs - 1; end
    elseif c == 2 then if  builder[id].rs <= 9 then builder[id].rs =  builder[id].rs + 1; end

function WB_SetSpeedMove(id,c)

    if c == 1 then if  builder[id].ps >= 2 then builder[id].ps =  builder[id].ps - 1; end
    elseif c == 2 then if  builder[id].ps <= 5 then builder[id].ps =  builder[id].ps + 1; end

function  WB_ChangeVob(id,c)
    local vob = builder[id].use
    local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()

    if c == 1 then
        if builder[id].nr > 1 then     builder[id].nr = builder[id].nr - 1; else builder[id].nr = #wb.vobs[builder[id].cat] end
    elseif c == 2 then
        if builder[id].nr < #wb.vobs[builder[id].cat] then builder[id].nr = builder[id].nr + 1; else builder[id].nr = 1; end
    elseif c == 3 then    -- only for change category
        if builder[id].nr > #wb.vobs[builder[id].cat] then builder[id].nr = 1; end

    builder[id].use = Vob.Create(wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].ins, GetPlayerWorld(id), x,y,z)
    SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)

    if builder[id].edit == true then
        for i=1, #wb.set do
            if wb.set[i].id == vob then
                wb.set[i].id = builder[id].use;
                wb.set[i].ins = wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].ins;
                wb.set[i].name = wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].name;

function WB_ChangeCategory(id, cat)
    if cat ~= builder[id].cat then
        if #wb.vobs[cat] > 0 then
            builder[id].cat = cat;
            builder[id].nr = 1;
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 255, 0, 0, "No vobs on this category")

function WB_SetVobCategory(id, cat)
    if builder[id].cat ~= "all" and builder[id].edit == false and builder[id].cat ~= cat then
        local vob = builder[id].use;
        local t = wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr]
        if  #wb.vobs[builder[id].cat]>0 then

function WB_SetCategoryName(id, params)
    if builder[id].edit == false then
        local result,catname = sscanf(params,"s")
        if result == 1 then
            wb.vobs[builder[id].cat].name = catname

function WB_SetVobName(id, params)
    if builder[id].edit == false then
        local result,vobname = sscanf(params,"s")
        if result == 1 then
            wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].name = vobname

function WB_SaveCategories()
    local s_oth;
    if #wb.vobs.oth > 0 then
        s_oth =  string.format("%s %s",wb.vobs.oth[1].ins,wb.vobs.oth[1].name);
        if #wb.vobs.oth > 1 then
            for i=2,#wb.vobs.oth do s_oth = string.format("%s\n%s %s",s_oth,wb.vobs.oth[i].ins,wb.vobs.oth[i].name); end
    local file_other = ("vobs//other.txt","w")

    local s_cat = {}
    for i=1 , 9 do
        local cat = string.format("%s%d","cat",i)
        s_cat[i] = wb.vobs[cat].name;
        for j=1,#wb.vobs[cat] do
            s_cat[i] = string.format("%s\n%s %s",s_cat[i],wb.vobs[cat][j].ins,wb.vobs[cat][j].name);
        local file = (string.format("%s %s%s","vobs//category",i,".txt"),"w")
    SendPlayerMessage(id, 192, 168, 0, "All categories was saved")

function WB_SaveAllVobs(id)

    if #wb.set > 0 then
        local allvobs = "";
        for i=1,#wb.set do
            local vob = wb.set[i].id
            local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()
            local rx,ry,rz = vob:GetRotation()
            allvobs = string.format("%s%s %s %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",allvobs, wb.set[i].ins, wb.set[i].name, wb.set[i].world, wb.set[i].who, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)
        local file ="%s%s%s","WB//",wb.filename,".txt"), "w");
        if file~= nil then
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 192, 168, 0, "Save success")

function WB_LoadVobs(id,params)
    local result,fname = sscanf(params,"s");
    if result == 1 then
        local file ="%s%s%s","WB//",fname,".txt"), "r");
        if file ~= nil then
            local l = 0;
            for line in file:lines() do
                l = l + 1;
                local res,ins,vname,world,who,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz = sscanf(line,"ssssdddddd")
                if res == 1 then
                    table.insert(wb.set,{id = Vob.Create(ins,world,x,y,z),ins = ins, name = vname, world = world, who = who});
                    SendPlayerMessage(id, 255, 0, 0, string.format("%d %s %s %s",l,"from",fname,"was not readed"))
                    LogString("WB//ERROR",string.format("%d %s %s %s",l,"from",fname,"was not readed"))
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 192, 168, 0, "Load success")
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 255, 0, 0, "File not exist")

function WB_SetFileName(id,params)
    local result,fname = sscanf(params,"s");
    if result == 1 then
        if string.lower(fname) ~= "default" then
            wb.filename = fname
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 192, 168, 0, string.format("%s \"%s\"","You change file name to ",wb.filename))
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 255, 0, 0, "Enter a name other than \"Default\"")

function WB_TpToVob(id)
    local vob = builder[id].use;
    local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()

function WB_UpdatePlayerDraws(id,nr,s)
        s = s or 0;

    --1 Pos,2 Rot,3 ps, 4 rs, 5 Name,6 Cat and name,7 editmode
    local vob = builder[id].use
    if nr == 1 then
        local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()
        local t1 = string.format("%s %d","Pos x:",x);
        local t2 = string.format("%s %d","Pos y:",y);
        local t3 = string.format("%s %d","Pos z:",z);

        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_x,5500, 2000, t1, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_y,5500, 2200, t2, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_z,5500, 2400, t3, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)

    elseif nr == 2 then
        local rx,ry,rz = vob:GetRotation()
        local t1 = string.format("%s %d","Rot x:",rx);
        local t2 = string.format("%s %d","Rot y:",ry);
        local t3 = string.format("%s %d","Rot z:",rz);

        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rx,5500, 2600, t1, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ry,5500, 2800, t2, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rz,5500, 3000, t3, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
    elseif nr == 3 then
        local t = string.format("%s %s","Speed move:",builder[id].ps);
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ps,5500, 3200, t, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
    elseif nr == 4 then
        local t = string.format("%s %s","Speed rotate:",builder[id].rs);
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rs,5500, 3400, t, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
    elseif nr == 5 then
        local t1 = string.format("%s %s","Name:",wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].name);
        local t2 = string.format("%s %s/%s","Nr:",builder[id].nr,#wb.vobs[builder[id].cat]);
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n,5500, 3600, t1, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_h,5500, 4000, t2, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
    elseif nr == 6 then
        local t1 = string.format("%s %s","Name:",wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].name);
        local t2 = string.format("%s %s","Category:",wb.vobs[builder[id].cat].name);
        local t3 = string.format("%s %s/%s","Nr:",builder[id].nr,#wb.vobs[builder[id].cat]);
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n,5500, 3600, t1, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_c,5500, 3800, t2, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_h,5500, 4000, t3, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
    elseif nr == 7 then
        local t1 = string.format("%s %s","Name:",wb.set[s].name);
        local t2 = string.format("%s %s","category:","Positioned objects");
        local t3 = string.format("%s %s","Who set:",wb.set[s].who);
        local t4 = string.format("%s %s/%s","Nr:",s,#wb.set);
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n,5500, 3600, t1, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_c,5500, 3800, t2, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w,5500, 4200, t3, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_h,5500, 4000, t4, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)

Ca sa il folosesti, copieaza ce este aici si pune intr-un filterscript, apoi deschide serverul, intra in gmpa si dai /wb, de acolo te descurci tu.
Am facut un fisier .lua numit wb cu scriptul tau,scriu in joc /wb si nu se intampla nimic.
Asteapta putin.

Edit: Din pacate nu mai il am, o sa fac tot posibilul sa il gasesc, sau daca vrei pune zombie, e tot de disctractie.
Am gasit Wb-ul, il am la tara, daca o sa ajung pe acolo il weekend o sa il pun sa il aveti si voi.
Scuzati ca am intarziat asa mult. World Builder-ul este aici.

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