In primul rand, Sleeper nu a fost trimis intr-o dimensiune in care sunt creaturi rele. El a fost trimis in propria lui dimensiune, o alta dimensiune doar pentru el. "When the Sleeper was bannish into his own dimension, I return to daylight. The Magic Barrier has fallen. But for me the adventure has only just begin." - ultimele cuvinte ale eroului din Gothic 1. (nu cred ca voi uita vreodata aceste cuvinte )
In al doilea rand, in Gothic 2, Xardas a zis eroului: "Whit his last furious scream, Sleeper has put in movement the armys of darkness. His last order was: COME! And they came, all of them, even the dragons." deci Sleeper nu a chemat numai dragonii, ci si diferite alte feluri de animale/creaturi.
In al doilea rand, in Gothic 2, Xardas a zis eroului: "Whit his last furious scream, Sleeper has put in movement the armys of darkness. His last order was: COME! And they came, all of them, even the dragons." deci Sleeper nu a chemat numai dragonii, ci si diferite alte feluri de animale/creaturi.