pai afecteaza:
bine- pune un new diary entry=>poti sa-l intrebi pe pyrokar si blablabla
rau- probabil ca se produce o eroare mai tarziu si nu-l poti lua pe lester pe irdorath
astea-s codurile
Xardas' Letter ItWr_XardasLetterToOpenBook_MIS
The Halls of Irdorath ItWr_HallsofIrdorath_Mis
off: imi place ce scrie pe asta
Xardas' Warning Letter ItWr_XardasErmahnungFuerIdioten_MIS
off 2: care-i faza cu asta?
Instructions for a bandit axe ItWr_Addon_AxtAnleitung
bine- pune un new diary entry=>poti sa-l intrebi pe pyrokar si blablabla
rau- probabil ca se produce o eroare mai tarziu si nu-l poti lua pe lester pe irdorath
astea-s codurile
Xardas' Letter ItWr_XardasLetterToOpenBook_MIS
The Halls of Irdorath ItWr_HallsofIrdorath_Mis
off: imi place ce scrie pe asta
Xardas' Warning Letter ItWr_XardasErmahnungFuerIdioten_MIS
off 2: care-i faza cu asta?
Instructions for a bandit axe ItWr_Addon_AxtAnleitung
May you be half an hour in heaven before the devil knows you're dead.
Back from the dead. Not alive yet though.
Back from the dead. Not alive yet though.