il stiu iam facut si questu dar nu mai stiu pe unde era reteta o sa caut si am sati zic poate o sami si amintesc
am gasit un raspun : its in the larder behind some of those barrels (într-o camera în spatele unora dintre butoaie)
sau uite ceva mai detaliat
[Neoras' Task]
Talk to Neoras in the cellars and he has a task for you. Bring him 7
Fire Nettles to complete. He'll give you a Wind Fist Scroll afterward.
[Neoras' Second Task]
Neoras lost his recipe. When you do Master Gorax's test, look in the larder for Neoras' recipe for mana potions. Give it to Opolos before taking it to Neoras.
am gasit un raspun : its in the larder behind some of those barrels (într-o camera în spatele unora dintre butoaie)
sau uite ceva mai detaliat
[Neoras' Task]
Talk to Neoras in the cellars and he has a task for you. Bring him 7
Fire Nettles to complete. He'll give you a Wind Fist Scroll afterward.
[Neoras' Second Task]
Neoras lost his recipe. When you do Master Gorax's test, look in the larder for Neoras' recipe for mana potions. Give it to Opolos before taking it to Neoras.