09-10-2010, 02:53 PM
aw man lipsesc o saptamana si ghici ce:
-necro isi pierde postu de smod (no offense dude, but you got too far with that "fight")
-se inchide threadu cu discutii (deschideti unu nou)
-in sfarsit merge netu (din nou )
da multe se mai intampla intr-o saptamana
pierd o gramada de evenimente
-necro isi pierde postu de smod (no offense dude, but you got too far with that "fight")
-se inchide threadu cu discutii (deschideti unu nou)
-in sfarsit merge netu (din nou )
da multe se mai intampla intr-o saptamana
pierd o gramada de evenimente
May you be half an hour in heaven before the devil knows you're dead.
Back from the dead. Not alive yet though.
Back from the dead. Not alive yet though.