Nick character: Bladenos (pp ca v-ati dat seama ca vine de la adanos)
Game: Gothic 2
Prezentare: Ma voi alatura paladinilor (doh, doar cu ei termini cel mai usor jocul) si la sfarsit (adica prin ch 5) voi "elibera" Khorinisul din mainile lor ...glumesc
I'll give you an update when i'll be in ch 2
i can't wait to taste the blood >
Game: Gothic 2
Prezentare: Ma voi alatura paladinilor (doh, doar cu ei termini cel mai usor jocul) si la sfarsit (adica prin ch 5) voi "elibera" Khorinisul din mainile lor ...glumesc
I'll give you an update when i'll be in ch 2
i can't wait to taste the blood >
May you be half an hour in heaven before the devil knows you're dead.
Back from the dead. Not alive yet though.
Back from the dead. Not alive yet though.