12-09-2010, 07:14 PM
(12-09-2010, 07:11 PM)alex2000 Wrote: eu nu gasesc acolo
daca tu ai gasit spunemi cum fac
This is a relatively large quest that is done along-side "Wanted Notes and
Bandits" (K.1.Q.05). The first step involves asking people about the missing
people to try to figure out who is missing. The following is a list of people
to ask, and who/what they mention:
Lares: William
Garvell: Monty
Andre: No Comment
Bromor: Lucia & "Bromor's Golden Dish" (K.3.Q.12)
Thorben: Elvrich
Coragon: Ask Thorben, ask Hakon
Hakon: Joe +50 EXP *
Halvor: Ask Garvell
Akil: Tonak, Telbor +50 EXP
Bengar: Pardos +50 EXP
Cord: Patrick **
Farim: William, bay that William was last seen
Cassia: Pirate bay
Kardif: Ask Coragon, ask Halvor
Skip: Bandit hideout, leader's name (Dexter)
Elvrich: Lucia, Lucia's meeting point
Dexter: His leader - Raven
* While Joe may be missing, he is not one of those kidnapped by the bandits.
He is a member of the Thieves' Guild who got trapped in a Guard Tower.
** You must first pick up a task before Cord will tell you this. -> K.6.P.02
For completing this quest, the first most important person you'll have to talk
to is Skip. To get to him, jump out into the water from the haror and swim
north until you find the bay shore. Once you find him, you can talk to him and
ask him about what he's been up to. He'll mention dealings with bandits in
which they were paid to ferry people to a region in the northeast (the missing
people). You can ask where the bandits are now, and he will draw on your map
if you have one, or just tell you. In drawing on the map, he remembers the
leader's name (if you didn't get it from the Bandit on the way to the city),
Next up is liberating one of the missing people. In doing "The Bandits' Weapon
Dealer" you follow a trail of Bandit Rapiers to the small, enclosed field SE of
Bengar's farm. There lies a bandit camp with a few bandits, and one Elvrich
sitting in the tent. Once you've killed the bandits (you can go behind the tent
for a better chance at taking them one-on-one), talk to Elvrich.
He will tell you that he was on his way to a rendezvous point with his girl,
Lucia, when he was attacked by bandits and hauled away. He tells you that he
could over-hear the bandits talking about making him and others into slaves in
some remote area. He was taken to a mooring harbor a short distance from the
harbor of Khorinis (where Skip is now). He will tell you that there are more
of them in the woods behind Sekob's farm, and hopes that Lucia will be ok
(see K.3.Q.14).
Once you've gotten all the information you need from him, tell him to go back
to town. You can later talk to him in-town, and Thorben will reward you with
Go to the bandit camp behind Sekob's farm; there will be some bandits here.
Deal with them, and read 'Lucia's Farewell Letter'.
Before going to the final destination, tell Vatras what all you've found; +50
EXP for telling him that the farmers are missing people too; +50 EXP for tell-
ing him that the bandits are involved; +50 EXP for telling him that Dexter is
the leader of the bandits; +50 EXP for telling him that the pirates were work-
ing with the bandits, but are now in conflict with them; +50 EXP for telling
him you've rescued Elvrich; +50 EXP for telling him Lucia was taken by the
bandits; +50 EXP for telling him Lucia has decided to go with the bandits; +50
EXP for telling him about the pirates' mooring bay where they were taking the
missing people to be slaves. All-in-all, that comes to +400 EXP for telling
him what you've found out so far.
The final step: Go to the bandit hideout south of Onar's Farm. When you arrive,
follow the path up the mountain. When the guard stops you, give him Dexter's
name. He will let you pass without any troubles. Continue past the bandits to
Dexter's house and talk to him. Ask him all the questions you can about the
missing people, and you find out that he's working for Raven, a former Ore
Baron of the Penal Colony, who needs workers for his project in the north east.
In the end, the only way to get the final proof from Dexter is, as he says, to
beat it out of him. There are a few ways to do this, all with the same result,
just a different way to get there. The first is you attack Dexter and kill him.
The second: you leave Dexter and attack the bandits. In both events, once you
start fighting, Greg will show up and start slaughtering the bandits. However,
if Dexter isn't already dead, Greg will go kill him himself. If Dexter didn't
come out to attack you for attacking his bandits, he will scamper up the tower.
Greg will go in the house and ask you where he went, and you can reply "Well,
he *was* here a minute ago," and then go up the tower and kill him. Or, if
Dexter stayed around, Greg will kill him.
BUG WARNING: When Greg tries to loot a bandit's body, it's possible that he may
wind up taking all of your gold. Save before you do the fight, so
that you can re-load if this happens.
Investigate Dexter's body and take the note from him. Read it, and you will
get the hard proof of what Raven's planning. You can now take this information
back to Vatras for +400 EXP and his allowance for you to join the Ring of Water