Eu am fost maniac in G1 si 3. Luam tot ce gaseam, si deabea mai gaseam ceva prin inventory cand cautam (nu mai stiam cum arata itemurile). Chiar si fara nici un chest ma pomeneam pe la sfarsitul G1 cu 30-40 mii de ore nuggets si cu 600.000 gold la sf. G3 [si cu cel putin 5 exemplare dein fiecare arma, 500 Essence/Extract/Elixir of Healing (G1), 150 Healing Potions (G3), 2.000 Arrows sau Bolts in G3 si cam 7.000 din fiecare in G1 (dar dah imi lua cam o luna doua sa ajung asa de bogat)]. In G1 e mult mai simplu te duci doar si ii bati pe traderi dar in G3 nu le poti lua gold-ul .
A si ca sa dau un raspuns mai adecvat: pick up everything, beat up everyone, loot all the chests, and sell anything you don't need. Oh! And after you beat the traders, take everything again from their bodies. Yeah, that's a very long journey but it's worth it.
A si ca sa dau un raspuns mai adecvat: pick up everything, beat up everyone, loot all the chests, and sell anything you don't need. Oh! And after you beat the traders, take everything again from their bodies. Yeah, that's a very long journey but it's worth it.
Fighting back!...