Sper ca Moderatorii sa ma lase sa-l fac. :-asa!-: Oricum, daca nu, macar am incercat. :-D-: Oricum, concurentii sunt:
Gothic 1 10
Gothic 2 10
Gothic 2 NotR 10
Gothic 3 10
* Gothic 2 este Gothic normal, iar Gothic 2: Night of the Raven este separat.
Alegerile mele:
Gothic 1 9 (-1)
Gothic 2 10
Gothic 2 NotR 10
Gothic 3 11 (+1)
Gothic 1 10
Gothic 2 10
Gothic 2 NotR 10
Gothic 3 10
* Gothic 2 este Gothic normal, iar Gothic 2: Night of the Raven este separat.
Alegerile mele:
Gothic 1 9 (-1)
Gothic 2 10
Gothic 2 NotR 10
Gothic 3 11 (+1)