Lukáš Draugi Polcr este coordonatorul acestui proiect. (daca nu ma insel)
El a initiat proiectul Gothic LARP (Live action role-playing game).
Totul porneste din Cehia. Exista un site in care se explica mai multe. (folositi functia translate de la google).
Pagina lor de facebook este:
Un video vechi care nu stiu daca are vreo legatura cu acest proiect urmeaza.
Am sa incerc sa obtin mai multe informatii inca din sanul proiectului, adica de la ei din comunitate. Am sa le propun si locuri vechi din Romania si sper sa fie indeajuns de impresionati incat sa ia in calcul si o vizita pe la noi... fani Gothic suntem destui si aici care pot incerca asa ceva.
Povestea suna cam asa: (conform google translate-ului)!
Puteti vedea o batalie intre orci si oameni, intre mercenari si shadows... mie unuia mi se pare ceva superb.
El a initiat proiectul Gothic LARP (Live action role-playing game).
Totul porneste din Cehia. Exista un site in care se explica mai multe. (folositi functia translate de la google).
Pagina lor de facebook este:
Un video vechi care nu stiu daca are vreo legatura cu acest proiect urmeaza.
[video=youtube] [/video]
O poza care ar trebui sa-l ilustreze pe Diego dupa spusele lui Lukáš, o puteti vedea.Am sa incerc sa obtin mai multe informatii inca din sanul proiectului, adica de la ei din comunitate. Am sa le propun si locuri vechi din Romania si sper sa fie indeajuns de impresionati incat sa ia in calcul si o vizita pe la noi... fani Gothic suntem destui si aici care pot incerca asa ceva.
Povestea suna cam asa: (conform google translate-ului)
Quote:It did not take long for news and paladins Khorinis flying to the coast has been confirmed. Paladins arrived with a big parade. Marched into the city in the name of Rhobar II and the government took over the city. Former governor Larius was sidelined and the city government took the Lord Hagen. Khorinis was now under the protection Innose. But paladins also came problems. Lord Hagen immediately began No solid food x after getting into a colony and get ore for the King. Immediately arranged an audience with the most senior people in the city. When he learned that the barrier is pitched, sent out patrols to search your area. Have found it impossible to find all the convicts, but Lee, who met once in the courtyard, could not dismiss. The war in Myrtaně did not develop well. He needed to act. Fortunately, the survey revealed around a mysterious stone obelisks, which were described by some special runes. On them could hide the problem. About these runes immediately became interested mages fire, water and even Baal Spáčova of brotherhood. Brotherhood Sleeper's not easy at all, Lord Hagen announced a new Code, which was prohibited from distributing grass swamps. This caused some commotion. Neither the mercenaries did not intend to stand by and idly while their commander Lee sits in jail. They began to look for evidence in his defense and to convince all of his innocence. Until it all started to expand with more goblins and bandits. Since barrier fell, it was no longer safe anywhere. Orcs sacked field abducted farmers and chickens. As a result, farmers Akil, despite his constant efforts failed to cultivate their crops in peace. Bandits organized clever traps and ambushes of traders.
Puteti vedea o batalie intre orci si oameni, intre mercenari si shadows... mie unuia mi se pare ceva superb.