(02-09-2012, 08:28 PM)Zamolxis1 Wrote: Voi pe ce ati jucat wow? Imi puteti da niste motive pentru care nu va place wow?Nu pot sa iti dea motive pt ca nu lau jucat.
@HAGEN: Am un mesaj pentru tine.Nu critici un joc zicand "Playerii sunt depravati" si gata.Dai si tu un argument de genu "Imi place mai mult Runes of Magic pt ca este o imitatie ieftina a WoW-ului."
Serios,aia care au facut runes of magic siau tras toata inspiratia(100% pana si loading screenu este aproape identic) din WoW.Daca nu ma crezi pe mine care am leam jucat pe ambele atunci poftim
Quote: Runes of Magic is the ‘premier’ free to play World of Warcraft ‘Clone’, or as I like to call it ‘Alternative’. The game both looks and feels very much like WoW. Everything from the game’s interface to core gameplay mechanics are practically copied from WoW. Now, this isn’t a bad thing. Being able to play a game almost exactly like World of Warcraft for free is awesome. Even though much of the gameplay is from WoW, the game does have its own unique features, most notably its innovative dual-class system.
Sursa: http://mmohuts.com/editorials/best-free-wow-clones
Numi place wow dar joc RoM.EPIC.
Kinda like : Urasc florile,sunt urate dar imi plac cele din plastic.