05-09-2009, 11:16 PM
Cum am mai zis la modding intrebati-va si va ajut ma pricep intr-o oarecare masura!
Uitati cum arata un script acesta este scriptul lui Onar....
Se traduce doar ce e dupa '//' (fara ghilimele) si ce e intre ghilimele la description... se inlocuiesc cuvintele fara sa se stearga nici macar o litera din cod nici macar o virgula pentru ca apoi va da erori!
Uitati cum arata un script acesta este scriptul lui Onar....
instance DIA_Onar_EXIT(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 999;
condition = DIA_Onar_EXIT_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_EXIT_Info;
permanent = TRUE;
description = Dialog_Ende;
func int DIA_Onar_EXIT_Condition()
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_EXIT_Info()
instance DIA_Onar_Hallo(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 1;
condition = DIA_Onar_Hallo_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_Hallo_Info;
permanent = FALSE;
important = TRUE;
func int DIA_Onar_Hallo_Condition()
if((self.aivar[AIV_TalkedToPlayer] == FALSE) && Npc_IsInState(self,ZS_Talk))
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_Hallo_Info()
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Hallo_14_00"); //Who let you in here?!
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Hallo_14_01"); //What are you doing here on my farm?!
instance DIA_Onar_PERM(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 1;
condition = DIA_Onar_PERM_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_PERM_Info;
permanent = TRUE;
description = "Everything all right here on the farm?";
func int DIA_Onar_PERM_Condition()
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_PERM_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_PERM_15_00"); //Everything all right here on the farm?
if(other.guild == GIL_NONE)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_01"); //I don't see how that's any of your business. You don't belong on the farm!
if(other.guild == GIL_SLD)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_02"); //I certainly hope so! That's what I'm paying you for after all!
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_03"); //You had better go to Torlof and ask him if he has work for you.
if(other.guild == GIL_DJG)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_04"); //Yeah, sure. You just go and hunt your dragons.
if((other.guild == GIL_NOV) || (other.guild == GIL_KDF))
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_05"); //You sanctimonious bastards from the monastery aren't welcome here!
if((other.guild == GIL_MIL) || (other.guild == GIL_PAL))
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_PERM_14_06"); //Our hospitality does not extend to the troops of the king.
instance DIA_Onar_Work(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 2;
condition = DIA_Onar_Work_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_Work_Info;
permanent = FALSE;
description = "I want to work for you!";
func int DIA_Onar_Work_Condition()
if(Lee_SendToOnar == FALSE)
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_Work_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_Work_15_00"); //I want to work for you!
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Work_14_01"); //I don't need a farmhand right now.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Work_14_02"); //My people see to everything else.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Work_14_03"); //You have no business here in the house, so get out!
instance DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 2;
condition = DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_Info;
permanent = FALSE;
description = "I want to work here as a mercenary!";
func int DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_Condition()
if((Lee_SendToOnar == FALSE) && (Onar_WegenSldWerden == FALSE) && Npc_KnowsInfo(other,DIA_Onar_Work))
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_15_00"); //I want to work here as a mercenary!
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_14_01"); //You? A mercenary? Don't make me laugh! If you were any good as a mercenary, Lee would have told me about you.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WorkAsSld_14_02"); //Now get yourself out of here, pronto!
Onar_WegenSldWerden = TRUE;
instance DIA_Onar_Aufstand(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 3;
condition = DIA_Onar_Aufstand_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_Aufstand_Info;
permanent = FALSE;
description = "You're revolting against the city, or so I've heard?";
func int DIA_Onar_Aufstand_Condition()
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_Aufstand_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_15_00"); //You're revolting against the city, or so I've heard?
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_14_01"); //Now listen up. I inherited this farm and this land from my father.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_14_02"); //And he inherited it from HIS father.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_14_03"); //I'm not going to allow that greedy imbecile of a king to make off with all that just in order to feed his useless armies.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_14_04"); //The war with the orcs has been going on forever. And where do we stand? On the edge of defeat.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_Aufstand_14_05"); //No - I prefer to defend my farm myself! The money that I save this way can pay for my own army.
instance DIA_Onar_WegenPepe(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 4;
condition = DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_Info;
permanent = FALSE;
description = "Thanks to Bullco, you now have a few sheep less.";
func int DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_Condition()
if(MIS_Pepe_KillWolves == LOG_SUCCESS)
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_15_00"); //Thanks to Bullco, you now have a few sheep less.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_14_01"); //What are you talking about? Who is Bullco?
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_15_02"); //One of the mercenaries.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_14_03"); //How would that interest me? If he's been after my sheep, he'll have to answer to Lee.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenPepe_14_04"); //So why are you bugging me with such trivial details?
Onar_WegenPepe = TRUE;
instance DIA_Onar_WegenSekob(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 5;
condition = DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_Info;
permanent = FALSE;
description = "I've come about Sekob's rent ...";
func int DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_Condition()
if(MIS_Sekob_RedeMitOnar == LOG_Running)
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_15_00"); //I've come about Sekob's rent ...
if((other.guild == GIL_SLD) || (other.guild == GIL_DJG))
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_14_01"); //What the hell do you want here? Take the money to Torlof.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_14_02"); //How the devil would that be YOUR business?
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_15_03"); //I want to become a mercenary. Collecting the rent is my test.
Onar_WegenSldWerden = TRUE;
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_15_04"); //But Sekob has no money. I even beat him up.
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_15_05"); //He said it was because of the poor harvest ...
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_14_06"); //(yelling) You nitwit! Did you think he just carries that money around? He's hidden it somewhere!
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_14_07"); //Do you know how much rain we have here? Bad harvest my ass.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WegenSekob_14_08"); //Go and beat that money out of him somehow.
Onar_WegenSekob = TRUE;
instance DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 6;
condition = DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_Info;
permanent = FALSE;
description = "Lee sent me. I want to work here as a mercenary!";
func int DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_Condition()
if((Lee_SendToOnar == TRUE) && (other.guild == GIL_NONE))
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_15_00"); //Lee sent me. I want to work here as a mercenary!
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_01"); //He has already talked to me.
if(Onar_WegenSldWerden == TRUE)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_02"); //I already didn't think much of you the first time you asked me.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_03"); //But if Lee thinks you'll do, then I'm willing to give you a chance.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_04"); //He's the one responsible for you. So, suit yourself.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_05"); //But no fooling around here! Leave the farmers and the maids alone and, above all, don't nab anything, capisce?
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_06"); //For everything else, talk to Lee.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_LeeSentMe_14_07"); //All WE need to discuss now is your pay.
Onar_Approved = TRUE;
B_LogEntry(TOPIC_BecomeSLD,"Onar has given me his approval. Now nothing can stop me joining the mercenaries.");
var int Onar_SOLD_Day;
var int Onar_SOLD_XP;
instance DIA_Onar_HowMuch(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 7;
condition = DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Info;
permanent = FALSE;
description = "So how about my pay?";
func int DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Condition()
if(Onar_Approved == TRUE)
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_15_00"); //So how about my pay?
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_01"); //Well, let's see ...
SOLD = 50;
if(Onar_WegenSldWerden == TRUE)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_02"); //I don't think too much of you.
if(Onar_WegenSekob == TRUE)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_03"); //You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. That's obvious from that thing with Sekob.
SOLD = SOLD - 10;
if((ABSOLUTIONLEVEL_Farm > 1) || ((B_GetGreatestPetzCrime(self) > CRIME_NONE) && (ABSOLUTIONLEVEL_Farm > 0)))
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_04"); //You've already caused trouble here on the farm more than once.
SOLD = SOLD - 10;
if((Onar_WegenPepe == TRUE) && ((Onar_WegenSekob == TRUE) || (Onar_WegenSldWerden == TRUE)))
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_05"); //And you're constantly after me with all kinds of bullshit.
SOLD = SOLD - 10;
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_06"); //Let me think ...
Onar_SOLD_Day = Wld_GetDay();
Onar_SOLD_XP = other.exp;
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_14_07"); //What do you say?
Info_AddChoice(DIA_Onar_HowMuch,"Sounds all right!",DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Ok);
Info_AddChoice(DIA_Onar_HowMuch,"That's not a whole lot ...",DIA_Onar_HowMuch_More);
Info_AddChoice(DIA_Onar_HowMuch,"Per day?",DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay);
func void DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay_15_00"); //Per day?
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay_14_01"); //What did you think? Per week? You're really none too bright.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay_14_02"); //So move your butt over here and come get your money.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_PerDay_14_03"); //I'm not going to carry it after you.
func void DIA_Onar_HowMuch_More()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_More_15_00"); //That's not a whole lot ...
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_More_14_01"); //Of course, you're welcome to work for me for free instead.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_More_14_02"); //Anyway, this is all you'll get!
B_LogEntry(Topic_Bonus,"I can collect my pay from Onar every day.");
func void DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Ok()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Ok_15_00"); //Sounds all right!
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_HowMuch_Ok_14_01"); //I think so too. Now go see Lee.
B_LogEntry(Topic_Bonus,"I can collect my pay from Onar every day.");
instance DIA_Onar_CollectGold(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 8;
condition = DIA_Onar_CollectGold_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_CollectGold_Info;
permanent = TRUE;
description = "Pay me my wages!";
func int DIA_Onar_CollectGold_Condition()
if(Npc_KnowsInfo(other,DIA_Onar_HowMuch) && ((other.guild == GIL_SLD) || (other.guild == GIL_DJG)))
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_CollectGold_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_15_00"); //Pay me my wages!
if(other.guild == GIL_DJG)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_01"); //I pay for mercenaries, not dragon hunters.
else if(Torlof_TheOtherMission_TooLate == TRUE)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_02"); //You don't take care of the assignments given to you!
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_03"); //I have asked Torlof how you're doing. And he says that it takes you forever to complete a job.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_04"); //I don't waste money on layabouts.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_05"); //You'll go a few weeks without pay for now! Maybe you'll learn your lesson then.
else if(B_GetGreatestPetzCrime(self) > CRIME_NONE)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_06"); //I've heard that you messed up. First go to Lee and settle the matter.
else if(Wld_GetDay() <= Onar_SOLD_Day)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_07"); //Are you out of your mind?
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_08"); //First work for me for a day. You'll get your next pay tomorrow then.
else if((Wld_GetDay() - 2) >= Onar_SOLD_Day)
if((Wld_GetDay() - 2) == Onar_SOLD_Day)
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_09"); //Where were you yesterday?
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_10"); //Where have you been for the last couple of days?
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_11"); //You never showed up here.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_12"); //Who knows where you've been hanging out.
Onar_SOLD_Day = Wld_GetDay();
Onar_SOLD_XP = other.exp;
if(other.exp > (Onar_SOLD_XP + 200))
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_13"); //(contritely) Oh well. Here's your pay.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_14"); //What? You've done nothing but hang around all day when you didn't sleep!
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_CollectGold_14_15"); //I'm not paying you for that!
Onar_SOLD_Day = Wld_GetDay();
Onar_SOLD_XP = other.exp;
instance DIA_Onar_MariaGold(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 9;
condition = DIA_Onar_MariaGold_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_MariaGold_Info;
permanent = FALSE;
description = "Maria thinks that I'm not getting enough.";
func int DIA_Onar_MariaGold_Condition()
if(Maria_MehrGold == TRUE)
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_MariaGold_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_15_00"); //Maria thinks that I'm not getting enough.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_14_01"); //What?
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_15_02"); //She said you should pay me better.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_14_03"); //(griping) That woman has to stick her nose into everything.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_14_04"); //Did she say how much?
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_15_05"); //No.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_14_06"); //All right, beginning with your next pay you'll get an extra 10 gold pieces.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_MariaGold_14_07"); //But not a coin more, understood?
SOLD = SOLD + 10;
var int Onar_SellSheep;
instance DIA_Onar_WannaSheep(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 10;
condition = DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_Info;
permanent = TRUE;
description = "I want to buy a sheep!";
func int DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_Condition()
if(Onar_SellSheep == FALSE)
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_15_00"); //I want to buy a sheep!
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_14_01"); //What are you doing here then? See a sheep anywhere?
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_15_02"); //I ...
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_14_03"); //If you want to buy a sheep, go out the pasture. It's to the right of my house.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_14_04"); //Have Pepe sell you one.
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_15_05"); //Pepe is dead, I'm afraid.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_WannaSheep_14_06"); //Oh! In that case... leave 200 gold pieces here with me, and go get yourself a sheep from the pasture.
Onar_SellSheep = TRUE;
instance DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel(C_Info)
npc = Bau_900_Onar;
nr = 10;
condition = DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_Condition;
information = DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_Info;
permanent = TRUE;
description = "Here you are, 200 gold pieces. Give me a sheep.";
func int DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_Condition()
if(Onar_SellSheep == TRUE)
return TRUE;
func void DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_Info()
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_15_00"); //Here you are, 200 gold pieces. Give me a sheep.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_14_01"); //You can get yourself one from the pasture.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_14_02"); //One or the other of those sheep is bound to follow you. Most of them answer to the name of Betsy.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Onar_BuyLiesel_14_03"); //You don't even have that much gold. Don't waste my precious time.
Se traduce doar ce e dupa '//' (fara ghilimele) si ce e intre ghilimele la description... se inlocuiesc cuvintele fara sa se stearga nici macar o litera din cod nici macar o virgula pentru ca apoi va da erori!