01-29-2013, 10:08 PM
Nu stiu daca topicul asta e neaparat cel potrivit ca sa postez asta pentru ca nu e ceva story related. Anyway, poate va amintiti ca in Gothic 2 poti gasi niste fantome sub forma de globuri luminoase, pe care in Night of the Raven poti sa le dresezi ca sa iti caute diverse obiecte. Ei bine, in caz ca va intrebati ce sunt acele luminite, Wikipedia raspunde:
Wikipedia - Will-o-the wisp Wrote:A will-o'-the-wisp /ˌwɪl ə ðə ˈwɪsp/ or ignis fatuus (pron.: /ˌɪɡnɨs ˈfætʃuːəs/; Medieval Latin: "foolish fire") is a ghostly light seen by travellers at night, especially over bogs, swamps or marshes. It resembles a flickering lamp and is said to recede if approached, drawing travellers from the safe paths. A folk belief well attested in English folklore and in much of European folklore, the phenomenon is known by a variety of names, including jack-o'-lantern, hinkypunk, and hobby lantern in English.Nu stiu daca au fost gandite de la inceput ca animale de companie sau au fost introduse pentru diversitate (cu scopul de a te atrage inspre pericole; chiar mi s-a intamplat sa dau in haite de lupi sau alte lighioane in timp ce le urmaream), insa ideea mi se pare foarte tare. Cam asta e diferenta dintre PB si jocurile lor, si restul lumii.
In European folklore, these lights are held to be either mischievous spirits of the dead, or other supernatural beings or spirits such as fairies, attempting to lead travellers astray.
A modern Americanized adaptation of this travellers' association frequently places swaying ghost-lights along roadsides and railroad tracks. Here a swaying movement of the lights is alleged to be that of 19th- and early 20th-century railway workers supposedly killed on the job.
Sometimes the lights are believed to be the spirits of unbaptized or stillborn children, flitting between heaven and hell. Modern occultist elaborations bracket them with the salamander, a type of spirit wholly independent from humans (unlike ghosts, which are presumed to have been humans at some point in the past).