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Ajutor pentru servere de GMP.
Nu, nu este spacer, e un script de pe, dar acum e inchis si nu o sa il mai poti lua. Dar il mai am eu.
wb =
    filename = "Default",
    builders = {},
    vobs =    {
        all = { name = "All"},
        oth = { name = "Other"}, -- unassigned
        cat1 = {name = "Category 1"},
        cat2 = {name = "Category 2"},
        cat3 = {name = "Category 3"},
        cat4 = {name = "Category 4"},
        cat5 = {name = "Category 5"},
        cat6 = {name = "Category 6"},
        cat7 = {name = "Category 7"},
        cat8 = {name = "Category 8"},
        cat9 = {name = "Category 9"}
    set = {}

builder = {} -- players using WB
keypush = {} -- IsKeyPushed

function OnFilterscriptInit()

function OnPlayerDisconnect(id, reason)
    if builder[id] ~= nil then
        builder[id] = nil;
        keypush[id] = nil;

function OnPlayerCommandText(id, cmdtext)
    local cmd,params = GetCommand(cmdtext);

    if cmd == "/wb" then  if builder[id]==nil or builder[id].start == false then WB_Start(id) else WB_End(id) end
    elseif cmd == "/save" then if wb.filename ~= "Default" then WB_SaveAllVobs(id) else SendPlayerMessage(id, 255, 0, 0, "Set name of file to save ") end
    elseif cmd == "/load" then WB_LoadVobs(id,params)
    elseif cmd == "/filename" then WB_SetFileName(id,params)
    elseif cmd == "/catname" then WB_SetCategoryName(id,params)
    elseif cmd == "/n" then WB_SetVobName(id,params)
    elseif cmd == "/catsave" then WB_SaveCategories(id)

function OnPlayerKey(id, keyDown, keyUp)
    PushKey(id, keyDown, keyUp)

    if builder[id].start == true then

        -- Rotate
        if keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD7 or keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD9 or keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD4 or keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD6 or keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD1 or keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD3 then
            if builder[id].t_rot == nil or IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_rot) == 0 then builder[id].t_rot = SetTimerEx("WB_SetVobRot",40,1,id) end
            -- Rotate x
            if keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD7 then builder[id].rot_x = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD9 then builder[id].rot_x = 2
            -- Rotate y
            elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD4 then builder[id].rot_y = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD6 then builder[id].rot_y = 2
            -- Rotate z
            elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD1 then builder[id].rot_z = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD3 then builder[id].rot_z = 2
        elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD7 or keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD9 or keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD4 or keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD6 or keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD1 or keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD3 then
            if keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD7 and builder[id].rot_x == 1        then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD9) == 1 then builder[id].rot_x = 2; else builder[id].rot_x = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD9 and builder[id].rot_x == 2 then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD7) == 1 then builder[id].rot_x = 1; else builder[id].rot_x = 0; end
            -- obrot y
            elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD4 and builder[id].rot_y == 1 then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD6) == 1 then builder[id].rot_y = 2; else builder[id].rot_y = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD6 and builder[id].rot_y == 2 then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD4) == 1 then builder[id].rot_y = 1; else builder[id].rot_y = 0; end
            -- obrot z
            elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD1 and builder[id].rot_z == 1 then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD3) == 1 then builder[id].rot_z = 2; else builder[id].rot_z = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_NUMPAD3 and builder[id].rot_z == 2 then  if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_NUMPAD1) == 1 then builder[id].rot_z = 1; else builder[id].rot_z = 0; end
            if builder[id].t_rot ~= nil and IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_rot) == 1 and builder[id].rot_z == 0 and builder[id].rot_x == 0 and builder[id].rot_y == 0 then KillTimer(builder[id].t_rot); builder[id].t_rot = nil; end

        -- move
        if keyDown == KEY_W  or  keyDown == KEY_S  or  keyDown == KEY_A  or  keyDown == KEY_D  or  keyDown == KEY_Q  or  keyDown == KEY_E  then
            if  builder[id].t_move == nil or IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_move) == 0 then builder[id].t_move = SetTimerEx("WB_SetVobMove",20,1,id) end
            -- front
            if keyDown == KEY_W then builder[id].dir_f = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_S then builder[id].dir_f = 2
            -- turn
            elseif keyDown == KEY_D then builder[id].dir_t = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_A then builder[id].dir_t = 2
            -- up/down
            elseif keyDown == KEY_E then builder[id].dir_u = 1
            elseif keyDown == KEY_Q then builder[id].dir_u = 2
        elseif keyUp == KEY_W  or  keyUp == KEY_S  or  keyUp == KEY_A  or  keyUp == KEY_D  or  keyUp == KEY_Q  or  keyUp == KEY_E  then
            -- front
            if keyUp == KEY_W and builder[id].dir_f == 1     then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_S) == 1 then builder[id].dir_f = 2; else builder[id].dir_f = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_S and builder[id].dir_f == 2 then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_W) == 1 then builder[id].dir_f = 1; else builder[id].dir_f = 0; end
            -- side
            elseif keyUp == KEY_D and builder[id].dir_t == 1 then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_A) == 1 then builder[id].dir_t = 2; else builder[id].dir_t = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_A and builder[id].dir_t == 2 then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_D) == 1 then builder[id].dir_t = 1; else builder[id].dir_t = 0; end
            -- up/down
            elseif keyUp == KEY_E and builder[id].dir_u == 1 then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_Q) == 1 then builder[id].dir_u = 2; else builder[id].dir_u = 0; end
            elseif keyUp == KEY_Q and builder[id].dir_u == 2 then if IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_E) == 1 then builder[id].dir_u = 1; else builder[id].dir_u = 0; end
            if builder[id].t_move ~= nil and IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_move) == 1 and builder[id].dir_f == 0 and builder[id].dir_t == 0 and builder[id].dir_u == 0 then KillTimer(builder[id].t_move); builder[id].t_move = nil end

        -- Change Rotation speed
        if keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD8 then WB_SetSpeedRot(id,2);
        elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD2 then WB_SetSpeedRot(id,1);
        -- Centring Vob
        elseif keyDown == KEY_NUMPAD5 then  WB_SetVobCenter(id);
        -- Change Move speed
        elseif keyDown == KEY_LEFT then WB_SetSpeedMove(id,1);
        elseif keyDown == KEY_RIGHT then WB_SetSpeedMove(id,2);
        -- Change vob
        elseif keyDown == KEY_UP then WB_ChangeVob(id,2);
        elseif keyDown == KEY_DOWN then  WB_ChangeVob(id,1);
        -- put vob(only if edit mode is off)
        elseif keyDown == KEY_LCONTROL and builder[id].edit == false then WB_SetNewVob(id);
        -- delete vob (On edit mode)
        elseif keyDown == KEY_DELETE and builder[id].edit == true then WB_DestroyVob(id);
        -- Browse placed vobs
        elseif keyDown == KEY_PRIOR then WB_EditVob(id,1);
        elseif keyDown == KEY_NEXT and builder[id].edit == true then  WB_EditVob(id,2);
        elseif keyDown == KEY_END and builder[id].edit == true then builder[id].edit = false; WB_SetNewVob(id,1)
        -- Teleport Player to vob
        elseif keyDown == KEY_H then WB_TpToVob(id);
        -- Change category "All"
        elseif keyDown == KEY_F11  then  WB_ChangeCategory(id, "all");
        -- assign vob to category
        elseif IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_RCONTROL) == 1 then
            if keyDown == KEY_1 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat1");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_2 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat2");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_3 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat3");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_4 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat4");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_5 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat5");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_6 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat6");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_7 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat7");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_8 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat8");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_9 then WB_SetVobCategory(id, "cat9");
            -- all vobs not assigned
            elseif keyDown == KEY_0 then  WB_SetVobCategory(id, "oth");
        -- change category
        elseif IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_RCONTROL) == 0 or IsKeyPushed(id,KEY_RCONTROL) == nil then
            if keyDown == KEY_1 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat1");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_2 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat2");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_3 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat3");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_4 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat4");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_5 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat5");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_6 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat6");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_7 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat7");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_8 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat8");
            elseif keyDown == KEY_9 then WB_ChangeCategory(id, "cat9");
            -- all vobs not assigned
            elseif keyDown == KEY_0 then  WB_ChangeCategory(id, "oth");

function PushKey(id,keyDown,keyUp)
    if keyDown<255 then
        keypush[id][keyDown] = 1;
    elseif keyUp<255 then
        keypush[id][keyUp] = 0;

function IsKeyPushed(id,key)
    return keypush[id][key]

function LOAD_VOBS_TO_TAB()

    local file_all = ("vobs//all.txt","r+")
    for line in io.lines("vobs//all.txt") do
        vob = file_all:read("*l")
        local result,ins,name = sscanf(vob,"ss")
        if result == 1
            table.insert(wb.vobs.all,{name = name , ins = ins})
            table.insert(wb.vobs.all,{name = vob , ins = vob})

    local file_other = ("vobs//other.txt","r+")
    for line in io.lines("vobs//other.txt") do
        vob = file_other:read("*l")
        local result,ins,name = sscanf(vob,"ss")
        if result == 1
            table.insert(wb.vobs.oth,{name = name , ins = ins})
            table.insert(wb.vobs.oth,{name = vob , ins = vob})

    for i=1 , 9 do
        local cat = string.format("%s%d","cat",i)
        local nameline = false;

        local file = (string.format("%s %s%s","vobs//category",i,".txt"),"r+")

        for line in io.lines(string.format("%s %s%s","vobs//category",i,".txt")) do
            if nameline == true then
                local vob = line
                local result,ins,name = sscanf(vob,"ss")
                if result == 1
                    table.insert(wb.vobs[cat],{name = name , ins = ins})
                    table.insert(wb.vobs[cat],{name = vob , ins = vob})
                nameline = true;
                wb.vobs[cat].name = line;

function WB_Start(id)
    FreezePlayer(id, 1);
    SetPlayerEnable_OnPlayerKey(id, 1)
    if builder[id] == nil then
        -- cat = category, nr = actualy nr, ps = position speed, rs = rotation speed, use = id vob acctually using, dir_ = direction move , rot = rotation
        builder[id] = { start = false, edit = false; cat = "all", nr = 1, rs = 1, ps = 4, use = 0, dir_f = 0, dir_t = 0, dir_u = 0, rot_x = 0, rot_y = 0, rot_z = 0,
            d_x =    CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 2000, "Position x: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_y =    CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 2200, "Position y: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_z =    CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 2400, "Position z: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_rx =   CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 2600, "Angle x: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_ry =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 2800, "Angle y: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_rz =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 3000, "Angle x: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_ps =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 3200, "Speed move: ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_rs =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 3400, "Speed rotate ", "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_n =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 3600, "Name: " , "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_c =       CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 3800, "Category: ","Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_h =       CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 4000, "Number/All: ","Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
            d_w =      CreatePlayerDraw(id, 5500, 4200, "Who set: ","Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223),
        keypush[id] = {};

    builder[id].start = true;
    table.insert(, id)
    builder[id].use = Vob.Create(wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].ins,GetPlayerWorld(id), GetPlayerPos(id))
    SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use )

    for i=1,6 do WB_UpdatePlayerDraws(id,i) end

    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_x)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_y)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_z)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rx)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ry)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rz)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ps)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rs)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_c)
    ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_h)

function WB_End(id)

    for i=1, do if id ==[i] then table.remove(,i); end end
    FreezePlayer(id, 0);
    SetPlayerEnable_OnPlayerKey(id, 0)
    if builder[id].t_rot ~= nil then
        if IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_rot) == 1 then KillTimer(builder[id].t_rot); builder[id].t_rot = nil;  end
    if builder[id].t_move ~= nil then
        if IsTimerActive(builder[id].t_move) == 1 then KillTimer(builder[id].t_move); builder[id].t_move = nil;  end
    if builder[id].edit == false then builder[id].use:Destroy()    end

    builder[id].start = false;
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_x)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_y)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_z)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rx)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ry)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rz)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ps)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rs)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_c)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_h)
    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)


function WB_SetNewVob(id,c)
    c = c or 0;
    if c == 0 then
        {   id = builder[id].use,
            ins   = wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].ins,
            name  = wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].name,
            world = GetPlayerWorld(id),
            who = GetPlayerName(id)
    rx,ry,rz = builder[id].use:GetRotation()
    builder[id].use = Vob.Create(wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].ins,GetPlayerWorld(id), builder[id].use:GetPosition())
    SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)
    if c == 1 then WB_UpdatePlayerDraws(id,6) end


function WB_DestroyVob(id)
    local x;
    for i=1, #wb.set do if wb.set[i].id == builder[id].use then x = i end end
    local des = builder[id].use;
    if #wb.set == 0 then
        builder[id].edit = false;
        HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)
    elseif x>#wb.set then
    elseif x<=#wb.set then

        local b={}
        local c;
        for i=1, do if[i] ~= id then b[i] = builder[[i]].use end end

        local n = -1
            n = n + 1
            c = true;
            for i=1, #b do if wb.set[x - n].id == b[i] then c = false end end
        until c ==  true or n >= #wb.set - x + 1 ;

        if c == true then
            builder[id].use = wb.set[x+n].id;
            SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)
            if des == builder[id].use then
                builder[id].edit = false;
                HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)
-- Change position / rotation

function WB_SetVobMove(id)
    local vob = builder[id].use
    local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()
    local ps = math.pow(2,builder[id].ps)/2;
    if builder[id].dir_f == 1 then
        if builder[id].dir_t == 1 then WB_SetVobPos(id,45)
        elseif builder[id].dir_t == 2 then WB_SetVobPos(id,315)
        else WB_SetVobPos(id,0)
    elseif builder[id].dir_f == 2 then
        if builder[id].dir_t == 1 then WB_SetVobPos(id,135)
        elseif builder[id].dir_t == 2 then WB_SetVobPos(id,225)
        else WB_SetVobPos(id,180)
    elseif builder[id].dir_t == 1 then WB_SetVobPos(id,90)
    elseif builder[id].dir_t == 2 then WB_SetVobPos(id,270)

    if builder[id].dir_u == 1 then
        local vob = builder[id].use
        local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()
    elseif builder[id].dir_u == 2 then
        local vob = builder[id].use
        local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()

function WB_SetVobPos(id,ang)
    local vob = builder[id].use
    local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()
    local rx,ry,rz = vob:GetRotation()
    local dis = math.pow(2,builder[id].ps);
    if ry<0 then ry = ry + ((math.ceil(math.abs(ry)/360))*360) else ry = ry - ((math.floor(ry/360))*360) end
    local rot = ry + ang;
    rot =rot - math.floor(rot/360) * 360

    if rot%90==0 then
        if rot == 0 then vob:SetPosition(x,y,z+dis)
        elseif rot == 90 then  vob:SetPosition(x+dis,y,z)
        elseif rot == 180 then vob:SetPosition(x,y,z-dis)
        elseif rot == 270 then vob:SetPosition(x-dis,y,z)
        local mrot = (math.floor(rot/90))*90
        local a = math.cos(math.rad(rot-mrot)) * dis;
        local b = math.sin(math.rad(rot-mrot)) * dis;
        if rot > 0 and rot < 90 then vob:SetPosition(x+b,y,z+a)
        elseif rot > 90 and rot < 180 then vob:SetPosition(x+a,y,z-b)
        elseif rot > 180 and rot < 270 then vob:SetPosition(x-b,y,z-a)
        elseif rot > 270 then vob:SetPosition(x-a,y,z+b)


function WB_SetVobRot(id)

    local vob = builder[id].use;
    local x,y,z = vob:GetRotation();
    local rs = builder[id].rs;

    if builder[id].rot_x == 1 then
        if builder[id].rot_y == 1 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then  vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y-rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y-rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y-rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 2 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y+rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y+rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y+rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 0 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then   vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x-rs,y, z);
    elseif builder[id].rot_x == 2 then
        if builder[id].rot_y == 1 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then  vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y-rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y-rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y-rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 2 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y+rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y+rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y+rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 0 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then   vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x+rs,y, z);
    elseif builder[id].rot_x == 0 then
        if builder[id].rot_y == 1 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then  vob:SetRotation(x,y-rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x,y-rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x,y-rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 2 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then vob:SetRotation(x,y+rs, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x,y+rs, z+rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 0 then vob:SetRotation(x,y+rs, z);
        elseif builder[id].rot_y == 0 then
            if builder[id].rot_z == 1 then   vob:SetRotation(x,y, z-rs);
            elseif builder[id].rot_z == 2 then vob:SetRotation(x,y, z+rs);


function WB_SetVobCenter(id)

function WB_EditVob(id,x)

    local b={}
    local c;

    for i=1, do if[i] ~= id then b[i] = builder[[i]].use end end

    local vob = builder[id].use;
    local t = -1;
    for i=1,#wb.set do if wb.set[i].id == vob then t = i end end

    if x==1 and #wb.set >0 and ( t>1 or t==-1 ) then
        if t == -1 then
            local n = - 1
                n = n + 1
                c = true;
                for i=1, #b do if wb.set[#wb.set - n].id == b[i] then c = false end end
            until c == true or n >= #wb.set;

            if c == true then
                builder[id].edit = true;
                ShowPlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)
                builder[id].use = wb.set[#wb.set - n].id;
                SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)

        elseif t>1 then
            local n = 0
                n = n + 1
                c = true;
                for i=1, #b do if wb.set[t - n].id == b[i] then c = false end end
            until c ==  true or n >= #wb.set - t + 1 ;
            if c == true then
                builder[id].use = wb.set[t-n].id;
                SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)
    elseif x == 2 and t ~= -1 then
        if t == #wb.set then
            builder[id].edit = false;
            HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)
        elseif t<#wb.set then
            local n = 0
                n = n + 1
                c = true;
                for i=1, #b do if wb.set[t + n].id == b[i] then c = false end end
            until c ==  true or wb.set[t] + n > #wb.set ;

            if c == true then
                if #wb.set - t + n > #wb.set then
                    builder[id].edit = false;
                    HidePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w)
                    builder[id].use = wb.set[t+n].id;
                    SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)


--Change Speed

function WB_SetSpeedRot(id,c)

    if c == 1 then if  builder[id].rs >= 2 then builder[id].rs =  builder[id].rs - 1; end
    elseif c == 2 then if  builder[id].rs <= 9 then builder[id].rs =  builder[id].rs + 1; end

function WB_SetSpeedMove(id,c)

    if c == 1 then if  builder[id].ps >= 2 then builder[id].ps =  builder[id].ps - 1; end
    elseif c == 2 then if  builder[id].ps <= 5 then builder[id].ps =  builder[id].ps + 1; end

function  WB_ChangeVob(id,c)
    local vob = builder[id].use
    local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()

    if c == 1 then
        if builder[id].nr > 1 then     builder[id].nr = builder[id].nr - 1; else builder[id].nr = #wb.vobs[builder[id].cat] end
    elseif c == 2 then
        if builder[id].nr < #wb.vobs[builder[id].cat] then builder[id].nr = builder[id].nr + 1; else builder[id].nr = 1; end
    elseif c == 3 then    -- only for change category
        if builder[id].nr > #wb.vobs[builder[id].cat] then builder[id].nr = 1; end

    builder[id].use = Vob.Create(wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].ins, GetPlayerWorld(id), x,y,z)
    SetCameraBehindVob(id, builder[id].use)

    if builder[id].edit == true then
        for i=1, #wb.set do
            if wb.set[i].id == vob then
                wb.set[i].id = builder[id].use;
                wb.set[i].ins = wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].ins;
                wb.set[i].name = wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].name;

function WB_ChangeCategory(id, cat)
    if cat ~= builder[id].cat then
        if #wb.vobs[cat] > 0 then
            builder[id].cat = cat;
            builder[id].nr = 1;
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 255, 0, 0, "No vobs on this category")

function WB_SetVobCategory(id, cat)
    if builder[id].cat ~= "all" and builder[id].edit == false and builder[id].cat ~= cat then
        local vob = builder[id].use;
        local t = wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr]
        if  #wb.vobs[builder[id].cat]>0 then

function WB_SetCategoryName(id, params)
    if builder[id].edit == false then
        local result,catname = sscanf(params,"s")
        if result == 1 then
            wb.vobs[builder[id].cat].name = catname

function WB_SetVobName(id, params)
    if builder[id].edit == false then
        local result,vobname = sscanf(params,"s")
        if result == 1 then
            wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].name = vobname

function WB_SaveCategories()
    local s_oth;
    if #wb.vobs.oth > 0 then
        s_oth =  string.format("%s %s",wb.vobs.oth[1].ins,wb.vobs.oth[1].name);
        if #wb.vobs.oth > 1 then
            for i=2,#wb.vobs.oth do s_oth = string.format("%s\n%s %s",s_oth,wb.vobs.oth[i].ins,wb.vobs.oth[i].name); end
    local file_other = ("vobs//other.txt","w")

    local s_cat = {}
    for i=1 , 9 do
        local cat = string.format("%s%d","cat",i)
        s_cat[i] = wb.vobs[cat].name;
        for j=1,#wb.vobs[cat] do
            s_cat[i] = string.format("%s\n%s %s",s_cat[i],wb.vobs[cat][j].ins,wb.vobs[cat][j].name);
        local file = (string.format("%s %s%s","vobs//category",i,".txt"),"w")
    SendPlayerMessage(id, 192, 168, 0, "All categories was saved")

function WB_SaveAllVobs(id)

    if #wb.set > 0 then
        local allvobs = "";
        for i=1,#wb.set do
            local vob = wb.set[i].id
            local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()
            local rx,ry,rz = vob:GetRotation()
            allvobs = string.format("%s%s %s %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",allvobs, wb.set[i].ins, wb.set[i].name, wb.set[i].world, wb.set[i].who, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)
        local file ="%s%s%s","WB//",wb.filename,".txt"), "w");
        if file~= nil then
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 192, 168, 0, "Save success")

function WB_LoadVobs(id,params)
    local result,fname = sscanf(params,"s");
    if result == 1 then
        local file ="%s%s%s","WB//",fname,".txt"), "r");
        if file ~= nil then
            local l = 0;
            for line in file:lines() do
                l = l + 1;
                local res,ins,vname,world,who,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz = sscanf(line,"ssssdddddd")
                if res == 1 then
                    table.insert(wb.set,{id = Vob.Create(ins,world,x,y,z),ins = ins, name = vname, world = world, who = who});
                    SendPlayerMessage(id, 255, 0, 0, string.format("%d %s %s %s",l,"from",fname,"was not readed"))
                    LogString("WB//ERROR",string.format("%d %s %s %s",l,"from",fname,"was not readed"))
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 192, 168, 0, "Load success")
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 255, 0, 0, "File not exist")

function WB_SetFileName(id,params)
    local result,fname = sscanf(params,"s");
    if result == 1 then
        if string.lower(fname) ~= "default" then
            wb.filename = fname
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 192, 168, 0, string.format("%s \"%s\"","You change file name to ",wb.filename))
            SendPlayerMessage(id, 255, 0, 0, "Enter a name other than \"Default\"")

function WB_TpToVob(id)
    local vob = builder[id].use;
    local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()

function WB_UpdatePlayerDraws(id,nr,s)
        s = s or 0;

    --1 Pos,2 Rot,3 ps, 4 rs, 5 Name,6 Cat and name,7 editmode
    local vob = builder[id].use
    if nr == 1 then
        local x,y,z = vob:GetPosition()
        local t1 = string.format("%s %d","Pos x:",x);
        local t2 = string.format("%s %d","Pos y:",y);
        local t3 = string.format("%s %d","Pos z:",z);

        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_x,5500, 2000, t1, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_y,5500, 2200, t2, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_z,5500, 2400, t3, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)

    elseif nr == 2 then
        local rx,ry,rz = vob:GetRotation()
        local t1 = string.format("%s %d","Rot x:",rx);
        local t2 = string.format("%s %d","Rot y:",ry);
        local t3 = string.format("%s %d","Rot z:",rz);

        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rx,5500, 2600, t1, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ry,5500, 2800, t2, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rz,5500, 3000, t3, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
    elseif nr == 3 then
        local t = string.format("%s %s","Speed move:",builder[id].ps);
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_ps,5500, 3200, t, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
    elseif nr == 4 then
        local t = string.format("%s %s","Speed rotate:",builder[id].rs);
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_rs,5500, 3400, t, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
    elseif nr == 5 then
        local t1 = string.format("%s %s","Name:",wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].name);
        local t2 = string.format("%s %s/%s","Nr:",builder[id].nr,#wb.vobs[builder[id].cat]);
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n,5500, 3600, t1, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_h,5500, 4000, t2, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
    elseif nr == 6 then
        local t1 = string.format("%s %s","Name:",wb.vobs[builder[id].cat][builder[id].nr].name);
        local t2 = string.format("%s %s","Category:",wb.vobs[builder[id].cat].name);
        local t3 = string.format("%s %s/%s","Nr:",builder[id].nr,#wb.vobs[builder[id].cat]);
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n,5500, 3600, t1, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_c,5500, 3800, t2, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_h,5500, 4000, t3, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
    elseif nr == 7 then
        local t1 = string.format("%s %s","Name:",wb.set[s].name);
        local t2 = string.format("%s %s","category:","Positioned objects");
        local t3 = string.format("%s %s","Who set:",wb.set[s].who);
        local t4 = string.format("%s %s/%s","Nr:",s,#wb.set);
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_n,5500, 3600, t1, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_c,5500, 3800, t2, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_w,5500, 4200, t3, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)
        UpdatePlayerDraw(id, builder[id].d_h,5500, 4000, t4, "Font_Old_10_White_Hi.TGA", 223,231,223)

Ca sa il folosesti, copieaza ce este aici si pune intr-un filterscript, apoi deschide serverul, intra in gmpa si dai /wb, de acolo te descurci tu.

Messages In This Thread
Ajutor pentru servere de GMP. - by Edd - 09-27-2013, 11:43 PM
RE: Ajutor pentru servere de GMP. - by meph144 - 09-28-2013, 07:58 AM
RE: Ajutor pentru servere de GMP. - by Edd - 09-28-2013, 12:33 PM
RE: Ajutor pentru servere de GMP. - by meph144 - 09-28-2013, 08:24 PM
RE: Ajutor pentru servere de GMP. - by Edd - 09-28-2013, 08:30 PM
RE: Ajutor pentru servere de GMP. - by Edd - 10-14-2013, 02:38 PM
RE: Ajutor pentru servere de GMP. - by Edd - 10-22-2013, 06:10 PM

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