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Filmul preferat
1. Troy
2.Seria Lord of the Rings
3.Rocky Balboa
4.300 Spartani
Lista poate continua dar ma opresc aici.
You are a Mora !
Inca doua preferate personale: Grandma's Boy si How to Kill Your Neighbour's Dog
[Image: bannersigmi2.jpg]
1. Lord of the Rings
2. Kingdom of Heaven
3. The Godfather
4. ATL
5. American Gangster
Stand up for something or die for nothing.
Lord of the Rings si The Godfather.
Asta seara ies pe strada, ca felina dupa prada, ochii vad, inima cere, peste tot numai placere.
Care ati vazut filmul No Escape? Este putin mai vechi, dar mi-a adus aminte de Gothic I prin elementele sale. :-HiHi-:
nop nu l-am vazut in schimb mi-am adus aminte de alt film mishto
Dracula II : Ascension, printre putinele filme horror care are si o poveste inteligenta.
Stand up for something or die for nothing.
mie imi place seria American Pie 1-6 shy Mr. & Mrs. Smith
In this world to be a human it's dangerous, but to be an assassin it's awesome!
razvyrap Wrote:mie imi place seria American Pie 1-6 shy Mr. & Mrs. Smith

American Pie cel mai aiurit film.
Asta seara ies pe strada, ca felina dupa prada, ochii vad, inima cere, peste tot numai placere.
multe filme mi-au placut ft mlt dar cl mai mlt mi-au placut:
Saving private Ryan
Kelly's heroes
The dirty dozen
The godfather
Enemy at the gates
The pianist
Indiana Jones(mai putin ultimul)
*si inca cateva
The Forbidden Kingdom, Vantage Point si The Last King of Scotland lea-ti vazut?? is destul de noi (mai putin The Last (...) carei din 2006) si foarte faine Grin uitati-va pe wiki peste ele Tongue

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