07-28-2009, 07:15 PM
pentru toti cei care joaca sau au jucat gothic 3, sunt sigur ca ati mai intalnit unele chesturi(cufere) care nu aveau nume si erau demetal , dar putteai sa le deschzi fara niciun skill. Ei bn aceste chesturi se numesc special chests ... ele sunt de 3 feluri:
1 - Weapon Chests(cufere cu arme & scuturi & blueprints)
2 - Magic Chests(cufere cu amulete & inele & scrolluri & staffuri)
3 - Impossible Chests(cufere cu aur sau iteme rare)
1 Weapon Chests
Itemele pe care le gasiti aici, majoritatea sunt foarte rare in joc si nu pot fi facute de eroul nostru, si care se gasesc doar odata in joc fara coduri. Indiferent care chest deschideti continutul acestora este acelasi si in aceeasi ordine, astfel ca nu conteza ca te duci in Nordmar si gasesti primul special chest acolo sau ca esti in Varant si gasesti primul chest, continutul este acelasi si exact in aceeasi ordine(la fel ca la magic chests), astfel avem:
01. Hashishin knife
02. Hashishin bow
03. Bone bow
04. Rapier
05. Headhunter's crossbow
06. Hashishin sword
07. Composite bow
08. Slave death (crossbow)
09. Mercenary crossbow
10. Skull shield
11. War bow
12. Blood harvest (crossbow)
13. Bearded axe
14. Katana
15. Paladin sword
16. Ruby blade
17. Wolf ripper (bow)
18. Order sword
19. Meat axe
20. Ice blade
21. Oak bow
22. Cutlass
23. Nordmarian crossbow
24. Warhammer
25. Army bow
26. Ore two-hander
27. Rune shield
28. Horn bow
29. Blueprint (Rune sword)
30. Rhino killer (crossbow)
31. Inquisitor
32. El Bastardo
33. Headsman's sword
34. Nimrod (bow)
35. Greatsword
36. Master sword
37. Barbarian battleaxe
38. Heavy crossbow
39. Blueprint (Sword of the Ancestors)
40. Rune bow
41. Great inquisitor
42. War crossbow
43. Blueprint (Power of the Ancestors)
44. Demon bow
45. Berserker axe
46. Krash Morra (crossbow)
47. Berserker's wrath (axe)
48. Wrath of Innos
numerele reprezinta numarul curent al cufarului special pe care il deschideti, adica dac deschideti 40 astfel dechesturi gasiti Rune bow ...
Daca nu ma credeti incercati si veti vedea .... locatiile acestora sunt fixe, dar va las curiosi asa ca spor la cautat![Smile Smile](https://worldofgothic.ro/forum/forumsmileys/smile.gif)
2 Magic chests
la fel ca si la weapon chests
01. Scroll of Fireball
02. Amulet of Energy Defence (+20 energy)
03. Amulet of Fire Protection (+20 fire)
04. Scroll of Fog
05. Ring of the Hunters (+5 hunting)
06. Scroll of Summon Flamesword
07. Endurance potion (+4 endurance)
08. Amulet of the Hashishin (+10 life, +5 hunting)
09. Scroll of Frostwave
10. Scroll of Soul Travel
11. Concentration potion (+4 Mana)
12. Life Force potion (+4 life)
13. Ring of Combat Protection (+5 missile, +5 impact, +5 blade resistance)
14. Scroll of Open Lock
15. Scroll of Amnesia
16. Scroll of Heal Other
17. Amulet of the Druid (+10 life, +10 mana, weakness resistance)
18. Ring of Defence (+10 impact, +10 blade protection)
19. Hunting potion (+2 hunting)
20. Strength potion (+2 strength)
21. Amulet of the Paladin (+10 mana, +5 strength)
22. Ring of Magic Protection (+10 fire, +10 ice, +10 energy protection)
23. Scroll of Banish Evil
24. Amulet of the Hunter (+10 hunting)
25. Amulet of Strength (+10 strength)
26. Recipe for Hunting Potion
27. Scroll of Bless Weapon
28. Judge's Staff (80 damage) *two handed, impact damage, no skill or stat
29. Amulet of the Thief (+10 thievery, +5 hunting)
30. Amulet of the Mage (+10 fire, +10 ice, +10 energy protection, +10 mana)
31. Scroll of Summon Golem
32. Amulet of Armor (+15 impact, +15 blade protection)
33. Amulet of the Hunter (+10 missile, + 10 endurance, +5 hunting)
34. Amulet of the Warrior (+10 impact, +10 blade, +10 life, +5 strength)
35. Amulet of Ironskin (+20 impact, +20 blade)
36. Druid Staff (30 damage, +25 life, +25 mana, Druid skill)
37. Staff of Magic (30 damage, +50 mana)
38. Staff of Fire (25 damage, Firemage skill)
39. Staff of Darkness (25 damage, Blackmage skill)
40. Staff of Water (25 damage, Watermage skill)
41. Blade Staff (70 damage, Staff Level 3 skill)
42. Staff of Power (40 damage, Mana Regeneration skill)
43. Staff of Protection (35 damage, +30 missile, +30 impact, +30 blade, +30
44. Staff of the Black Mages (40 damage, +50 mana, +40 energy protection,
Blackmage skill)
45. Staff of the Water Mages (40 damage, +50 mana, +40 ice protection, Watermage
46. Staff of the Fire Mages (40 damage, +50 mana, +40 fire protection, Firemage
3 Chesturile imposibile
acestea sunt rare si continutul acestora difera de la chest la chest, asa ca nu conteaza care cjest deschideti aveti sansa sa gasiti un pure magic ore blank in oricare dintre ele in orice stagiu al jocului .
SFAT: nu invatati sa deschideti chesturile imposibile deoarece sunt putine ,folositi magia open locks. Si inca un sfat daca vreti sagasiti repede pure magice ore blank de exemplu , salvati jocul si dati load de oricate ori aveti nevoie, de'asemenea tot in aceste cufere mai gasiti si:
-Mage Staff - Staff of Sorcery (mana +25)
-Mage Staff - Staff of Defence (protection from fire +15, missiles +15, impact
+15, blades +15)
-scrolluri rare precum :Summon Skeleton, Summon Golem, Time Bubble, Soul Travel, Army of Darkness, Hail Storm, Meteor, Fire Rain,etc.
-aur(intre 500-900), faceti mai repede bani din loot
... stiti voi.
sper ca aceste informatii v-au fost de folos ... daca vreti va pot detalia mai mult, dmg-ul armelor,requierments,etc dar nu o voi face, satisfactia de a le gasi este mai mare
1 - Weapon Chests(cufere cu arme & scuturi & blueprints)
2 - Magic Chests(cufere cu amulete & inele & scrolluri & staffuri)
3 - Impossible Chests(cufere cu aur sau iteme rare)
1 Weapon Chests
Itemele pe care le gasiti aici, majoritatea sunt foarte rare in joc si nu pot fi facute de eroul nostru, si care se gasesc doar odata in joc fara coduri. Indiferent care chest deschideti continutul acestora este acelasi si in aceeasi ordine, astfel ca nu conteza ca te duci in Nordmar si gasesti primul special chest acolo sau ca esti in Varant si gasesti primul chest, continutul este acelasi si exact in aceeasi ordine(la fel ca la magic chests), astfel avem:
01. Hashishin knife
02. Hashishin bow
03. Bone bow
04. Rapier
05. Headhunter's crossbow
06. Hashishin sword
07. Composite bow
08. Slave death (crossbow)
09. Mercenary crossbow
10. Skull shield
11. War bow
12. Blood harvest (crossbow)
13. Bearded axe
14. Katana
15. Paladin sword
16. Ruby blade
17. Wolf ripper (bow)
18. Order sword
19. Meat axe
20. Ice blade
21. Oak bow
22. Cutlass
23. Nordmarian crossbow
24. Warhammer
25. Army bow
26. Ore two-hander
27. Rune shield
28. Horn bow
29. Blueprint (Rune sword)
30. Rhino killer (crossbow)
31. Inquisitor
32. El Bastardo
33. Headsman's sword
34. Nimrod (bow)
35. Greatsword
36. Master sword
37. Barbarian battleaxe
38. Heavy crossbow
39. Blueprint (Sword of the Ancestors)
40. Rune bow
41. Great inquisitor
42. War crossbow
43. Blueprint (Power of the Ancestors)
44. Demon bow
45. Berserker axe
46. Krash Morra (crossbow)
47. Berserker's wrath (axe)
48. Wrath of Innos
numerele reprezinta numarul curent al cufarului special pe care il deschideti, adica dac deschideti 40 astfel dechesturi gasiti Rune bow ...
Daca nu ma credeti incercati si veti vedea .... locatiile acestora sunt fixe, dar va las curiosi asa ca spor la cautat
![Smile Smile](https://worldofgothic.ro/forum/forumsmileys/smile.gif)
2 Magic chests
la fel ca si la weapon chests
01. Scroll of Fireball
02. Amulet of Energy Defence (+20 energy)
03. Amulet of Fire Protection (+20 fire)
04. Scroll of Fog
05. Ring of the Hunters (+5 hunting)
06. Scroll of Summon Flamesword
07. Endurance potion (+4 endurance)
08. Amulet of the Hashishin (+10 life, +5 hunting)
09. Scroll of Frostwave
10. Scroll of Soul Travel
11. Concentration potion (+4 Mana)
12. Life Force potion (+4 life)
13. Ring of Combat Protection (+5 missile, +5 impact, +5 blade resistance)
14. Scroll of Open Lock
15. Scroll of Amnesia
16. Scroll of Heal Other
17. Amulet of the Druid (+10 life, +10 mana, weakness resistance)
18. Ring of Defence (+10 impact, +10 blade protection)
19. Hunting potion (+2 hunting)
20. Strength potion (+2 strength)
21. Amulet of the Paladin (+10 mana, +5 strength)
22. Ring of Magic Protection (+10 fire, +10 ice, +10 energy protection)
23. Scroll of Banish Evil
24. Amulet of the Hunter (+10 hunting)
25. Amulet of Strength (+10 strength)
26. Recipe for Hunting Potion
27. Scroll of Bless Weapon
28. Judge's Staff (80 damage) *two handed, impact damage, no skill or stat
29. Amulet of the Thief (+10 thievery, +5 hunting)
30. Amulet of the Mage (+10 fire, +10 ice, +10 energy protection, +10 mana)
31. Scroll of Summon Golem
32. Amulet of Armor (+15 impact, +15 blade protection)
33. Amulet of the Hunter (+10 missile, + 10 endurance, +5 hunting)
34. Amulet of the Warrior (+10 impact, +10 blade, +10 life, +5 strength)
35. Amulet of Ironskin (+20 impact, +20 blade)
36. Druid Staff (30 damage, +25 life, +25 mana, Druid skill)
37. Staff of Magic (30 damage, +50 mana)
38. Staff of Fire (25 damage, Firemage skill)
39. Staff of Darkness (25 damage, Blackmage skill)
40. Staff of Water (25 damage, Watermage skill)
41. Blade Staff (70 damage, Staff Level 3 skill)
42. Staff of Power (40 damage, Mana Regeneration skill)
43. Staff of Protection (35 damage, +30 missile, +30 impact, +30 blade, +30
44. Staff of the Black Mages (40 damage, +50 mana, +40 energy protection,
Blackmage skill)
45. Staff of the Water Mages (40 damage, +50 mana, +40 ice protection, Watermage
46. Staff of the Fire Mages (40 damage, +50 mana, +40 fire protection, Firemage
3 Chesturile imposibile
acestea sunt rare si continutul acestora difera de la chest la chest, asa ca nu conteaza care cjest deschideti aveti sansa sa gasiti un pure magic ore blank in oricare dintre ele in orice stagiu al jocului .
SFAT: nu invatati sa deschideti chesturile imposibile deoarece sunt putine ,folositi magia open locks. Si inca un sfat daca vreti sagasiti repede pure magice ore blank de exemplu , salvati jocul si dati load de oricate ori aveti nevoie, de'asemenea tot in aceste cufere mai gasiti si:
-Mage Staff - Staff of Sorcery (mana +25)
-Mage Staff - Staff of Defence (protection from fire +15, missiles +15, impact
+15, blades +15)
-scrolluri rare precum :Summon Skeleton, Summon Golem, Time Bubble, Soul Travel, Army of Darkness, Hail Storm, Meteor, Fire Rain,etc.
-aur(intre 500-900), faceti mai repede bani din loot
![Haha Haha](https://worldofgothic.ro/forum/forumsmileys/laughing-smiley-004.gif)
sper ca aceste informatii v-au fost de folos ... daca vreti va pot detalia mai mult, dmg-ul armelor,requierments,etc dar nu o voi face, satisfactia de a le gasi este mai mare
![Smile Smile](https://worldofgothic.ro/forum/forumsmileys/smile.gif)
Don't hate the player, hate the game
Don't hate the player, hate the game