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[JOC] Ce alegi?
alt f4

vodafone/cosmote Haha
Don't hate the player, hate the game

[back] sau [escape]?

Franta sau GermaniaHaha
Winnetou avea un VolksWagen, asa il chema pe cal

1. Bundesliga sau Premier League? Haha
premier league:>

coca cola league sau liga burgherHaha
Winnetou avea un VolksWagen, asa il chema pe cal

Sleeper sau undead dragon
[Image: 242idki.png]
unded dragon arata mai smecherHaha)

wow the burning crusade sau wow wrath of the lich kingGrin
Winnetou avea un VolksWagen, asa il chema pe cal

Conter Strike: Condition Zero sau Grand Theft Auto San Andreas?
grand theft auto san andreas

grand theft auto san andreas sau grand theft auto san andreas multiplayerHaha
Winnetou avea un VolksWagen, asa il chema pe cal
primul Grin

Gold vs Reputation?

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