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Apocalipsa, 666, Mark of the Beast, Anti-Christ
Poti citi si tu Biblia. Apocalipsa si Daniel sunt cartile unde vei gasi cele mai multe informatii.

EDIT: Scuze, am uitat ca nu ai.

Daca tin minte bine, prin Religion thread parca The Necromancer a postat informatii despre acest subiect.
(11-22-2009, 08:07 PM)Ilidan Wrote: Mai intreb ceva si gata Haha: Cine este anti-christul (definit . Cum il recunoastem>?)

About the anti-Christ:

A. The "little horn" or kingdom "came up among them"--the 10 horns which were the kingdoms of Western Europe (Daniel 7:8). So it would be a little kingdom somewhere in Western Europe.

B. It would have a man at its head who could speak for it (Daniel 7:8).

C. It would pluck up or uproot three kingdoms (Daniel 7:8).

D. It would be "diverse" or different from the other 10 kingdoms (Daniel 7:24).

E. It would make war with and "wear out" or persecute the saints (Daniel 7:21, 25).

F. It would emerge from the pagan Roman empire--the fourth world kingdom (Daniel 7:7, 8).

G. God's people (the saints) would "be given into his hand" for "a time and times and the dividing of time" (Daniel 7:25).

H. It would "speak great words against" or blaspheme God (Daniel 7:25). In Revelation 13:5, the Bible says the same power speaks "great things and blasphemies."

I. It would "think to change times and laws." Daniel 7:25.

Don't forget--all these identification points come directly from the Bible. They are not some human opinion or speculation. Historians could tell you quickly what power is being described. These points can fit only one power -- the papacy. This is the second and the most powerful beast.
Cautam pe Internet si am gasit site-ul acesta:

Explica Apocalipsa in detaliu (cu date istorice) si este una dintre cele mai bune explicari ai ei, din cate am auzit pana acum. Hestia, in cazul in care esti ateu (am o banuiala, dar nu ai spus nimic sigur), cum crezi ca un om din 80 d.C (aprox.) poate sa prezica istoria pe 2000 de ani? Coincidenta? Sunt curios de raspunsul tau. Pe mine m-a convins. Este ceva de acolo cu care nu esti de acord?

EDIT: Aceasta nu este singura varianta posibila, dar raspunde la cele mai multe raspunsuri.
Ati citit?
Da. Interesting.
Cu cateva saptamani in urma, eram in clasa de istorie, si am vazut ca in 1212 a avut loc o batalie importanta (Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa) care a dat cu susul in joc Reconquista. Anul 1212: 1+2+1+2=3+3=6 (666)

Inca ceva, prima lege care a zis ca Duminica sa fie zi de odihna (in loc de Sambata, numita si Sabat) a fost data de imparatul Constantin, in 321 d.C. 3+2+1=6

asta e si ca aia cu nr23
ia sa vezi :>
eu sunt nascut in 1994
1+9+9+4 = 23.
2/3 = 0,66(6)

ee :> =))
sunt omu dracului, ce stii tu? =))

asa daca cauti, gasesti ce vrei tu. cum sunt si alea cu nr 23 Smile
apoi cu nr 6. iti fac cate vrei tu =))
.Chorus Romance says Good Night.
(12-28-2009, 06:03 PM)ufy Wrote: eu sunt nascut in 1994
1+9+9+4 = 23.
2/3 = 0,66(6)

ee :> =))
sunt omu dracului, ce stii tu? =))

I'm born in 1994 too. :| Haha)))))
Dar ramane interesant...
I wanna know what you believe: The Rapture will occur before or after the Tribulation?

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