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[JOC] Ce alegi?

lupta two swords sau lupta swordfighter?
I have a job to do, I must finish it even I don't want to make it.
lupta dual
viceroy sau L.M (nici1 nu e bun :|)
Raarrrrrrr!ME smash@!You die!!

justin sau justin timberlake
[Image: 242idki.png]

scavanger sau molrat ? (Gothic 1)

Iustin sau Illidan?
I have a job to do, I must finish it even I don't want to make it.
Illidan (si termina cu asta, ca oricum pe tine nu te-as alege)

avatar sau semnatura ?
Bookmark =))
Santana sau Jimi Hendrix
Raarrrrrrr!ME smash@!You die!!
Santana Tongue

10.000 posts sau 20 reputatie
[Image: 242idki.png]
10000 posts
AC/DC sau Van Halen
Raarrrrrrr!ME smash@!You die!!

sa primesti :
1) un pumn in moaca(da` una zdravana Haha ) sau 2) o lovitura la ficat("pateu" Haha )
[Image: 242idki.png]

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