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Pai eu am reusit sa'l scot afara din tabara si atunci l-am omorat Grin.
Si eu tot asa l-am caftit
Offtopic: Hegan trebuia sa spui 1 rice schnaps + 1 swampweed = fericire curata
Ontopic: Pai cred ca a fost adoptat de Snaf si din cauza retetelor lui cu meatbug Mud a ramas traumatizat pe viata si deaia te urmareste ca nare ce manca si asteapta momentul oportum sa te omoare si sa manance din tine =)) a recurs la canibalism. Probabil ca mananca diferite carnuri ar trebui sal intrebe Taticu Xardas sau Mamica Velaya ce papa copilasu' la cina.
-Mudisor puisor, ceo sa papi la cina?
-Carne de Orc Warrior.
-Nu avem.
-Atunci de Orc Hunter.
-Nici de acea.
(Scoate maciuca)
- >Grin Atuncea pe tine si pe tata la felul intai, pe Gomez la felu' doi si pe Boschetarul Fara Nume la desert.
-Se numeste Nameless Hero.Si ca Garnitura?
-Sange de scraper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >Grin
Fighting back!...
asta a fost bunaGrin chiar tata xardas nu mai bine stra stra bunicul xardas si velaya nui cam tanara o si sutul ei e gomez

[Image: 1lMEp3.jpg]

,, Napoleon a cautat virtutea, si neputand-o gasi a luat puterea.''

"What have we got for dinner? Is it a surprise? I like surprises!"
(08-17-2011, 07:38 PM)Edg Wrote: "What have we got for dinner? Is it a surprise? I like surprises!"

Pentru cina avem friptura de Mud in sos Haha
Stati ca mai am:
Gorn:-What are you doing, you sect loonie?
Lester:-What have you called me?
Gorn(draws his axe):-A sect lo...
Milten:-Oh shut up Gorn!
G:-Why? This Idiot is starting to get on my nerves, and I don't like it! Why has he to ALWAYS talk about that shity Idol?
L:-WHAT?! He's called The Sleeper, you Infidel! DIEEEEEEEE!!!
G:-Just come here, you stinky lunatic!
Hero:-Hey stop that!(and jumps into battle)
Diego:-What? You Bastard! Why i must always save you from Death?
MI:-Gorn you asked for it! They will cut our weed suply!(And starts hurling fireballs)
Xardas:-ENOUGH!(and starts sumoning skeletons)
Mud:-Haya! Take that!(and kills Xardas, and the skeletons he sumoned start cuting a nearby tree)
Everyone stops.
H:-Mud I have told you to kill Merdarion not Xardas you Piece of Crap!
MU:-Errr... Ehhh.... Well....
H:-Just shut up!
MU:-OK Boss.
D:-So, what's your escape plan?
H:- Well, we transform into bloodflies and get out of here! But we need someone to test it!
MU:-You're the hero so you try!
H:-EHHH.....ERRRRR..... Milten you're the mage here!
MI:Ewwww...... But i've ran out of potions, sorry!...... Gorn?
G:-Uhhh....Ohhhh.......But I don't know how to use magic! Lester?
L:-What? Ahhhhhh....Awwwww.... But i use only magic of the Sleeper!
H:-MHHHHHH...........Ehm.......Well, You know.....
D:-What was THAT?
(ALL scream to death)The skeletons have cut the tree wich fell and killed everybody apart Mud.
A week later:
Mud(runing after the desperate skeletons):-That was real fun man! We can have loads of time together later!
Fighting back!...
Daca iti imaginezi personajele, cu vocea lor, e chiar comic Haha. Ultima replica, cu vocea lui Mud chiar e buna =)).
(08-18-2011, 10:32 AM)Edg Wrote: Daca iti imaginezi personajele, cu vocea lor, e chiar comic Haha. Ultima replica, cu vocea lui Mud chiar e buna =)).

Defapt chestia aceea cu transformarea in Bloodfly si trecerea prin bariera chiar merge in realitate am incercat-o Grin .
Fighting back!...
(08-18-2011, 04:03 PM)The Mad Digger Wrote:
(08-18-2011, 10:32 AM)Edg Wrote: Daca iti imaginezi personajele, cu vocea lor, e chiar comic Haha. Ultima replica, cu vocea lui Mud chiar e buna =)).

Defapt chestia aceea cu transformarea in Bloodfly si trecerea prin bariera chiar merge in realitate am incercat-o Grin .

Oh my god in realitate?
[Image: 242idki.png]

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