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[JOC] Ce alegi?

PLM sau FMM? Haha

LOL sau Doamne
I bless you in the name of Innos.May the Lord's fire burn is your heart and give you the strengh to act according to justice.
Simy sau Helper Tongue
Amandoi Grin

Helper sau Symy
I bless you in the name of Innos.May the Lord's fire burn is your heart and give you the strengh to act according to justice.

sa zici ca nu stii sau sa nu zici nimic?
Sa nu zici nimic

Oldflash sau Faby(daca ii cunosti)
I bless you in the name of Innos.May the Lord's fire burn is your heart and give you the strengh to act according to justice.

sahn_red2oo8 sau last_shadow88?

World of Warcraft sau Age of Conan
Winnetou avea un VolksWagen, asa il chema pe cal
Age of Conan

Geografie sau Istorie?
In this world to be a human it's dangerous, but to be an assassin it's awesome!

Wink sau Grin
I bless you in the name of Innos.May the Lord's fire burn is your heart and give you the strengh to act according to justice.

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