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Noi informatii: Interviu cu EDL
Se pare ca, intre timp, cei de la Spellbound au scos, prin intermediul lui EDL, noi informatii despre Arcania: A Gothic Tale. Uitati aici noul interviu (cu putine informatii si despre Addon-ul pentru Gothic III, Forsaken Gods):

"Dietrich Limper, the Community Manager of Spellbound, also known as EDL, answered question by our community.

1. Why did you decide for official name Gothic 4: Arcania? Is it from the word arcane = mysterious, or perhaps is it a reminder of your previous RPG Realms of ARKANIA? What does it actually mean?
Well, it is a coincidence that "Arcania" reminds you of the fine old games "Realms of Arkania". The reason is more like you said yourself. Something very arcane is going on and magic has a lot to do with the story that will happen in the new game.

2. We will play 10 years after G3. Don't you think that our nameless hero will be too old for new adventures? What can you say me about his looks?
The nameless hero will be in his best years and will still be able to kick some ass. How he looks? Well, he will look slightly older obviously - but apart from that, you should be able to recognize him.

3. The forthcoming G3 add-on should have a connection with G4 story. Do you cooperate on it as well?
Our involvement in the development of the G3 Add-On is currently being discussed. While we will not be taking over the main load of development, so far we have been supporting the Add-On developer and we have provided some input / consulting where requested as well.

4. Which game engine did you license and which technologies are you going to use? The trees in the pictures seem like a product of SpeedTree...
As a developer we have not yet officially announced what technologies and middleware packages we currently use. We plan to confirm these decisions later this year. The trees you see in some of the shots are created using the fabulous Speedtree technology as a first basis and adding many features on top of it.

5. Your previous games are well known for their great video sequences. Can we expect something similar in G4 too?
Yes, JoWooD and we plan to come up with some cool movie sequences.

6. Where do you get the main inspiration, do you study this historical age? What countries did influence you in world modeling?
Yes - you are right. We have studied social and cultural development during historical ages which can be compared with the point in time to be represented in Gothic 4. The results from these studies do have influences on architectural styles, colors used for Gothic 4... And as we do have an international team, the various cultural backgrounds have influenced the look of the game. German, French and Russian are the nationalities with the biggest percentages in the team and thus their influences are probably the largest. And as the Gothic 3 world is also very much alike certain areas of Germany, Russia, Czech (and some regions of France as well) in terms of the colors - you can expect to see some continuity in regard to the colors in the game.

7. Can you disclose us something about the south isles? Are there different climatic zones? Will we travel from one map\world to the other like in G2?
Yes, there will be different climatic zones and different styles of the environment. We think it is important to let the player experience different environments during the game.

Also it is our intention to create a streamed world so there are no loading times and area changes as in Gothic 2 when you move from Khorinis to the Valley of Mines, but whether or not that will work exactly the way we envision it remains to be seen.

8. What about girls in world of Gothic? Will the "love theme" play any role?
Oh, yeah, there will definitely be more ladies in G4. It will be up to the player to decide what his relationship with the ladies in the game will be.

9. Could you give us some comment on the artwork with magical barrier? Is it important for the story? What about the dragon skelet. Are you planning dragons as a part of bestiary? Don't you think that it is a fantasy clich
eroul va avea nume?sau va fi un nameless?
Da este un nou nameless...un pescar. Scria asta in preview-ul de la IGN.
Dar deja ma incurc. Aici scrie ca vechiul nameless e gata de aventuri. Deci ori e erou nou sau e erou vechi?
Sau poate ne va ajuta ca NPC Grin.
Oare va fi in Unknown Lands?

Ma refer:...In Forsaken Gods sa faci parcursul cu eroul tau si sa ajungi pe tron printro regiune din Unknown Lands si dupa aia sa fii corupt de putere.Pacat ca nu poate fii adevarat.Este un vis...Mi se pare ca adevaratul G4 va fii in Southern Isles si pt. ca mai sus a fost zis ca este bazat pe magie nu cred ca poate fi continuarea lui Xardas pt. ca el a scapat lumea de magie.Oricum,este doar o teorie pe care am inventato acum.

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