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GameSpy Wrote:Game technology developer MuchDifferent set its sights on a Guinness record, hoping to bring 1,000 players into a single multiplayer FPS battle. While the studio didn't quite reach its goal, it came damn close. At its peak, 999 players took part in the Man vs. Machine shootout yesterday, an accomplishment MuchDifferent heralds as the future of multiplayer gaming.

At 4:04 p.m. CET on Sunday, the Man vs. Machine battle reached 999 players, just one player away from MuchDifferent's lofty goal. And then the server crashed due to the number of players trying to get into the game. Once the game was back online, numbers reached a peak of 980 players.

Guinness has yet to weigh in on yesterday's feat, but it appears the 999-player, man-versus-machine match will soon find its way into the record books. As for PikkoServer, MuchDifferent says it is ready to be used in "just about any game engine" used today.

M-am apucat zilele astea de wow pe freaks cu toti colegii meiSmile...cine vrea sa intre, descarca wow de pe freakz, intra pe iconita wow freakz(atentie nu pe launcher!!!), intra pe realmul Evolution, chiar primul, si daca doreste sa joace cu mine, sa se bage in Hoarda. E superb jocu si merita fiecare secunda!
"Errare humanum est sed perseverare diabolicum."
"Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo."
"Inter arma silent leges."

WoW?Haha? Te rog!Haha
[Image: 1lMEp3.jpg]

,, Napoleon a cautat virtutea, si neputand-o gasi a luat puterea.''

WORLD OF WARCRAFT...spune ca nu e misto, ca ma suparHaha...adica e foarte mare, questurile sunt extreeeem de multe, arme armuri extrem de variate, mobi la fel, quesurile sunt interesante, poveste diferita pt fiecare rasa, grafica foarte faina chiar si la low! Cum poti spune despre wow ca e naspa?
s-ar putea sa se lanseze la vara, abia astept.
In plus e fain la wow ca merge pe orice comp, adica mie pe procesor de 1.6, 512 rami, placa video de 64 de vrami, imi merge la low, dar imi merge la perfectie si inca si pe net pe stick(fara pic de lag!!!)
"Errare humanum est sed perseverare diabolicum."
"Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo."
"Inter arma silent leges."


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[Image: 1lMEp3.jpg]

,, Napoleon a cautat virtutea, si neputand-o gasi a luat puterea.''

De aceeasi parere cu Hegan Haha
Pe scurt:
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Fighting back!...
Da, e varza rau.
[Image: 1lMEp3.jpg]

,, Napoleon a cautat virtutea, si neputand-o gasi a luat puterea.''


umm *facepalm*
[Image: 242idki.png]
(02-09-2012, 05:15 PM)Zamolxis1 Wrote: Cum poti spune despre wow ca e naspa?

In multe feluri. Haha
Voi pe ce ati jucat wow? Sincer am jucat cateva zile pe oficial la un stiti ce? Nu exista hackeri, buguri, trolli, sau alte specimene de genul. Daca voua nu va place mie imi place, si chiar reuseste sa ma tina in fata ecranului. Imi puteti da niste motive pentru care nu va place wow?
"Errare humanum est sed perseverare diabolicum."
"Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo."
"Inter arma silent leges."


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