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Community Story Project
Inainte de toate, sper ca nu mai e alt topic pe care l-am ratat. Va rog sa stergeti postul daca da.

Pentru cei care nu au aflat inca, CSP e probabil cel mai misto patch pentru G3, asteptat cu sufletul la gura de intreaga lume Gothica. In lucru de ceva timp (cred ca in jur de 3 ani), proiectul e unul de anvergura si nu va fi lansat foarte curand. Insa, dupa cum arata pana acum, asteptarea va merita.

Schimbarile aduse vor fi de mai multe feluri, dar in special la nivel de poveste (mai mult lore, impartirea pe capitole, questuri noi etc) si intr-o masura mai mica si ceva modificari grafice (armuri, arme). Pentru mai multe detalii, atuncati un ochi peste FAQ de mai jos sau vizitati site-ul proiectului.

Adresa proiectului:


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Ne vor spune noutatile odata cu apropierea Craciunului Grin.
[Image: 242idki.png]
Da, asa au facut si de Paste si la Craciunul trecut. Sper totusi ca anul asta sa ne faca o supriza si sa il si lanseze. Sau macar sa de-a un release date concret.
He, he, in sfarsit calendarul. Can't wait! Grin

'World of Wrote:The CSP Team has announed their Advent calendar. From the 1th until the 24th of december, you will receive a small impression of the coming Mod every day.

Quote from the CSP website:
"If you do something for the third time, it becomes a tradition. So, let us establish a tradition today by announcing the third CSP Advent calendar! Each day between the 1st and the 24th of December, you will be given a small impression of our Mod, like a screenshot, a story or a video. We hope to sweeten your waiting time for our project as well as for Christmas and wish you a merry Advent season!"

Ar trebui sa vedem ceva chiar azi, stay tuned!
1 Decembrie
2 Decembrie

Vesti bune pana acum, sa speram ca pana la sfarsit ne ofera si un release date.
3rd December 2012 Wrote:Yesterday we showed you our new Nordmar-faces. Sadly, we aren’t able to equip every NPC with its very own face, as it would require too much time and effort. But we still wanted to prevent players from meeting the same NPC over and over again and asked ourselves how we could create much diversity without much effort. The answer was simple: hair.

Gothic 3 provides some hair- and beard-meshes that are surprisingly rarely used. We retextured these and will garnish some of the people of Nordmar with them. That way, we can easily create lots of individual faces by combining them with different beards.

Furthermore, we have the beards in three different colours (red, blond and brown) with furthers increases the variety.
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Facial diversity FTW!
primu si al 3lea hairstyle arata bestial dar al 2lea parca e prea cartoon
(っ◕‿◕)っ ♥ Gothic[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR97VWJGECgiC-0eJQTSQy...jLM_lcyWrN]
Cum bine îi şade unui calendar de Crăciun, avem şi două povestioare care prezintă bucăţi din lore-ul din spatele jocului.

4th December 2012 Wrote:The world of Gothic 3 always seemed kind of empty and hollow because usually you were only given the information that was necessary for the situation at hand, but rarely ever heard anything about the background and the history of the world.

From the very beginning we put a focus on changing that. Admittedly, extensive lore was never a strength of the Gothic-series, but that is one of the points in which we aren’t trying to bring Gothic 3 to the level of its predecessors, but improving some of their defects, too.

In the CSP players will find books and scripts all over the world of Gothic 3, most of which will not have any direct function in the game (although some of them will contain useful hints for certain quests). We want to present two of these books today.
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5th December 2012 Wrote:Everyone who has played Gothic 1 and/or 2 will surely have noticed the paintings that decorate numerous houses of better-situated people.

[Image: gemldeausgothic2.jpg]

These paintings disappeared in Gothic 3, where most houses were nearly undecorated.

To change that, we created a picture frame-mesh that will be combined with paintings we consider to fit into the world of Gothic and will be placed in several spots. Of course, atmosphere is extremely important to us, so you won’t find a painting in a peasant’s hut; but you might be able to behold a portrait of the king in his throne room.
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C'mon people, show me some feedback.

6th December 2012

De data asta avem un mic teaser legat de sabii. Baietii care se ocupa de CSP ne spun cum ca ar vrea sa faca armele cat mai realiste. Acum, nu stiu despre restul lumii, dar ultima oara cand am verificat, istoria nu prea are sabii mov care sunt aproape la fel de mari ca cel care le poarta. Parca sunt ceva sulite in forma de sabii...

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