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Community Story Project
Am cam ramas in urma, deci azi avem 3 'cadouri'.

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8th December 2012 Wrote:We are pretty sure today’s screenshot does not really require an explanation:

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The CSP will enable the player to persuade certain NPCs in order to obtain stuff like pieces of information, free training or maybe even a higher reward for a quest. But wait, there’s more: everyone who learns this perk might even stumble upon some quests that less eloquent heroes would miss.

As we can’t create new perks, but just alter the old ones, we decided to use the perk “Bargaining”. Therefore, everyone who learns the perk “Silver tongue” will not only be able to persuade NPCs, but also gain the trading advantage of the original perk.

Oh, and whether you believe it or not: we actually had this idea before and independently from Risen 2 (although we admit that we shamelessly copied the name).

9th December 2012 Wrote:Due to the work of WoG-user Baltram, who achieved great things for Risen- and Gothic 3-modding (but, to avoid misunderstandings, is not a part of the CST), it is now possible to alter animated meshes like armours.

It requires great effort though, so you should not expect too much from this feature, but of course we still wanted to make use of that possibility.

We quickly decided where to start: as the work of WoG-user |Lorn| has proven, many people consider the nearly identical design of the heavy rebel and mercenary armour to be a big problem. So, we want to present the CSP-version of these armours today:

[Image: image-1c7813280-250x250.png][Image: image-2c6513902-250x250.png]

3D Models:
10th December 2012 Wrote:Today we want to show you three old friends that the player could take with him on the voyage on the Esmeralda, but apparently lost on the way to Myrtana: Bennet, Wolf and Girion.

“Wait a second!”, some of the more observant CSP-fans might think now. “We already know that they will be back.” That’s right, we already unveiled that in earlier calendars and news. But skill comes with practice, and everyone who is working on the CSP improved his skills in his respective field. Our graphic designers are no exception to that.

Therefore and because we hold the heroes old companions dearly, we went over their faces again. We can still just work with the existing meshes and change them with new textures, but we are sure you will agree that the two versions of the faces are worlds apart.

Comparison Photos
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11th December 2012 Wrote:At the beginning of the game, the hero and his four close friends come ashore at Ardea and then quickly part their ways to be scattered across the whole continent. But what about the other companions who were aboard the Esmeralda with them? Only Lares offers some explanation about how he ended up in Geldern. But how Lee ended up in Nordmar, what brought Angar to Mora Sul and why the Assassins are holding Vatras captive in Lago is left unanswered.

Not anymore. These are the stories they will tell you when you meet them:

Lee: After the pirates had captured the Esmeralda, they set sail to Lago to sell their prisoners there. Lee was among them, but the former general quickly managed to escape as his guard was completely stoned. He went north and crossed the pass to Myrtana. There he first heard of the barrier around Vengard and started to search for a teleport stone into the capital. Like in the original game he met Gorn somewhere near Montera and convinced his old friend to help him. Gorn tried to obtain the stone from Gotha, while Lee, who didn’t want to take any risks, travelled to Nordmar as he hoped that he might find the stone in the monastery. But he was disappointed there, and out of fear that one of the mages might recognize him he quickly left again. As always, the hero meets him at the fire clan, where Lee has met an old friend…

Angar: Angar, too, was sold to the Assassins, but unlike Lee wasn’t able to flee. Nobody in Lago could use him, so he was sold to a caravan and ended up in the slave market of Mora Sul, where the arena bought him to be another gladiator. Soon it became obvious that Angar’s skill in battle surmounted that of any other fighter the arena had to offer, so he became Champion and, as a reward for his victories, was granted freedom. Now he continues his career as a free man in order to earn some money.

Vatras: Just like the others Vatras was sold to Lago. As a water mage and therefore an enemy of the Assassins, he was not enslaved, but rather locked away and questioned many times. Fabio defends his captivity in a village like Lago with the excuse that a transport to Ishtar or Mora Sul might be attacked by nomads. Of course, Fabio’s tendency to give himself airs might also play a role…

You are going to hear these stories like that in the game. They are likely and everyone could have figured them out. But the fact that the player had to figure things like these out for himself is one of Gothic 3‘s big problems that we are tackling.

Before the question arises: of course more of the hero’s old companions who were forgotten in Gothic 3 will be in the game. Each of them will be able to give a plausible explanation for why he is at the place you will be meeting him. But we are not going to tell their stories here, as we don’t want to give away where in the wide world of Gothic 3 you will cross their way.

12th December 2012 Wrote:All around Nordmar, the hero will often hear talk about the Orc Slayers, and among the nameless NPCs there are indeed lots of them. But so far it was never really clear what exactly distinguishes them from the normal warriors of the Clans.

In the CSP, there’s their armour, for a start. The Orc Slayers will be equipped with their own special armour, while the regular fighters will keep their old armours.
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But obviously, we don’t just want to give them a different look. They will also have other tasks than the normal warriors. While these guard the clans’ villages, the Orc Slayers protect all of Nordmar. They wander the whole country and – surprise! – slay orcs.

The head of each clan’s Orc Slayers is called Herse and doubles as his chief’s right hand. Of course, such an important man must be recognizable by his armour.
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Deci .. ăştia scot câte un update în fiecare zi? :-?
Bennet nu le-a prea ieşit, în schimb Wolf şi Girion, nota 10.
Ideea cu Orc Slayers e deasemenea foarte bună. Presupun că eroul nu li se va putea alătura, nu?
Citeste primele posturi ale topicului, gasesti acolo ce si cum.

Legat de Orc Slayers, intradevar, ar fi interesant sa poti sa li te alaturi, insa deocamdata nu e nici o informatie concreta cu privire la asta. Nu stiu cat de usor e de pus in practica o astfel de idee, altfel probabil ca s-ar introduce si asta.
Armurile la orc slayer sunt bestiale, daca esti persoana de sex masculin, iti gadila efectiv ochii.Smile
"Errare humanum est sed perseverare diabolicum."
"Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo."
"Inter arma silent leges."

Probabil ca daca esti fata o sa ramai total indiferenta, sau poate dimpotriva, o sa te exciti. Nu prea inteleg rationamentul.
S-a terminat si calendarul pe anul asta, cu o veste proasta. Citand spusele celor din spatele CSP "sfarsitul proiectului e departe de a se intrezari inca". In principiu ne vedem la anul cu inca 24 de mici surprize, poate chiar si in 2014.

Ce ne ramane acum de facut e sa luam la mana stirile pe care nu le-am pusa pana acum si sa le disecam.
Baietii de la CSP ziceau ca au vesti bune. Eu as zice doar vesti. Cu ocazia Pastelui catolic primim un nou short story si o sabie neterminata. Mai bine decat nimic, cu toate ca ar fi fost bun si un anunt privind progresul overall (am vazut un post pe in care ziceau ca anu' asta sigur nu termina, dar poate in 2014).

Quote:Christmas was just a few months ago, but it is already Easter. Time runs if one is busy. For many of us the audit period just ended and, of course, during it, one is not able to get many things done regarding the CSP. But with the hopefully soon beginning spring also the work starts to pick up the pace again. The Storywriter are working on the Rebels and Orcs, correcting each other’s stories or create together a thrilling detective quest.
In the meantime the Scripters make the ideas of the Writers become reality and fix the bugs the QA guys tracked down.
Still there is much left to do, however we stick to it. This Easter we have for you a short story, this time about the brave men in Reddock. But that is not everything: To show you again that we take your opinion seriously, we listen to your wishes and started reworking the Paladinsword. Our 3D-Artist controlled used for this purpose the sword on a old Gothic 2 poster as model. His work is not yet finished and neither the texture, but we want to present you the new mesh anyways and hope you like it better than the last attempt.

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Sabia in 3D si imagine mai jos:

[Image: Osterrender.png]

Heh ceva modificari pe la site Smile
eu mi-am luat gandul de la mod, dar e frumos sa mai visezi din cand in cand la gothic3 asa cum ar fi trebuit sa fie...
Hey avem noutati odată cu sosirea crăciunului...
advent calendar

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