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Modding Contest
I-am scris lui Aeternitas un mesaj privat in care i-am explicat totul si sper sa putem continua competitia in aceeasi formula, asta in cazul in care Bogdan si , Aeternitas vor ajunge la un punct comun.

Eu unul sper sa se incheie subiectul si sa putem continua in liniste si pace.

Si scuze publice lui Warhell. Parerile mele personale o sa mi le ascund cand e vorba de asa ceva. Lipsa de eleganta a fost pe care mi-o asum.
Ok, let's stop this fight and let's do some work boys. I hope we will let aeternitas in the contest because we have a lot of things to learn from him. It's one only think i want to say...Aeternitas please don't go to fast with this, cuz we need time to get, how to make a mod.

I don't know what nationality are you Aeternitas...but i can bet you're an american, just because of the term you just used, "rasist", a term what americans don't know what it really means. No ofense, man!
"Errare humanum est sed perseverare diabolicum."
"Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo."
"Inter arma silent leges."

(03-03-2013, 10:09 PM)Kristi Wrote:
(03-03-2013, 08:57 PM)Aeternitas Wrote: That is your interpretation, not mine. You're just making up things in your fancy. Just take a look in the secret section of my team.

That's exactly what Bogdan said in your group's private section.

From what I understand the main issue is the fact that Bogdan and probably others from your group feel that you're tying to do a lot of things in this mod, and that leaves them with nothing to do, and most importantly with nothing new to learn (which is the reason of this game). There's absolutely nothing personal. I hope you can understand that.

Do you think you can just argue you're way back in the contest? I believe you're smart enough to realize that's not possible.

(03-03-2013, 08:57 PM)Aeternitas Wrote: But I warn you, false accusation is criminal act against international law.

Come on, don't say stuff like that. We're on a public forum, not in court. Which means that we can lie pathologically here without any consequences to ourselves.

Again, nobody accused you of anything. Your great skills in modding makes the rest of your group feel like they won't do much in this project, and as a consequence, they won't learn as much about modding as they'd like. <- the reason. I hope everything's clear now.

It's wrong and you make conclusions without talking with me. In fact, I have two mods, big mods, I work on, so I wanted to do only few things on this contest mod in fact. Mostly I wanted to teach people to do the things instead, because my time is limited. I wanted to tell them how to do it, not do it. I wanted better to develop Diakreion so to help people in modding. Of course I wanted to write some dialogs, because it's fast and not much work.

I wanted to do only too complicated things which can't be done by newbies.

Of course, as old nick already wrote, the first important thing was to have a mesh. For newbies it's extremely difficult to create mesh. So I was glad old nick was about to do it.

Still I don't get it, what has Bogdan against me because I don't see nothing bad on my action.

(03-03-2013, 10:15 PM)Zamolxis1 Wrote: Ok, let's stop this fight and let's do some work boys. I hope we will let aeternitas in the contest because we have a lot of things to learn from him. It's one only think i want to say...Aeternitas please don't go to fast with this, cuz we need time to get, how to make a mod.

I don't know what nationality are you Aeternitas...but i can bet you're an american, just because of the term you just used, "rasist", a term what americans don't know what it really means. No ofense, man!

I'm not American. English language is a foreign language for me. I'm Czech. I use American English, that's all.
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Mod [Thanatos], [Infernum]
pai ce pot sa zic, sincer eu vreau ca aeternitas sa ramana in "concurs".
1.Nu e normal sa te suceşti aşa deodata. Cand s-a creat toata chestia asta nu a zis nimeni nimic de limba folosita in mod si nu cred ca il deranjeaza daca va fi in limba romana.
2.inteleg ca dupa ce se termina totul vom vedea cu am procedat ambele echipe, asa vom putea invata mai multe si de la echipa adversa, iar de la aeternitas, noi(echipa mea) sigur avem de invatat.
3.personal nu ma intereseaza sa castig, vreau sa invat cat mai multe despre modding, iar nivelul echipei mele e mult sub "noob". Asa ca nu conteaza decat sa facem modul, mai mult pt echipa si pt cunostintele noastre.
Asa ca reveniti-va lasati echipele asa si vreau un tutorial bun pt blender sa ma apuc de creat mesa pt harta >:p
Cel mai simplu tutorial despre blender e in topicul levelmesh 3ds din sectiunea de modding. Include doar cateva notiuni de baza pentru ca doar atata stiu.Haha
So, I think the best solution of the problem we discuss here will be the following:

1) We leave the word "Contest" from the rules and instead we write "Cooperation" (Because it was said it's no contest).
2) We uncover both sections to both teams, so all the people can learn from all. (I recommend that both teams write in English or I can't help if I don't understand. Google doesn't work on limited sections)
3) We leave the time period from the rules, so people have enough time and don't have to rush anything. (30 days is almost impossible deadline for newbies)
4) If Bogdan feels uncomfortable with me (but still I don't know why he should), so he might move to the other team and someone may move to our team.
5) Teams will cooperate much more. Each member of each team might help or work on each mod. (because I see the best way how to help you is to teach you the scripting)

I would like also hear some word from Bodgan, because he was the one who made all the mess, and I don't know what he thinks about all that. If he still is bothered with me and doesn't want to accept my recommendations I suggest that he leaves the game.

Even so I must admit it makes me no fun after all. So stop fighting me or I'll just leave and let it be. Let's concentrate on mod making and not on some rubbish. That's what I like and that's why I came here: to make mods and teach you how to do it.
Web about all Gothic mods (over 330!!!)

Mod [Thanatos], [Infernum]
I think that if I indeed disagree with the things stated above, it should be you who leaves the contest since I was the one who created it in the first place. And I do disagree with them.

Leaving that aside, I still think you coming here was a good thing and you're modding knowledge useful. This should not stand in the way of a possible partnership between the two communities. However, you have repeatedly failed to understand a basic principle of this whole project. I tried to be diplomatic and offer you some kind of truce since you obviously didn't want to slow down and do things how I originally pictured them.

Regarding the language of the mod, it should be clear that romanian was our first choice and we are only using english for the mod, so that you could understand what we are saying. That is also the same reason I am now typing in english. I don't think however, that a bunch a people should use english just because you want so. So I strongly believe romanian should be the main language, with a future translation into english.

I would really have liked you to continue this project, I really would, but you made yourself a thing of not wanting to understand the things Terente and I (and Kristi at one point) have been telling you. I therefore use whatever influence I have on this forum and also my right of veto as the creator of this project, to remove you from the contest. You have already taken this wrong, but I think that was your own doing. For what it's worth, I apologize for the whole mess, it was surely not planned. It could have been avoided however, if you could have only accepted your role as a guest here and just went along with what we were saying and doing, instead of creating your own rules.

I believe myself to be an open minded person who does not do things just because they suit me better, but this I find is something which has to be done. Again, I'm sorry for this, I apologize both to you and the other people involved in the project.

This is my final say in this matter, and I hope there will be no further posts regarding it.
The only intelligent reaction I can have is: lol.

Bogdan, from start to end you just want me out, so don't speak a rubbish.
Web about all Gothic mods (over 330!!!)

Mod [Thanatos], [Infernum]
Ionut esti de acord sa treci in echipa 2?
Am citit si eu ce s-a palavragit pe aici. Warhell e varza.

Da, daca asta va va impaca o sa intru in echipa 2.


## Warn pentru ca ti-am zis varza? 20%? Esti si mai varza. De fapt esti cel mai varza.

#Warn, la următorul ban.

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