Au adaugat (azi?) un plugin pe numele lui Clickberry care introduce optiunea de a tag-ui. Ce inseamna, nu stiu. E si un site: care, presupun, tine loc de istoric al tag-uirilor.
De asemenea, sunt curios daca mi-a aparut din cauza unui plugin pe care l-am instalat cu ImageShack, plugin care e facut tot de Clickberry. Restul lumii il are?
Google App Store Wrote:Tag moments, objects or people worth sharing from any YouTube video and share them on Facebook, Twitter or by Facebook message.Link catre store:
This is the only extension that lets you tag moments, objects and people inside of YouTube videos and share them across your favorite social networks.
By adding this extension, you will see a red Tag button appear at the bottom of the player. When you find a moment or object in a video that you want to tag, simply click the Tag button and the video will pause allowing you to create a tag and share it.
With the Clickberry extension you can:
• tag friends and family just like you would in a photo
• “like” or write comments in the video
• highlight exact moments worth sharing
In addition to this extension for Chrome, Clickberry also has a mobile version for the iPhone letting you create and tag videos from your iPhone.
De asemenea, sunt curios daca mi-a aparut din cauza unui plugin pe care l-am instalat cu ImageShack, plugin care e facut tot de Clickberry. Restul lumii il are?