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Risen 3: Titan Lords


Niste imagini pe aici:

Aparent, articolul cu mai multe detalii va fi publicat pe 24 (luni) 26; disponibil pentru abonati de maine.

Nu pot sa spun ca nu ma asteptam, chiar daca multi sperau (inutil) la altceva.
Mersi de noutati, Bogdan. Smile O sa mai caut si eu maine.
Please don't suck. Sper sa fi aruncat tot din Risen 2 si sa fi facut ceva mai bun cu povestea si sistemul de lupta .Maine apar mai multe informatii ,sper si un gameplay desi cred ca e prea devreme
(っ◕‿◕)っ ♥ Gothic[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR97VWJGECgiC-0eJQTSQy...jLM_lcyWrN]
Combat system:

There will be a prologue during which you can experiment with higher abilities. After that, you continue on level 1.
Blocks work against monsters.
At the beginning, you already have an evasion somersault and short range teleport to escape combat.
Big armours and swords as well as firefalls and lightning strikes.
Voodoo magic will probably also be available.
Unconscious enemies can be plundered.
The will be party members again who will help you in combat
Combat system with four different actions and rudimentary combos.


DLCs will offer more content.
Roasting meat etc. will happen in a separate window again.
Gameworld: Primarily middle european but also mediterranean and tropical regions.
The world is modelled by hand.
Swimming will be possible.
Seperate loading zones like in R2. No free roaming with out loading screens.
Several factions (probably three) from which to choose.
Already known are the “guardians” which resemble the paladins from older games.
New enemy: The shadows (undead which rise from skull caves).
At the beginning of the game, the main character’s soul will be devoured by a might shadow lord.
After that, he will have a soul value which can develop either towards human or demonic.
New hero, the character from previous Risen games will still play a starring role however.
Food will still be swapped to “provisions”.


Once again forced Steam and no modding tools.
Game will be developed for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC - no mention of next gen consoles.
Engine will be the same as in Risen 2 with some polished graphics - but the problems of the old engine (like the stiff character animations during dialogues) are still present and do not seem up to date compared to competing titles like Dragon Age: Inquisition or The Witcher 3.

Probable release: August 2014
(っ◕‿◕)っ ♥ Gothic[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR97VWJGECgiC-0eJQTSQy...jLM_lcyWrN]
Sincer, nu m-a impresionat nici un punct de mai sus. Chestia cu prepararea mancarii si alte actiuni intr-o fereastra separata nu mi-a placut nici in R2 si nu-i vad nici un rost. Poate doar "the guardians", vechii noi paladini.
"Seperate loading zones like in R2" asta e problema care o vad eu .
(っ◕‿◕)っ ♥ Gothic[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR97VWJGECgiC-0eJQTSQy...jLM_lcyWrN]
Sursa e asta, in caz ca se intreba cineva. Adica, punctele de mai sus sunt rezumatul unui alt rezumat (articolul din PC Games). Ma gandesc ca au incercat sa de-a detalii cat mai neutre si mai atractive pentru un public cat mai larg, ceea ce imi da speranta ca rezultatul final nu va fi totusi un RPG complet random la fel ca alte cateva zeci. Oricum, imaginile care au leak-uit sunt urate, prea multa culoare si epicness vizual (eye-candy adica).

LE: Beowulf, cum ziceam si Michael Ruve pe WoR, si in jocurile anterioare (inclusiv Gothic-uri) au fost loading screens, ceea ce poate insemna zone destul de mari. Oricum, in R2 si povestea le cerea, pentru ca lumea jocului era formata din insule si altfel nu aveai cum sa calatoresti intre ele (fara sa le pui foarte aproape una de alta). Oricum, nici acele insule parca nu erau mici, dar erau destul de goale.
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(っ◕‿◕)っ ♥ Gothic[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR97VWJGECgiC-0eJQTSQy...jLM_lcyWrN]
Beowulf, pune si tu sursele, ca sa stim si noi cine zice ce.
din pacate a fost sters threadul era pe World of Risen pe forum un tip care a postat exact in formatul asta si a spus ca e de pe 4chan pozele si ce a mai tradus el partea aia in engleza
(っ◕‿◕)っ ♥ Gothic[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR97VWJGECgiC-0eJQTSQy...jLM_lcyWrN]

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