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Nu mi se pare buna ideea cu pvp fara motiv interzis... Adica daca cineva bate pe altcineva si e reclamat, sa fie pedepsit in vreun fel, dar nu cu ban/kick sau ceva de genul.
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07-05-2014, 12:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2014, 12:07 AM by Edd.)
(07-04-2014, 11:43 PM)Cristian Wrote: Nu mi se pare buna ideea cu pvp fara motiv interzis... Adica daca cineva bate pe altcineva si e reclamat, sa fie pedepsit in vreun fel, dar nu cu ban/kick sau ceva de genul.
Nu este interzis, sa zicem ca pedeapsa o sa i se ia 100-200 gold celui care face asta. (nici nu se punea problema de ban)
(07-04-2014, 11:15 PM)Hydrax Wrote: Sa nu facem spam pe chat.
Sa nu folosim cheats/hacks sau moduri care ne pot ajuta in joc.
Multiaccount esti interzis.
Sa nu stresam stafful.
Sa nu injuram sau/si sa aducem jigniri la adresa staffului.
Nu poti face spam, ai un timp limita in care poti posta doua mesaje unul dupa celalalt.
Avem anty-cheat, dar nu stiu daca functioneaza si la moduri.
Daca fac asta, e in dezavantajul lor, se creste destul de greu.
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Momentan, regulamentul are si functia de redirectare catre thredurile forumului. Mult mai util asa, pt. ca voi folosi acelasi cod pt. a posta si pe website.
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Quote:Gothic multiplayer se joacă cel mai
interesant atunci când se păstrează
elementele standard din jocul Gothic.
Așadar, încercați să vă creați un
personaj în minte, personaj în a cărui
piele să intrați. Nu țineți neapărat să avansați în grad, ci mai degrabă
căutați elementul de roleplay atunci
când jucați.
ma gandeam ca un plus pt roleplay ar fi sa ne facem o prezentare a personajului, backstory, history. Intr.un thread nou, sau pe contul de site.ul serverului(daca e posibil) sau ambele, asta doar pt cine doreste ofc.
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Ar fi chiar frumos un MMORPG cu elemente de role-play. Iar ideea lui Cyrus cu prezentarea e buna.
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07-05-2014, 01:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2014, 09:05 AM by Szekemri.)
ceva de genu:
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Quote:Born in Nordmar I always wanted to
become as my father... an Orcslayer.
At the age of 11th, I've killed my first
orc... poor thing he had no chance, it
was capture on the night watch by my
father's patrol. All night he was beaten and tortured, and first thing in the
morning my father brought me face to
face to the ugly beast, gave me the
Sword of our Ancestors and said: "My son... for everyone comes a day
when must choose a way in life... that
day has come for you. Make me proud
and choose the way of a real man.
Here in Nordmar, danger lurks from
every corner... and these beast here is our biggest enemy. Do, what you have
to do!!!" I raised the heavy sword and with all
my power managed to cut the head of
the beast... hot blood splashed my
face... and everyone arround me
I'll never forget this day! Time passed my father get old and
slow. I took his place. Got my own
patrol, but it was not enough... he
wanted me to become the king of the
north. "I'm not worthy" he said... and
never passed the Sword of Ancestors to me. One day a merchant from the dessert
tricked him, he said that i'm cursed
and i'll never rule the realm. But he has
a magic parchment that will remove
the curse.
My father gave him all precious things from our house, driven by this
obsession, he trade even the Sword of
Ancestors, it was passed by many
generation from father to son,
probably the most signifiant thing in
Nordmar. My father, as me, knew nothing about
magic, he used the parchament and a
demon appeared... had no chance in
front of the flaming beast... he was
burned alive.
I've found later that it was a necromancer's perchament, "Summon
Demon"...dark magic... Beliar's magic...
orc shaman's magic... Full of hatred i've grab some things in
a hurry and headed south... asking
here and there about the dessert
All leads pointed to the capital of
Myrthana. Once i've reached the capital i found that the sword was wanted by
a very influential man from the
headquarters of capital. A stranger in a strange land... after a
few days trying to get in the
headquarters, I found myself
surrounded by 10 paladins.
"Murderer!" they said... i was arrested
for killing the desert merchant. Chained and thrown in the cellars of
the castle... beaten every day and
night, no food, no water, no light...
Weaker and weaker every day...
Later they drag me in front of a judge:
"Penal Colony of Khorinis" that's the only thing i've heard... I peeked
around the room and I saw near the
Judge, a fat man with luxury clothes
and a NECROMANCER... ...................................................................... day 1: Thrown in the barrier with 3
other convicts, one died crash his
head from the rocks. day 3: Reach the old camp heard some
rumors about a camp into a swamp
and a plan of freeing our self. day 6: Meets a member(BAAL TARAN)
and told me that I'm worthy and i
should join The Brotherhood - he
looks convince of this. To myself: "I've never based on magic
and religion before but i don't want to
mistake as my father and after all this
damn barrier it's magic after all. If the
magic can't destroy it than what else?". day 28: I've convinced more members
that I'm worthy and they accepted me
as a Novice of The Brotherhood and
because I know a few things about
smithing they assigned me to the
Blacksmith where I should be masters Darrion' apprentice. day 89: Knowing that I'm willing to
become a templar master Darrion
arranged me a training with Cor Angar
scz greselile gramaticale si faptul ca e in engleza, e biografia mea de pe si e din 2010 cand eram activ pe acolo... Dar o traduc si o updatez si e perfecta. Aveam o poveste mai avansata in rp dar s.a pierdut cu timpul...
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Cyrus, foarte buna ideea.
Prezentarea se poate face chiar intr-un subforum din forumul de roleplay. Si apoi am sa le pun pe website. Daca puteti, faceti un screenshot cu personajul vostru ca sa-l pot pune acolo.
Ar fi frumos sa respectam un tipar.
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smth like-
Nume: Ivan
Guild/Meserie: bandit
Locatie: Stau in ascunzisul de langa turnul necromancerului Xardas, asteptand in fiecare moment oportunitatea de a gasi si jefui o victima.
Poveste: Ce pot sa spun...viata unui fost crescut si invatat de mic ceea ce trebuie sa faci pentru a supravietui. Am invatat asta si am devenit cel mai bun in meserie...Cel mai bun rau, daca se poate. Am ucis, am talharit si acum ajuns la o varsta, am ajuns sa ma gandesc: pentru ce? A meritat? Pot sa ma revansez?
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07-05-2014, 12:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2014, 12:57 PM by BeoWulf.)
Frumoasa idea de roleplay , am intrat putin azi am vazut ca era multa lume si nu prea mi-a placut ce am vazut , era un oras gol - toti erau undeva si faceau lvl si gold doar pentru a avansa cat mai repede (de ce ?), simti mai mult ca esti intr-o competitie si joci un joc generic mmorpg ,decat sa te simti intr-un univers Gothic
Si desigur cel mai urat(recunosc ca si eu am facut o data asta la inceput) e atunci cand vezi in chat "WTS SWORD 1h 60dmg 5000gold! " asta chiar scoate gothicul din tine . O noua Regula . Cine vrea sa vanda ceva SA STEA IN PIATA si sa nu foloseasca chatul global!
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07-05-2014, 12:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2014, 01:01 PM by Szekemri.)
Roleplay neaparat. Nu mi-a prea placut ideea in care toti incercau sa avanseze. Sa avanseze, dar cu o poveste gothic in background. Altfel, n-are nici un farmec.
Va amintiti?
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si eu cred ca eram pe aici ![Haha Haha]( good old times
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