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Gothic Remake
Se pare ca avem parte de un remake al jocului, o veste la care nu ma asteptam. Aici putem sa ne spunem parerile despre acest joc, sa postam noutati, etc.

Primul teaser trailer arata promitator. Imi place cum au redat/refacut aspectele si mina din Gothic 1
Arata mult mai bine decat demo-ul publicat pe Steam initial, pare ca au luat in considerare opiniile fanilor si au facut atmosfera jocului mai dark. Sper doar sa nu se tot lucreze la el ani de zile ca si "The Community Story Project".
Aparent, Kai Rosenkranz va fi implicat in producerea soundtrack-ului pentru Remake ( ). Mai jos sunt niste raspunsuri pe care le-a dat pe un canal de Discord.

Quote:At the beginning of the development it was stated, that Alkimia thought about reusing the old voice lines instead of voicing the game all over again. Has something changed in that regard?

Kai: Yeah, Reinhard stated today that we'll most likely be recording new voice overs, but with the original voice talents (where possible). Keep in mind that the actors are now 20+ years older - some even sadly passed away -, so there may have to be some recasts.
I imagine it'll be a mix of different approaches. Mostly re-recording of the original actors, some of the original audio files remastered, and some new voices.

Quote:Is the map going to be expanded?

Kai: The world will mostly be the same as in the original. There were some places that fell short of their potential in the original game, so we can easily expand those without changing the map. Also, some areas will be scaled up just a little. That's necessary for the increased visual detail to have enough "room". There may also be some new small places here and there, the rest will be pretty true to the original.
Definitely pretty authentic remakes of the originals. I've seen some new ones today.
Don't let the teaser mislead you in this regard. The original shapes, color palette and silhouette will be very similar, but what's new is the variations within certain armor levels (i.e. shadows, templars, etc.). Since there was no mass production, each piece will look a lil different. Some will be missing a part or have a handmade substitute, and things like that. But they'll still be recognizable.

Quote:What was up with the Orc models in the trailer?

Kai: I think the problem was also the pose, not just the model. They looked too upright because they stretched up to reach the wheel handle. So they missed their typical silhouette, which was more... ducked? But it's still WoP and actually to early for a trailer. We just had to include them otherwise the mine would miss something important.

Quote:What about abandoned mine and orcs city ?

Kai: Good question. ? We shall see.

Quote:And what about the design docs that Phoenix Tales found? The cut-content of the alphas?

Kai: Stuff like that is super interesting and super relevant for us. Any "loose ends" and unfinished pieces in the original are exactly what we need to integrate new content properly.

Quote:Anything to say about the mine?

Kai: The mine itself (layout, model, materials) is pretty final except some lighting choices, everything else (especially "living" things): still work in progress. Also, the mine as shown in the teaser is in a state before the actual game (gate open, some NPCs missing), so there are some changes because of that.

Quote:I assume there will be an attempt to finish a lot of stuff as well, like fleshing out the bandit camp not far away from the troll guarding the focus stone or the rogues in the cave that were doing something with alchemy stuff?

Kai: Exactly! ?

Quote:Will the Soundtrack be released as part of a deluxe edition or separately? and is there any chance the previous game's Soundtrack will get released?

Kai: That's too far away in the future and not decided yet. But I hope the soundtrack will be made available one way or another.

Quote:Did you do OST to Gothic Playable Teaser?

Kai: No, I came on board after the teaser. But I thought the music was very atmospheric. ?

Quote:Will we hear new tracks in remake?

Kai: Hell yeah

Quote:Kai, what about acrholos?

Kai: I played it and I loved it.. Happy to say we have one key team member of Chronicles of Myrtana on board.

Quote:What about old, unreleased tracks from the days of G1? Will they be included this time?

Kai: Not sure. Should they?

Quote:Will the music be recorded in a live orchestral environment for the game?
Kai: I was planning to record some tracks/ elements with a live orchestra, but many people claim that the artificial sound is part of Gothic's musical identity. If that's the case, I can save that money and put it into some more tracks instead.

Quote:So waiting to hear reworked old camp theme. It's best one in gothic 1 i guess
Kai: I extended it to about 7 minutes. Lots of nice old camp flair.
Par sa fie pasionati de joc in sine si asta e de bine. Ca daca o faceau doar pentru profit, iesea un mare esec remake.
The Sleeper Awaken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sa vina Remake-ul!!!!!!!!

Salutare baieti! Dupa atata timp iata ca suntem din nou aici! Smile
Eu as fi preferat un remake in stilul la destroy all humans ...
Adica acelasi joc dar cu grafica noua.
judecand dupa demo dar poate produsul final va fi mai aproape de adevar
Ma bucur sa vad din nou activitate pe aici Grin
(09-07-2022, 08:13 PM)Cyrus35 Wrote: The Sleeper Awaken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sa vina Remake-ul!!!!!!!!

Salutare baieti! Dupa atata timp iata ca suntem din nou aici! Smile

Awaken! Să fie pace in tărâm.
Și ? Ați dat către devs varianta in limba romana?
Sa ne facă și nouă o surpriză? Smile
Nu au in plan sa faca o varianta in romana pentru Remake. Ei vroiau traducerea pentru a o adauga pe steam la Gothic 1 Vanilla. Insa au renuntat la idee. Eu le-am sugerat ca traducerea trebuie corectata pentru ca sunt multe greseli in ea si nu e ok sa o adauge asa. Pana la urma au renuntat la idee si o sa ramana doar in Workshop.
Am urmărit discuțiile de pe Steam si se pare că devs chiar depus eforturi pentru fani. Dacă îl vor face cu aceeași pasiune cu care a fost făcut Archolos va fi pretendent la GOTY.

Laws are like medicine: They generally cure an evil by a lesser or a passing evil.

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