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Informatii Risen

Quote:Common Things
- The game becomes not a new Gothic-Game and it wont be a remake of Gothic 1
- The game will be a typical ?PB ? Game?
- The game is only built for PC, an console-version is not in work
- The game will be a singleplayer ? title

The World
- The game will take place in a fantasy-world, with RPG- typical monsters, magicians, alchemists, blacksmiths, hunters and warriors
- The world will be as big as in G1 or G2, in every case smaller than G3
- There will be different vegetation- zones and a dynamic weather- and day/night ? change system
- There wont be Loading screens while traveling through the world
- The atmosphere will be a bit more dark
- There will be more interesting dungeons again
- There will be different Cities and Camps
- The landscape will be designed very realistic again
- The game will have a big and free play-area
- There will be a volcano-island, called ?The forbidden Island?

- The Gods left the world and the player will be confronted with a new power
- One of the aims in the game is to get to the Forbidden Island
- There are going on strange things on the Island, which are producing Fear
- There is one group, who wants to research this things, that?s the Inquisition

- The Story will be splitted in chapters
- You have to reach a chapter sometimes before you can explore an area
- There will be more riddles again
- Therewill be shields
- There will be capes, visible on the characters
- Fighting with Staffs is planned
- The game will be more focussed on dialogs again
- By riddles, there will be traps and secret passages
- There will be the possibility to fight with 2 weapons
- There will be rune-magic
- There will be some food again, which is increasing some attributes if you eat much of it
- The experience-system will be like the one aus G1 and G2, you get Lp and Hp for every level-up
- There will be guilds or something like that
- There will be very much different weapons and spells. Some of them will be very specific
- The armorys will be like in G1 and G2

- There will be no figures known from Gothic, a copyright- problem
- There will be a before-defined hero, no character-generating at the beginning of the game
- There will be more Females than in G3, and they will have a more complex personality
- The Npcs will be more intelligent and their dialogs are now more complex
- There wont be orks, elves or dwarfs

Technical Things
- A new graphic- engine is used, most of it is produced from PB, some parts are licensed
- Everything is modeled in hand-work, items and the things found in chests will be made also in hand-work
- All animations are made new
- The graphic becomes better because of Paralex ? and Normalmapping, also because of Specular-maps
- The Poly-max for an armory is at 6000 Polys
- The programs 3dsMax, Photoshop and Zbrush are used
- Speedtree is used to generate trees

Other Stuff
- There will be a demo version
- The game will be released in German and English
- The game will not be released in 2007

Interviu cu Ralf.

[quote]1. Could you please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a little about your background and your job at Piranha Bytes?

My name is Ralf Marczinczik and I am working as an Artdirector. Basically I am responsible for all the concept artwork, some texturing and a lot of marketing-artwork. I work very closely with our gamedesigners and develop the monster-, character and environment design for RPB.

2. A lot of RPG gamers are very fond of the Gothic series. What are the series defining strengths that made it so successful?

I assume that the closed system of a believable world, where you can loose yourself in for quite a while and interesting characters are two of the main reasons for its appeal. All the background information of the religious groups and beliefs was carefully laid out long before we started with the game. I think, this kind of thoroughness pays off for the players as well.

3. It's the general opinion that Gothic 3 didn't live up to expectations. We agree that it is still a good game, but not quite what we expected. In your opinion, why has Gothic 3 failed to deliver and where does it differ from the first two games in the series?

A lot of that had to do with the basic design of the game. The sheer size of the landscape was enormous, so the story was stretched somewhat thin over such a big area. Also there wasn
Aici gasiti artwork RPB, si ceva wallpapers:
[Image: bannersigmi2.jpg]
Quote:Poate ca majoritatea stiti deja chestiile astea, dar decat sa cautati peste tot, mai bine va uitati aici. :-D-:

Eu nu stiam de ele, am cautat ceva, dar nu am gasit. Mersi, Bamfy.
Acum am citit tot... Se pare ca va fi de 10 ori mai fain decat Gothic 3, probabil si decat Gothic 4... Apropo: cand apare un demo, da cineva un link?
Winnetou avea un VolksWagen, asa il chema pe cal
Cred ca mai avem pana la demo... Eventual, cand mai apar screenshots, sau un trailer, postam link-ul p-aici.
[Image: bannersigmi2.jpg]
Cred ca va fi mult mai bun decat Gothic 4. Seria Gothic 1, 2, 3 a fost superba. Sunt sigur ca va fi mai bun decat Gothic 4, pentru ca PB sunt unici, dar nu cred ca va fi mai bun decat cele mai sus mentionate.
Alex* Wrote:Cred ca mai avem pana la demo... Eventual, cand mai apar screenshots, sau un trailer, postam link-ul p-aici.

Din ce am inteles, nu este planificat niciun demo, dar nu se stie.
A, screenshot-uri vor aparea in Q4 al lui 2008.
Eu nu le prea stiam. Multumesc pentru informatii! Pare destul de interesant. Aproape imi pierd rabdarea.

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